Hajime x Reader: Surprises

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You hummed to yourself as you moved across the kitchen. You opened the cupboards and got on your tippy toes to see from the higher shelves.

Boxes of food, cans of food, packages of food. So much food. Yet so little to make. Well, that's what you thought.

"I forgot to ask him what he wanted for supper. Great." You mumbled disappointed in yourself.

Soup, tacos, curry, burgers, fries, rice, chicken, salmon roe.

Scratch that, he hates salmon roe.

"I wonder if I have enough time to go shopping." You wondered to yourself. Your eyes trailed over to the clock on the stove. 7:23. He's not supposed to come home for another three and a half hours.

"Hm. On second thought I think I'm worrying about supper too early." You sweat dropped to yourself.

You always got started on supper a bit before Hajime got home. That way, his supper could still be warm. He's tried to persuade you to just make it early so you don't have to stay up so late but you always refused.

As you debated weather or not to go shopping, a click at the door made you jump. You glanced at it and gulped.

'Someone's trying to break in!' That thought made you stop. This is Nanba island. The inmates escaping is impossible and that guards practically live by the law. The next thought made you freeze.

'What's if it's Mitsuru again!?'

The door opened and in came your intruder.

"Don't hurt me!" You grabbed a frying pan, closing your eyes.

The door closed as the footsteps got closer.

"As if I'd hurt you." The familiar voice of your husband spoke. Your eyes flew open and you stared up at your husband.

"It's you." You sighed in relief, falling into his chest. The frying pan disappeared from your grasp and is replaced by his large hand.

"Of course it is. Did you really think someone else was actually gonna break in?" You practically heard him roll his eyes.

"Well yeah...Mitsuru does it."

"Okay you need to stop making good points when I'm trying to be cool in front of you."

You giggled. "What are you doing here anyways? You're not supposed to be home for another few hours." You pulled back, arm still wrapped around his torso.

His grip on your hand tightened. Not to the point it hurt but more firm and protecting.

"I can surprise my wife when I want." He grins down at you.

"It was more of a scare really." You smiled sheepishly.

"That's why I keep telling you to stop watching those scary movies when I'm not around. How am I supposed to protect you when you watch them alone?"

"They're just movies Hajime."

"So," He braught you closer to his body, "It like it when you cuddle up against me when you get scared."

Your face bloomed into red. You buried your face into his chest to hide it from him.

"Shut up. Now what do you want for supper?"

"I have reservations." He said.

You pulled back, "Is that why you came home early?"

"Told you I could surprise you when I wanted."

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