Chapter 4

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"We got here as soon as we could. Any news on how she's doing?" Amelia asked, dragging Kiku over to the small group that sat in the living room. Rachel, Lucila's older sister sat the closest to Alice, rubbing the Brit's back in hopes of comforting the smaller woman. Lucila shook her head, quiet for once in her life. "What would cause Françoise-sama to do something like that?" He asked hoping to get a response from someone. "Beilschmidt." Alice whispered softly so only Rachel Vargas could hear. The brunette sat silently before looking at her younger sister who sat across from her. "What happened in that time that Françoise was missing Sorellina?" She asked, looking at the auburn haired Italian. "I don't-" "Cut the crap Lucilia, she was in Monika's old house. What happened?" Amelia said, lowering her voice when people started to look at them. "I wish I knew. I would go see Francia, Monika was always there and Françoise had her back to a wall. I'm telling the truth." Lucila said, begging for everyone to believe her. "Monika would beat her to try and get information out of her but she never gave in. And what do you mean you went to her old house?" Alice said and everyone looked at her, not expe ting the Brit to talk for at least another hour. "We may or may not have found out that she had been there, we wanted to tell you dude but you were-" Amelia never got the chance to finish her sentence because Alice shot up and grabbed the front of herbrown jacket and pulled her closer, their faces inches apart. "You knew where she was and you kept that from me?" The shorter English woman growled to the taller American, before being pulled back down to sit by Rachel, not wanting anyone to be escorted out of the hospital. "In my defense it was Madeline who wanted to keep it from you." She said, raising her hands up in front of her. As soon as the words left her mouth, Ivan Braginsky came up and smacked her upside the head. "Don't blame her for decision we all make." He said, his Russian accent made it kind of hard to understand so he had to repeat himself.

After he said it for a third time, the doctor came out and Lucila practically tackled the man. "Is she okay? She isn't dead is she?" The red head asked, really worried about the one person she considers a sister more the Rachel. "Miss.Bonnefoy is stable. She lost a lot of blood on the way here and is still unconscious. She should be awake in a few hours. You all can go in but be careful, the stitches in her arms and her arms themselves are going to be sore. May I speak to her spouse directly please?" He said as the other went in, leaving Alice out there with him. "That would be me. What's wrong with her?" She asked, getting up slowly from the chair she was still in. "Miss. Bonnefoy will be lucky to be alive by the looks of your dress, and what I was told by the paramedics. The likelyhood of her surviving is at a fifty percent right now. I'm sorry." He said as tears started to form in her eyes. "Thanks doctor." She said before walking in the room before reality hit her square in the face. Lucila sat on the left side of the bed, running her fingers through Françoise's dirtly blonde hair. The Frenchman's clothes had been changed to a hospitals gown, the IV was put into her left hand, both arms had bandages around them, bloodied in some spots and she wore an oxygen mask, her chest rising and falling slowly. The only noise in the room were soft sobs coming from Amelia and the heart monitor. Slowly walking over, tears slid down Alice's face as she grabbed her girlfriend's hand gently and ran her fingers over her knuckles. "Françoise....please if you can hear me.... Why didn't you say that you weren't alright to be alone? Can you just give me a small sign that you can hear me?" She whispered softly to the unconscious woman next to her. Rachel quietly came up to Lucila and whispered softly "Andiamo sorellina. Ha bisogno di stare da sola con Francoise." The younger Italian nodded her head before she followed her older sister out, followed by the Japanese-American couple and Russian, leaving the Brit with the French woman. She let go of her hand to walk around the bed to sit in the chair next to it before taking her hand again. "Fran...please wake up." Alice said softly before falling asleep holding Françoise's hand as she slept.

Alice slowly opened her eyes as the sunlight woke her up, hearing a small groan she bolted right up and looked at Françoise, the French woman's eyes slowly opened and the Brit let out a sigh before speaking. "You scared me half to death last night." She said and Françoise turned to look at her, her blue eyes widened as she looked at her surroundings. "I'm not I?" She asked, looking at her arms that were completely wrapped up to her elbows. "No. You should of told me that you weren't safe to be by yourself you know. I'm supposed to be there for you. Its my job as your girlfriend." She said, not letting go of her hand. Françoise let out a small breath, the mask still sitting on her face, both of her arms ached too much to try and remove it. "We were all here last night, except Monika and Madeline, you know only one of them said that she couldn't come cause she would of been worse than me." Alice said, running her thumb over Françoise's knuckles. She nodded her head before resting back again, her eyes closing as her breathing slowed again as she drifted back off to sleep.

Sorellina- sister
Andiamo sorellina. Ha bisogno di stare da sola con Francoise- Let's go sister. She needs to be alone with Françoise

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