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Nice to meet you, I'm Hugh"
"Nice to meet you, I'm Lorraine"

The hangout day happens today, as both Lorraine and Hugh meet. "Do you two have to shake your hands that long?" Carter seperates the hands of Lorraine and Hugh.

I rolled my eyes lazily, "the movie is starting soon, can we proceed to our next activity?" I asked after i lose my patience. Well who enjoy waiting?

I didn't know that the movie we are watching is a thriller, I'm completely weak at this. I can't watch horor movies since young, I never tried to.

"You okay?" Carter who sat beside me, asked me. "Of course I'm not!" I answered quickly, just right in the time I open my eyes, the ghost came out and I freak out.

I jump right in Carter's chest and close my eyes again. Unlike me who is afraid to death, Hugh and Lorraine are enjoying the movie.

"Just stay there, I will tell you when the movie ends" Carter said as he strokes my hair. I put my hands around him and lay on his chest comfortably.

Staying in Carter's side has always been comfortable.


"I will wait for her to wake up, just wait for us outside" Carter ordered Hugh and Lorraine to walk out the cinema first since Grace is still sleeping peacefully in Carter's chest.

Hugh and Lorraine nodded and walk out.
"Carter? I'm sorry, I mean I slept at your body." Grace woke up from her sleep as she realise that she has been sleeping in Carter's chest.

Grace quickly pushes herself out Carter's body in embarrassment. "Not a problem, I mean it's my fault. I bought the wrong movie to watch." Carter apologize sincerely.

Grace nodded, packed her bag, and walk out leaving Carter inside the cinema. "Wait for me!" Carter chases Grace immediately.

"We have been waiting for hours, what are you two doing?" Lorraine complains as Hugh agrees to what Lorraine said.

"I fall asleep during the movie, I'm sorry" Grace apologize again, to Hugh and Lorraine this time.

Grace never expect herself to fall asleep in the cinema, the worse thing was it's in Carter's chest. CARTER. Grace  herself has been acting carefully everytime there is Carter, but today, her image is completely ruined.

My thought was disturb as Lorraine slaps me right in my cheek. "Daydreaming at this time? Let's go!"

Hanging out with girls in the department store has never been a good idea. Just like how Hugh and Carter are now, standing in front of a store with shopping bags all around them.

Lorraine and Grace stopped at each store they found and bought everything they want. And as what Carter promised yesterday, he paid EVERYTHING.

Well maybe it's just not Carter's day today. "Your wallet is already 3/4 empty, how are you going to live with that money for the whole month?" Hugh teases Carter, pointing at his leftover money.

"Stop it Hugh" Carter said, annoyed. "Carter! We are at the cashier!" Lorraine and Grace called for his money.

Carter just can't keep his wallet safe for today. "Satisfied, girls?"

The long hour in the department store passes, Hugh and Carter finally get the rest they have been wanting, as both of them drive the two ladies home.

"Thankyou for today Carter! And Hugh, see you next time!" Lorraine thanked him and went in.

Grace who still can't forget the cinema accident accidentally looked at Carter's eyes, Carter looked back and at the time he wants to  wave goodbye, Grace looked away quickly and went in.


"Hah- what a tiring day" Carter laid his body on his bed. He took out his handphone from his pocket and started to search pictures in his gallery.

"Impossible, I didn't fall for her right?" Carter observed his picture with Grace and Lorraine carefully.

Carter has been crushing on Lorraine since the day they know each other, but day by day his feelings faded on her. And his feelings grew back up, but this time, on her own best friend, Grace.

"Seriously Grace, I'm not falling into you right?"

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