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"And our first place All Around Champion, from Georgia Elite, Whitney Bjerken!"

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"And our first place All Around Champion, from Georgia Elite, Whitney Bjerken!"

My teammates slap me in the back as I stand to receive my medal. I saw my see my dad, recording with my new vlog camera. Bowing as the medal slips over my head, I sigh with relief.


"How do you feel?" Dad asks, camera trained on me as we're driving back to the hotel.

I sigh. "Tired. Relieved. But I'm really happy. I got to see some of my friends from GAA again. Like Amber and Ayzhia and Cai and....it's been so long since I've seen them."

"Second meet competing as Junior Elite. How do you like competing Elite?"

I pause, considering. "I don't know...it's pretty fun."

"So are the increased training hours and all the hard work worth it?"

"Without a doubt."


"Wake up, sleepy head." Dad shakes me gently.

Groggily, I rub my eyes and roll over. I do NOT want to get up right now.

"You'd think after all these early morning practices you'd be used to waking up early." Dad teases.

I still lie there, half asleep.

"C'mon, Whit, you have practice in an hour. Let's get movin'."

By the time I come downstairs, with my hair done and changed in my leo, Dad has breakfast ready. We moved into a condo that's closer to my new gym a couple years ago, and I just live there with my Dad on the days I have practice.

Dad made eggs and sausage for breakfast, and I down that with a glass of orange juice. Then we're off to practice.

"Great meet everyone," Coach Pete says as we all stand as a team in front of him as he gives his pre-practice pep talk. "Let's get some good work done here today. I want you all focused, and ready to get a sweat on. Salute."

We all do, and practice begins. As always, it starts with a light jog, then some warm up stretches, kicks, back walkovers, etc. Then we get into our individual events. I'm working on an upgrade on floor: a round off - whip - bhs - double layout sequence.

"Try it again." Coach says.

Eye on the spring floor in front of me, I start running, hurdle, and attempt the pass. But I over rotate, my feet slide out in front of me, and I fall smack onto my butt. I do a backward roll to stand, and put my hands on my knees to catch my breath.

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