Jyugo x Reader: Neko Jyugo

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"That's...horrifying." You give Jyugo a weird look as he glared at Uno.

"Someone please tell me when he looks away." Uno whimpers.

You've heard of half human half cat but this is just ridiculous.

"Kinda funny how only his head transformed." Rock says.

"Rock, your ears." Nico points out.

"What about em?" Rock says, completely oblivious to the cat ears up top his head.

"Kawaii..." You whispered, looking at Rock.

"(Y/n)...when did you get a tail?" Rock asks.

You blink before looking behind yourself.


---Time Skip---

"All better. Now you can get out." Dr.Otogi grumbles.

"Appreciate it." Jyugo replies.

You look up at Rock and frown.

'His ears are gone.' You mentally cried.

"You doing okay?" Jyugo asks.

You look at him and nod, "Yeah."

The tails gone, a big relief for you.

"Hey Nico, somethings off about your hair." Dr.Otogi begins.

And just like that, havack took over Nanba Prison.

"Out of all people, why did it go to you! I hate pretty boys!" Uno shouted, clearly angry with the fact that he got Seitarou's hair colour and Seitarou his.

"This colour doesn't look good on me at all." You cried, holding your hair.

"Who did I swap with!?" You looked around frantically.

"Uh...I think I know who." Jyugo pokes your shoulder before pointing at supervising officer, Kiji Mitsuba.

"Such a hideous hair colour." Kiji stares into his hand mirror.

"Excuse me!" You shouted. "That's my hair colour!"

"Yeah and it's no wonder you don't have a boyfriend." The drag queen sasses.

You face burned red from anger.

"I'm gonna kill him." You rolled up your sleeves.

Jyugo grabbed you, locking you in his arms.

"What the hell? Aren't you supposed to be useless?" You struggled to get out of Jyugo's surprising strong hold.

"You can't kill him! He's one of our favorite characters!" He argues.

"What are you talking about? YOU'RE the main character! People will get over the death of a side character!" You argue.

"You haven't gotten over Ace's death!"

"Don't bring him up!" You cried.

"What are they talking about?" Rock questions.

"I don't know. But I hope they stop arguing, or else they may never become love interests in this anime." Nico shrugs.

"Shut up!" You and Jyugo shouted with red faces.

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