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The bell chimed for lunch and Loulee took her lunch box and headed outside to eat with the rest of her class. She noticed another girl by herself sitting under a tree. She too had a lunch box and began to open it. Loulee smiled going up to her and rocked on her heels earning the other girls attention.

"Would it be okay if I sat with you?" Loulee asked.

The girl smiled brushing back her black hair, she patted the spot next to her and nodded. Loulee smiled sitting beside her and took a spot next to her.

"My name is Elyse, what's yours?" she asked.

"Loulee." she smiled.

"I can tell we will be friends for a very long time." she giggled.

They both giggled until something was thrown at Loulee's head. Elyse snapped her head over to two second grade boys holding pinecones. One threw another one but Elyse knocked it away with her hand. She stood up crossing her arms and pouting.

"What is your guys deal? Leave us alone." she huffed.

"Your gonna be friends with that freak? Just look at her eyebrows! What a loser!"

The boys both threw pinecones at Loulee and Elyse until they had there fun and finally left. Letting Loulee and Elyse to be battered and cut by the pine. Loulee sniffled wiping her eyes before turning off to the boys.

"There gonna regret that." Loulee huffed.

Elyse helped to pull the chunks of pinecone out of her hair.

"Oh? Do you have a plan?"

"Yeah, my dad's a cop." Loulee gasped.

She covered her mouth before turning to Elyse. Who cocked her head to the blonde girl. Confused why she was shocked to have said that. Loulee giggled softly tucking a strand of hair behind her hair.

"I mean, my dad's boyfriend is a cop. He's not my dad." she giggled.

Elyse giggled as they hurried to eat there lunch before going off to play.

Sanji dropped a box on the floor seeing Loulee come home with the cuts and marks on her body.

"Loulee what happened?!" Sanji screeched.

She smiled wiping off the dirt off her face.

"I'm okay daddy, honest." Loulee grinned.

"Loulee who did this to you?" Sanji scrambled kneeling down to her level.

"Don't worry Zoro will take care of it."

"Zoro? He went to work, he won't be back until tomorrow morning."

"That's okay, he promised."

Sanji sighed embracing her before pulling back he cupped her cheeks before kissing her forehead.

"Let's get you cleaned up then. Okay? Then we can watch whatever of your choice." Sanji grinned.

Loulee nodded as they headed upstairs. Where they cleaned Loulee up with medicine and small bandages to her face, arms, and hands. Then to finish they headed downstairs to eat dinner and watch whatever Loulee wanted, then finally heading to bed.

Loulee was bundled up in her favorite orange blanket. Where the fur of the blanket was matted and completely worn out. But it was still her favorite. She held closer to it as Sanji carried her to bed. He dropped her on the bed earning a soft giggle while he sat on the corner of the bed.

"Daddy, does Zoro always keep his promises?" Loulee asked.

Sanji smiled softly tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Always." Sanji agreed.

Loulee smiled curling closer to her blanket. Sanji said his goodnights before heading to bed himself.

Zoro sat on Sanji's bed with his lips pressed in a line. He was hunched over the side of the bed.  His fingers laced together and his jaw clenched. He looked ticked off.

"Zoro, are you okay?" Sanji asked sitting next to him.

"I'm gonna make those little snots pay for what they did." Zoro hissed.

Loulee and Elyse sat next to each other again and opened there boxes. Both exchanging there sweets for other sweets. Or veggies for chips. What Sanji didn't know won't hurt him.

"There they are!"

Loulee and Elyse turned to the couple of second graders. But it looked like they brought more friends with them. The girls looked to each other before back to the small group of boys. Holding more pinecones. Loulee glanced around the school but didn't see Zoro anywhere. Her heart began to sink as tears pricked the corners of her eyes.

"Look the freak is about to cry. Go on and cry little loser. No one can hear you." One of the leaders teased.

Elyse and Loulee pressed there lips into a line. The leader tossed up the pinecone before chucking it. Loulee's eyes widened as it was coming straight for her face. She screamed shutting her eyes. But the impact never came. She opened her eyes to a hand inches away from her face and the pinecone stuck between his fingers.

"Ah it's the fuzz. Scram!"

"Scram and I call your parents."

Loulee looked up to Zoro and grinned. He pushed his sunglasses up onto his forehead. Zoro walked over to the kids and crushed the pinecone in his hand. He knelt down to them and gripped there shirts.

"Harass my kid again, hell. Breath her name and I will personally. Escort you home to your parents. Do I make myself clear?" Zoro hissed.

They quickly nodded before Zoro hummed and ruffled there hair letting them go. The boys hurried off as Zoro turned to Loulee. She got up and tackled him into a hug. Zoro chuckled embracing her back and pulling back.

"Don't worry I already contacted their parents. They won't come near you again."

Loulee embraced his neck.

"I love you dad."

Zoro blinked as Loulee scrambled back with her face broken out a harsh red. She looked down to her feet rubbing her hands together.

"You can call me whatever you want. I love you too kiddo."


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