Kokoriki x Reader: I Loved Her pt.3

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"So just going through this door, will get me out of here. Right?"

"Yeah." (Y/n) nods.

They stand in silence. Kokoriki shakes his head and chuckles. He didn't know why he was so worried. Not like he's never gonna see her again. After all, they both entered the simulator.

"Wanna drop by at my place later? For some dinner? As a thank you of course." He quickly adds.

(Y/n) stays quiet. She stares at the door. "Your place?"

He smiles. "Yeah. I know it's not like the out doors or anything but we could still hang out."

She only continues to stare at the door. Kokoriki dropped his smile and studied her face. He couldn't tell what she was thinking. She clearly looked stoic. Maybe even worried? No. That's not the word. He could describe it. But their was some worry to her stoic expression. If that makes sense.

"What's up?" He asks.

"I can't leave." She immediately says.

He blinks confused. "Wait what? What do you mean?" He steps towards her.

She doesn't look at him as she speaks. She gulps before speaking-almsot as if she made a last minute decision. "I-I haven't finished my duties yet. The warden sent me out here for some extra training."

Kokoriki eyes her but looks away. "Alright then." He didn't seem totally convinced but that didn't matter.

'The sooner he leaves, the sooner I can refocus.' She thought.

After a few moments, the two finished their good byes.

"When you're done with training, come to building 5 okay? Visit me!" He waves as he steps in front of the door.

"Uh, yeah! Okay!" They wave and smile at each other one last time before the door slide opens and Kokoriki steps inside. It closed and he was gone.

(Y/n) stands there.

"I'm sorry." She whispers. A tear slid down her face.

She then stood up straight. Her eye glitches around quickly. She saw a message in her mind. Then she sighs.

"Another guard lost. I better go do my job."

A few weeks has passed and Kokoriki went back to the simulator room. He went to ask if his old friend has left the simulator yet.

"Who's (Y/n)?" The employee asks.

Kokoriki explains, "That young woman the warden sent in the simulation for extra training. She's kinda small, (e/c), (h/c), has a bit of an attitude but nice in her own bitch way. Her names (Y/n) Wilde."

The employees/scientists in the room all looked at each other and whispered among each other. They typed away at computes. One turned to Kokoriki.

"I just messaged the warden. She says she didn't send any young woman into the simulation."

Another turns to him. "(Y/n) Wilde doesn't even exist."

Immediately Kokoriki exclaims, "What? Of course she exists. Just because you don't know her doesn't mean she doesn't exist."

Another turned to him. "She really doesn't exist. She was programmed."

Everything went silent.

Kokoriki gulped the lump in his throat.

"Please...what do you mean? This is a joke right?"

"I don't joke around mr.Daisen. (Y/n) doesn't exist. We programmed her into the simulation. Their are many others in the simulation as well. They're programmed to know survival. Their job is to help lost guards who entered the simulator. Here. Take a look." The person moved their screen into Kokoriki's view.

He moves closer and takes a look at the screen.

(Y/n)'s picture shows. The information on her is there. All her skills, way of speaking, description. Everything. Including her name code.

"Simulation spector 008. Name given, (Y/n)." His eyes widen.

That night, he lies wide awake.

He thought back to that month in the simulation. Every chat, every touch, every smile, programmed. Fake. A lie.

He thought back to the last day they had together. They were on the lake in the canoe, checking the nets. It flipped over, making them wet. He made it to shore before her and sat and watched her swim over. He wondered what she thought of him. Because he realized as he watched her gracefully swim right over to him, he loved her.

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