Chapter 8

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Monika paced her kitchen floor, it had been a week and still no word from Françoise. She punched the wall, putting her fist through it as Clara Bonnefoy watched her with a bottle of wine in her hand, the brunette's violet eyes locked onto the wine in the bottle. "Calm down. If I know my sister, she won't fail you if you threaten Alice." She said while the German turned to stare at the alcoholic at the counter behind her. "Why didn't I think about this before? You're a genius Bonnefoy! Wait I can't get near her. You have to do it." She said, taking the almost empty bottle away from her. "I don't even know where she's at. Let alone near her. They say that I 'have a problem' which I don't." She said, getting up from the bar stool she was on. Monika rolled her eyes before grabbing Clara by the waist to her, the smaller French woman smiled as she looked into the German's eyes. "You're missing something." She said, holding up Clara's lighter, making the smaller woman roll her eyes. "What would I do without you Monika?" "Probaly drink or smoke yourself to death." Monika smirked before letting Clara go. The French woman grabbed her boots before blowing a kiss to the German woman. "Au revoir!~" She said, taking off out the front door to take care of Monika and her sister's buisness.

After an hour Monika checked her phone, waiting for any message from Clara. She groaned, going into her fridge to see if there was anything that her French roommate had made earlier that week still in there. She smile as she saw some bratwursts in there with a small note written by the French woman herself. She reached for it when her phone vibrated, she quickly grabbed to finally see a message from Clara

C.Bonnefoy: I have a lead on where she's at but it's not good puppy
M.Beilschmidt: Just tell me where she's at Bonnefoy
C.Bonnefoy: She's staying with the Williams but here's another thing, Lucila is staying with them
M.Beilschmidt: That's good, just don't go there while Vargas is there. Good girl Clara just be careful you don't need to get caught
C.Bonnefoy: I won't trust me. Now I've got to go before I get caught

Monika sat her phone down before going to her liquor cabinet. The blonde stared in at all the bottles before closing it. "If you get caught, I swear that I'm going to kill you myself." She said to the empty house, looking over to her left she looked at the bottle that the blonde was drinking from earlier, her lipstick stained the top of the bottle and was left open. Monika walked over and put the cork back in before putting the bottle away in the liquor cabinet. Leaving the kitchen, she walked into the living room and laid on the couch before falling asleep, her phone vibrating on the counter as she slept.

"Monika~ Wake up ma chiot.~" Monika rubbed her eyes as Clara shook her gently, the German groaned before sitting up as the French woman disappeared into the kitchen. "How did it go?" Monika asked, waiting a minute before speaking again. "Bonnefoy I'm talking to you. How did it go?" She asked again before getting up and heading to the kitchen to see Françoise sitting at her table. "Bonnefoy...what are you doing here?" Monika asked, sitting across from the younger woman. "Why did you hide her from us Beilschmidt? I thought my sister was dead." The French woman's eyes began to water as she spoke. "I thought my sister drank herself to death finally." "I keep her from drinking but remember Bonnefoy, I hold the key to your sister drinking herself to death. Unless you want her to die from alcohol poisoning I suggest that you get Lucila back here under my arm. Understand?" Françoise nodded her head, keeping her eyes on the German woman when she got up. "I'm guessing that they don't know you're here do they?" The blue eyed German asked, letting a minute go by as she got the Frenchman a glass of wine. "Non. I grabbed my car keys before taking off here. When I asked Clara where she had been all these years she told me here with you. I came on my own accord just to ask why you hadn't let her go." Françoise said, taking the glass from Monika before taking a sip. "It's simple really, she didn't want to leave. I told her after you were freed that she could leave but she wanted to stay. She became dependent on me. If you tell anyone about this Bonnefoy I will kill you." She said, threatening the woman again. Françoise nodded her head before putting the glass down and getting up. "I should be going. Just tell her if you can get it across to her that I want her to stop." She said before passing Clara in the doorway, shocking the other blonde. "What was that about?" She asked, going straight for the glass in the table. "I'll tell you later for now, let's get something to eat." Monika said, taking the glass out of her hand and replacing it with her own hand. "I've gotten a groß idea." She smiled before dragging her to the door.

Au recipe- Good bye

Ma chiot- my puppy

groß- great

I'm so sorry but I have to have the 2p! Persona of France in here. She's a key plot point but I think you all will come to kind if like here. Now here's the thing what is Monika plotting? I hope you all have a great day and stay fabulous- Danni

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