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With tears in my eyes I ran straight into his open arms. My best friend is back.

"It's been 3 years,  hasn't it?" He asked me.

"Yes, it has been." I smiled still hugging him and his hands around my waist.

"How have you been Grace?" I pulled away from the hug as he smiled to me.

"Not so good but fine." I decided not to go into details.

"I'm so sorry, i just left like that, especially when you were going through a really tough time." He looked down at the ground like he couldn't bear to think about how much pain that caused me.

"I forgive you. It wasn't your fault. You had to move with your mom." I didn't want to get either of us upset so i just replied with a simple response.

"Grace Isabelle, i'ts been too long." He hugged me again.

"Carter Harrison, yes it has been." I laughed at the way we were both using our first and last names.

"It's Cartie, Gracey." He laughed, he hated when I called him by his full first name.

"It's Grace, Carter." I couldn't believe this is happening. Carter has been my best friend since i was about 6 years old. When i was 14 years old,
he moved with his mom.

"Wait.. why are you here? I thought you moved."
Of couse I'm ecstatic that he is here but I don't know exactly why he is here.

"Oh right, about that..," he looked down at the ground as i prepared myself for the bad news as i had been accustomed to. "I am permanently back here." He smiled.

"Cartie, that's for real?! It's great!" I jumped and hugged him.

"I'll walk home now, it's really dark and cold here." He put his arms around my shoulder as i laid my head on his shoulder.

"So, how did you know i was there?" I looked up at him. He is a couple inches taller than me.

"I stopped by your house, hoping you would be there, but your mom said she knew you would be here."

"I just needed some space away, just to be alone for awhile." He stopped me and put his arms on my shoulder while standing in front of me.

"Hey, I'm here now, okay? Next time call me and i don't care if it's 4 a.m. I'll be up for anything."
I hugged him and said nothing.

"Do you still live in the same house or a new one?"
I asked him

"Actually a new one, and it's much closer to your house, my mom is at your house right now talking to your mom, just as usual." We both laughed.

"At least it's Friday, them comes Monday and we have to go to school. Ugh but your'e back so I actually have a friend other than Lorraine." I joked in a playful manner.

"How is lorraine? I haven't spoken to her since i left." The light tint pink is starting to rise upon his cheeks.

"Your crush on her still hasn't faded?" I loved teasing him about it. Both of them are oblivious to the fact that they both felt the same way but I was not going to inferrer in their love lives unless asked to do so.

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