Chapter 9

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"Au revior!~" Clara said, shutting the door to Monika's house as she took out a cigarette and lit it before walking to her car. She let out a breath, the smoke curling up to the sky as a small smile spread across her face. How long has it been....? She thought to herself, putting out the cigarette to get in her car before driving off to Alice's house.

After driving for a little bit, the blonde pulled up to the Brit's house before getting out, her buzz from her alcohol running thin. Getting out of the car, she walked up to the door as she took a breath when she knocked on the door. "Coming!" Alice said, making her way to the front door. When the shorter woman opened the door, her green eyes locked onto the blonde. "Clara? What the fuck? Where the bloody hell have you been?" Clara smiled at the other blonde. "I've been....busy is all belle." The French woman said, brushing off Alice's questions like they were nothing as she pushed passed her. "Where's mon ange?" She asked, heading straight for the kitchen. "Not here. Didn't you hear?" "Hear what?" The violet eyed woman turned around quickly on her heels to face the green eyed woman again, her real curiosity perked up. "She tried to kill herself, she got a out of the hospital a few days ago. You finally care about someone other than yourself?" Alice crossed her arms to stare at the taller female, the blonde's eyes widening. "I want to see her. Take me to her....please." "Well since you asked so nicely, we can go. My car, I don't trust you or your sister driving and I was on my way over there anyway." Alice said, grabbing her keys before grabbing Clara by her hand, the French woman's face turning a light pink as she was drugged out of the house.

After another silent car ride, Alice pulled up to Madeline's house, Clara unbuckled and got out as soon as the Brit turned off her car. "Wait you stupid frog, I didn't tell Madeline or Matthew that I was bringing you." The shorter blonde got out of her car while the French dame climbed the front steps. "Then hurry up Angleterre." She said, using the nickname that she knew only her sister could call her. "Watch your tongue, just because you look like your sister, doesn't mean you can use her nicknanes. "Calmez l'Angleterre, c'est parfaitement bien." Clara smirked, knowing that the English woman wouldn't understand a word of what she was saying. "She's telling you to calm down. Françoise I didn't know that you were out-" Madeline had started until Clara turned around to face the strawberry blonde. "C-CLARA?! TU ES EN VIE?!" The Canadian yelled, staring at the violet eyed blonde looking back at her. "Yes I'm alive. Where is mon ange?" She asked as the younger woman let her in. "She's in the kitchen. I was just about to change her bandages on her arms when Alice texted me that she was here and well......I could hear you guys." Madeline rubbed the back of her head awkwardly as apologized to the two Europeans on her doorstep. "Its fine. Now can we come in, I'm pretty sure that Clara here is freezing her arse off in that short of a skirt." "Am not!" Alice rolled her eyes before pushing her girlfriend's twin into the house before Madeline shut the door. "Fran... I'm here!" "Angleterre! I've missed-" Françoise had started when she walked out of the kitchen before looking straight at her twin, stopping dead in her tracks. "Clara?" "Hello mon ange, missed me?" Clara walked over to her sister before hugging her, tears falling down the shocked woman's face. "May I get a moment alone with my sister?" Madeline nodded before dragging Alice upstairs to give the twins a moment alone.

"How did you get away from Monika?" Françoise asked, taking her sister into the kitchen. "It's easy, I didn't leave." Clara took a seat while her sister grabbed two wine glasses and a bottle of champagne. "What do you mean you didn't leave? I was told no one could find you. I-I thought you were dead." She choked out as tears threatened to fall before she was swept into a hug, Clara holding Françoise tight. "I'm here now baby sister." "I could hear you being forced to drink...I could hear you choking but when I didn't I-" "Françoise Marianne Bonnefoy, I'm here now and I'm not leaving you again. Got it?" She said, holding her out at arms length. The younger twin nodded her head, whiping the tears from her face when her look alike let go of her to pour each of them a glass. "Maddie I heard crying is everything....." Matthew Williams ran into the kitchen, a T shirt and boxers was all he wore as he looked at the French twins in his kitchen, one of them already drinking a full glass of champagne. "Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry ladies I-" he started before recognising the violet eyed female. "Clara Bonnefoy? I'm so embarrassed here you are in my kitchen and I am not even properly dressed. Oh..." The Canadian left quickly, leaving the Bonnefoy twins laughing at his embarrassment. "He's always been that way, oui?" Clara asked pouring herself another glass and Françoise calmed herself down. "Madeline is that way. Amelia and Honda are finally together." "They are? Well I've missed a lot." The older one of the two sat down, her violet eyes still watching her blue eyed sister. "Yea...Maybe you could stay? Lucila would love to see you well again." Clara spit out her drink, coughing at what her sister said. "I don't thing that's a good idea ange." "Why not? She's staying here too." "That's the thing," Clara looked at the doorway to see if anyone was there. "Monika wants me to tell you that if you don't get Lucila back with her, something is going to happen to your Angleterre. I wish I knew what but I don't." Françoise sat her glass down, looking her sister dead in the eyes. "She's still living in the same place?" "Why?" "Just answer the question Clara Adele." "Yes she is." "Good. Get your keys, we're going out." Françoise got up and left the room, Clara grabbed the bottle of champagne before following her younger twin, drinking straight from the bottle as she walked. "Leave the bottle Clara." The older twin groaned before setting it down on a near by coffee table.

Belle- beautiful
Mon ange- my angle
Calmez l'Angleterre, c'est parfaitement bien- Calm down England it's fine

I'm so sorry about not outing the translations in again, I just forgot until now. Also Chapter 10 should be up soon and I'm really sorry about the delay, I wasn't able to write at all over the weekend and I've been busy with things at home. Be ready for a longer chapter. Until we meet again.- Danni

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