Chapter 4

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*****Hey everyone sorry its taken so long to update. I literally had five almost six chapters ready to put on and my computer crashed. Now I have to rewrite all of it so please bare with me!!!! Short short chapter but I wanted to give ya'll something so here it is. I am going to shoot for biweekly updates with gender bender and invisible****

I approach the gray house where the truck is being held, a older gentleman with white thinning hair comes out on the deck. I wave and smile at him.

"Hello sir, I saw your ad on Craigslist for the Toyota and I was hoping it was still available and I could take a look."

He eyes me warily, "Do your parents know you are out here trying to buy a truck?"

I nod and smile again, he shrugs and leads me to the truck. It's gold, and a manual. Thankfully I know how to drive a manual, I pop the hood and take a look inside before I even look at the rest of it. All the fluids are good and I don't see any sign of leakage. The belts look new and are on right, no tears are visible. The battery is in good shape, no acid on it and it doesn't have gunk or rust. Keeping the hood up I take the keys and start it up. No squealing belts, no clanging or any other worrying noises. I head back to the front and watch everything run for a bit, I look at the fans and listen for them to engage so it won't overheat. I am impressed at the condition of the truck for the price, it looks to good to be true. Looking over at Ben I ask if I can take it around the block, he nods and heads back to the porch.

Driving around the block a couple times I check out the gauges and put it through it's paces. This truck will do just fine, it only has 80,000 miles on it and it's a older truck. He's asking for 3,500, I pull up and get out to negotiate with Ben. As we get to the final details worked out he shocks me by saying, "pineapple".

What is he academy, "Leopard." His grin so wide I think his face will split.

"I thought you were academy. Not too many girls know their way round trucks and can talk me down. Now be real with me girl, do your parents know you're here? Cuz if you need this truck to get around I'll be more than happy to sell it to you, I just need to know where you're gonna store it."

I think about the woods behind the house and with the four wheel drive I shouldn't have any problems hiding it back there.

"Listen I was thinking you could keep it on the edge of my property close to where you walked in from. That way you know it'll be safe and you can use it whenever you need to do stuff for the academy."

Wow Ben was a sweetheart, "Ben that would be amazing. How many favors would I owe you for keeping it here?" I've learned nothing is free or cheap in this world.

"I'll make a deal with ya girlie, if you promise to spend a Sunday afternoon once a month with this old man we'll be even."

Looking at Ben I see shadows and loneliness in his eyes. One of my biggest fears is being alone and looking at Ben it tugs something in my heart. I look away from him trying to hide the stinging in my eyes.

"Ok Ben that would be great."

We chat for a little longer and I end up only paying 2,500 for it. I decide to head into town with  my newly acquired vehicle, I have to get all the supplies and finish installing my command room.

I pull into Home Depot in Charleston, the lot is pretty empty for 11 AM on a Saturday. While I observe my surroundings a huge black jeep pulls into the lot closer to the front than my truck. As I approach the entry way I see three guys hop out, the first one in the passenger side is a Holister model. Blonde hair almost as long as mine hangs on his shoulders, his jeans hug his frame, his shirt is unbuttoned to the bottom three buttons so its just hanging open and revealing his six-pack abs for all to see. His eyes are a stunning shade of blue and are twinkling as he looks around, his jaw is cut clean except the chocolate stain I see on the right side close to his mouth. His playful stance is almost contagious as he slams the door to the Jeep.

"LUCIAN! I swear to the gods I will destroy you if you slam my damn door one more time."

I look towards the voice of pure fury to see a giant of a man. He has to be 6'4 at least, his whole body screams don't fuck with me. He is wearing black..... Black jeans, black t-shirt, his converses are black along with his socks, he even has a black corded necklace on but there is silver peeking out the bottom of the black cord. His scowl is fierce, his eyes from where I am looking look black, his cut jaw is covered in a smattering of dark stubble, his hair is brown.

I think our panties have just fallen off, maybe spontaneously combusted. Hot damn the water here does some mighty fine work.

His dark scowl rakes over the mischievious blonde, said blonde looks unconcerned. The third guy is gargantuan.... I think he might be goliath from the bible. He has to be around 6'5 or 6'6. His skin is gold and he looks Mediterranean, his eyes are a chocolate brown with flecks of gold, his brown wavy hair has a wind blown look almost as if he was on a boat or out on the sea. His muscles bulge underneath his red sox shirt as he crosses his arms. He says something to tall, dark and brooding that I cant hear. Blonde now looks frustrated. 

The doors in front of me open catching their attention as I walk into the store. I manage to get everything I am looking for under record time. As I turn the corner I run straight into a brick wall. As my ass heads for the floor two strong arms wrap around my frame keeping me upright. Looking up I see goliath and apparently I spoke out loud because he smiles a dazzling white smile at me. As he goes to open his mouth there is a ruckus up front.  When he turns I use my ninja skills to slip from his hold and head to the register by the back door.

Once I manage to escape the ridiculousness that is the home depot store I load up my truck and climb in. I set up the trucks Bluetooth and connect my phone to it. I wont lie I am jaded a bit over how my life has turned out. One of the few ways I can escape the world I was brought into is music. I am a huge band geek..... Well just geek in general.


Ok FINE I am a total nerd!!! I tune my ipod to Zydrate anatomy from the Repo! opera. I relate to this just a bit. Well the assassin part, as I pull out of the space with my windows down the three hunks walk out watching me drive away. These men in Charleston are gonna ruin me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 ⏰

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