Three Years Later

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A/N: I'll be working on Made to Be Broken today so things should be back to normal next week.

Zoro sat next to Sanji. In there cap and gown holding hands and getting pictures taken together. Family from everywhere was there to celebrate. Most weren't family. But they seemed like family.

Zoro and Sanji spent every waking moment together. You could tell they loved each other dearly. Zoro planned to propose at dinner tonight. Zeff accepted the proposal and was more then happier to accept. But there was a feeling in his stomach that they might not stay engaged for long.

"Are you excited?" Sanji whispered to Zoro.

They sat in a sea of teens waiting for there names to be called. So that there high school journey, can come to an end. They glanced to there families holding posters or having airhorns with there names on them. Zoro chuckled turning back to Sanji.

"I'm nervous more than excited." Zoro grumbled.

"Relax. I'll be right behind you."

He kissed his cheek softly. Zoro chuckled holding his hand between his own. Sanji rested on his shoulder while the principal went over there class. The honors kids then stepped up before the actual graduation started.

Each row of students went up to collect there deploma while a teacher annouced there name on the side of the stage. Once Zoro's name was called he could hear Luffy and Shanks calling out to him. Having him chuckle under his breath. Zoro shook hands with the prinicpal before taking his deploma and heading back down to his row. He watched as they called Sanji's name and Shanks and Luffy along with Zeff was heard. Sanji seemed eger to take his deploma. Then head down to sit next to Zoro. They embraced before it was time to throw there cap in the air. Which Sanji didn't and threw it just a bit before catching it.

Then they were dismissed to head out to the front to meet family. But Zoro and Sanji lost each other in the sea of parents and families.
Sanji gasped when Luffy glomped onto him. He chuckled as they embraced and Luffy handed him a bundle of flowers.

"Did he do it yet?" Luffy asked.

Sanji cocked a brow, "Do what?"

Luffy pressed his lips in a line, "Uh nothing."


"Okay, okay. But you can't tell Zoro I told you. He said he was going to propose to you at graduation."

Sanji furrowed, "Oh."


Ace wrapped his arm around his shoulder before looking to Sanji, "Oh hey. Congrats dude, now your a real adult."

"Pft. not yet."

Ace chuckled, "Sure."

A hand took his earning Sanji's attenion. He snorted a laugh while he wore flowers around his neck, and one on his head.

"I guess spring has sprung."

"Stop, hey, why don't we go to dinner. To celebrate."

Sanji smiled, "Sure."

Zoro and Sanji sat at the baratie. Gifts were distributed to the two sitting in a private room in the back. He could tell Zoro was on edge. Is this when Zoro is supposed to propose?

"Eh. Zoro. I wanted to talk to you about something." Sanji said.

"Yeah?" Zoro grumbled pulling out another floral shirt shanks always gives him.

"I'm going to go to a school out of state."

Zoro perked up to that, "That's great."

"In that time, I kind of want us to go on a break."

Zoro's heart sank, "Wh- what?"

"Not break up. Just. Be apart until I come back. Okay?"

"Is that what you want?"

Sanji nodded, "I'll come back for you."

"Alright. I'll wait for you."

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