His Mission

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Loulee gripped tight to the phone. Chopper still growling and barking at the woman at the stairs. Claiming to be Loulee's mother. She slowly descended the stairs with a soft smile before making it into the living room. And that's how far she could get. Knowing Chopper wouldn't let her get any closer to her.

"I don't have a mom." Loulee said.

"Of course you do, and I'm her. I mean you look just like me." she spoke.

"No, Zoro says I look like my dad. And my grandpa too."

"Zoro? So that's why he came back out here. Oh Loulee. I'm so sorry."

"Wh- what?"

"Your father came back because he loves Zoro. And he's going to replace you. Sanji can only love one person at a time why do you think I left? Cause Sanji can only love one person. And that has always been Zoro. Always."

"N-no. my daddy loves me and I know it."

"Loulee why don't you come home with me. Hm? We can go home and it can be us girls. Besides. Your father doesn't know anything about raising a girl. Or keeping one in fact. Your father is-"

"Stop it!"

Loulee darted into the dining room as Chopper kept her mother in the living room. She crawled under the table and crawled into the kitchen. Loulee bolted from the kitchen to the stairs and climbed upstairs and hid under her father's bed. She clamped a hand over her mouth before she unlocked her father's phone. She stopped for a minute seeing the picture of the three of them as his lock screen before going through his contacts. She furrowed not seeing Zoro's name in his phone.

"Wh-wha?" she muttered.

Then she went through his messages to see if he was under some special name. Which she was correct. Zoro's name wasn't his true name in his phone. Loulee gave a confused look as Zoro's name was saved as 'daddy'.

She hurried to call him and press the phone to her ear. Loulee clutched to the phone as Chopper started barking and bolted up the stairs.

Zoro grumbled picking up his phone. Sanji curled close to him as Zoro sat up answering the phone.

"Loulee? What's wrong?" Zoro asked.

Sanji leaned closer to hear what she was saying.

"Someone else is in the house." Loulee whispered.

"Loulee baby! You don't need to hide from me. It's me your mother!" she called.

"I'm scared dad."

"Where are you in the house Loulee?" Zoro asked.

"In your room and under the bed." she whispered.

"Loulee I need you to go into our closet okay? It locks from the inside."


"Sanji I need you to go ask Ace to use the phone and call the police." Zoro grunted.

"You are the police." Sanji hissed.

"I don't know who is in the house. And being in our current situation. I need backup. I will get her out of the house you just have to trust me."

Sanji sighed, before throwing on his pants and heading out of the room. Zoro grabbed his and crawled out of the window and jumped onto the roof.

"Loulee I'm coming just stay were you are." Zoro said.

"O-Okay. Am I going to be okay?" Loulee asked.

"Of course baby. Your going to be okay. Just. stay calm and quiet."

Zoro opened the window and headed inside.

"Chopper?!" Zoro called.

He barked down the hall. Before there was a welp and a growl. There was a loud crashing noise before she bolted from the hall and Chopper bolted after her. He furrowed going to the closet as Loulee sat on the floor crying softly. She smiled softly as Zoro knelt down to her level and scooped her up. He reached into his safe and pulled out his gun. Loulee hid in his neck as Zoro crawled out the window to Sanji standing inside the bedroom. He crawled out as Loulee was handed off. Zoro turned to go back but Sanji grabbed his wrist.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"I have to take care of the intruder. Besides Chopper can't fend them off forever. I have to go save him." Zoro grunted.

"No. I lost you once, I'm not going to lose you again." Sanji hissed, "You don't know who that is or what they are carrying."

"I risk that everyday. Besides. I have a family to come back to. You aren't getting rid of me that easily."

He kissed him softly before brushing his hair behind his ear.

"I love you both, stay here until I come for you." Zoro spoke before going back inside. Sanji frowned before heading back inside.

"Why is Zoro's name in your phone daddy?" Loulee asked.

Zoro poked his head into the hallway before his eyes narrowed to the blood. He furrowed heading downstairs and pointed his gun into the living room. He followed the blood to the backyard. Where there was a figure pinning a larger one on the ground.

"Good boy Chopper. Good boy." Zoro called.

Zoro hurried to his side having Chopper back off and Zoro pull his cuffs from his belt. Cuffing her wrists together he stood her up and gripped her jaw.

"You messed with the wrong family." Zoro hissed.

She spat in his face. Zoro groaned wiping off his face with the palm. A hand was placed to his shoulder as Smoker grabbed her and read her rights. Zoro turned to Chopper lying on the grass he grinned kneeling down to him. But noticed how labored his breath was and how wet he was.

That was blood.

"You did a great job buddy. You accomplished your mission." Zoro muttered stroking his head.


He turned to Loulee and Sanji in the doorway to the backyard. Loulee darted down to him and embraced him. She pulled away as she saw Chopper.

"Oh no." She sniffled. Chopper tried to get up but Zoro kept him down.

"No Chopper stay down buddy, relax." Zoro grunted.

"Good boy Chopper, you saved me." Loulee grinned petting his head.

Find my easter egg and I'll post the next chapter ;)

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