Chapter 7

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"Come in." Françoise said, putting her phone down on the bed and the door opened. Monika walked in, her short blonde hair had been styled for once and her shirt covered her stomach. The German shut the door before walking over to the bed the French woman was laying in. "How are you?" Monika asked, sitting down on the bed. Françoise huffed, wanting to cross her arms but couldn't because of some of the pain in them. "Beside the fact that I have to live everyday with the memories of what you did to me? What you tried to-" The German quickly grabbed her chin before tugging her closer. "Françoise....I didn't come here to bring up old memories. I came here to make you an offer." She said, drawing out the French woman's name a bit longer than needed. The dirty blonde shivered as the more athletic one stroked her cheek, staring into her dark blue eyes. "Why don't you come and be mine? I can take care of you and I would never leave you alone." Monika said before Françoise shoved her off, hissing in pain afterwards. Monika grabbed her hands, looking at her bandages arms before the Frenchman could pull away. "I want nothing to do with you Monika. Not after all that you did to me." "You know you enjoyed every moment of it. I'm surprised you haven't told Kirkland everything. Is it guilt?" When the German spoke, she drew closer to the dirty blonde, whispering her last question in her ear. The heart monitor began to beep faster, showing that Françoise's heart rate was increasing. Monika smiled, pinning the French woman's arms next to her head, pushing down on her bandages wounds, making her cry out in pain, trying to get away from the person who caused her so much mental and physical pain. "Monika please stop! It hurts!" The injured woman cried, tears brimming in her dark blue eyes. The German smiled, loving the pain written all over Françoise's face.

"What's wrong princess? Feel a little hurt?" She smirked before Françoise headbutted her, making Monika hold on tighter making the French woman cry out again. "Please it hurts....Please Monika." She whispered as she felt the stitches on her wrist start to break slightly. Monika looked down at her, loving the fear all over her face and the blood that was now starting to stain the bandages. "Would you like to hear my request now Bonnefoy?" She whispered, the French woman nodded, just wanting to get the German off. "I need you to get Lucila back to me. Ever since she started spending time with Kirkland she stopped listening to me. Do that, and I won't hurt you anymore, understand?" She said, letting go of one of Françoise's arms. "Oui madame." The injured woman whispered before the door burst open, Madeline and Lucila stood in the doorway.

When the door had swung open, Monika quickly let go of Françoise and sat normally, only the Canadian had notice this. "Monika? What are you doing here?" The young woman asked, completely suprisedthe Françoise seem unharmed. "Just seeing how she's doing. Is that a crime now Felicia?" Monika shot before Françoise put a hand on the German's shoulder. Lucila stopped, not use to being called by her first name by Monika. She got up off the bed before walking by the shocked Italian and Canadian. "Get well soon Bonnefoy." She said before turning to leave. "Marianne are you alright? She didn't hurt you did she?" Madeline asked, using the French woman's middle name as she ran over to her, gently looking over the blonde's face. "I'm alright Madeline and don't use my middle name s'il vous plaît?" She asked, hissing when the strawberry blonde got to her arms. "There's blood on her bandages. That's it you're gonna stay with us until you're better." Lucila said, not giving Françoise and/or Alice a choice. "And don't argue with me Francia, me and Madeline since I'm not with Monika anymore. Alice can understand where I'm coming from later." "I can understand what later?" Alice stood in the doorway, watching the three women with Ivan standing behind her. "We're taking Françoise with us when she gets out. Monika doesn't know where either one of is will be. She knows where your house, Amelia's, and Ivan's, but not not Madeline's so it will be safe for her." The Italian said with a big smile on her face while Madeline still checked over Françoise. Alice sighed while rolling her eyes, knowing that the youngest woman would except being told 'no'. "Fine but just until her arms are healed. You are to never let her out of your sight only if she's sleeping, bathing, or using the loo. Understand Vargas?" The Brit said, coming in the room before shutting the door behind her. Lucila smiled before quickly shaking her head. "You can come visit her anytime and if you want to stay over that's fine too!" She squealed happily, Alice turing a bright shade of red when Françoise sent a smirk in her direction along with a blown kiss through her oxygen mask. "Why do you still have the mask...if you dont mind me asking eh?" Madeline said, breaking the now uncomfortable silence that had fallen over the room. "Its simple ma amie, I strongly dislike thing a being placed in my nose and they said that it was either that on the oxygen mask. Besides I should be out in a few days or so, oui?" She said, some fear still in her voice. The blonde English woman raised an eyebrow at her, knowing that it wasn't a good idea to question her girlfriend in front of the two younger women but didn't want them to leave just yet. Madeline leaned close to Lucila, whispering in the redhead's ear, her Italian not as good as the other but well enough to get across what she wanted. "I think so too. Maybe until you get out someone should stay with you other than Alice. Don't get me wrong Inghilterra but you are worrying too much and need to relax." Alice went to argue when Françoise put a hand up, the blood on her bandages visible to the other two women as she removed the mask on her face to speak clearer. "I will be fine. Lucila and Madeline can stay with me if that makes you feel better about my safety." She said, more of commanding the younger women in the room. "Yea we'll stay here with her Ally. She's safe with us!" Lucila said, standing up to salt the British woman in front of her.

Alice groaned, giving in to the young woman and her girlfriend's wishes. "Fine but I will be the one to bring her to your house when she gets out. Got it? She said as Lucila squealed, jumping in her pink dress making Françoise laugh. "I'll make sure she's taken care of Kirkland." Madeline said, reassuring the English woman while she reaxhed the door nob. "I know you will Madeline. Je t'aime ma Françoise." The Brit said, repeating the only French sentence she could remember.

Oui madame - Yes ma'am

S'il vous plaît- Please

Inghilterra- England

Je t'aime ma Françoise- I love you my Françoise

I'm so sorry that this chapter is a little late. I wanted to have it up sooner but I had some writer's block and was busy this week with personal matters so in apology I made the chapter a little longer. I hope you all enjoyed chapter 7 and that you keep reading. -Danni

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