Pretend Delinquent

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My first story :) Hope you like it! :D Oh P.S. This story contains vulgar language so if cussing offends you, then you might not want to read on.



I sighed as I absorbed the sun into my skin. Out here is the only place I can really be myself. Out here, on the beach of Miami Florida, I don't have to hide behind books like I do at school.

For some people high school might be great. For me, high school sucks. You know that one person in your school, that always gets picked on because they're different from everybody else? Well, that's me.

My life definitely isn't some fairy tale like in those books and movies where I become all beautiful and everybody loves me, or I have a super hot best friend that I'm in love with. Nope, my life took a way different course.

"Luna! Come on honey let's go, you still have to pack!" I groaned at the word pack. I hate packing with a passion because I always bring what I don't need and forget what I really need. I mean come on who actually likes packing anyways?

I got up from my soft spot on the sand and walked past all the groups of friends, and couples all having fun together. Jealousy tore through me. They don't know what it's like to be me, to never once have a friend. Lucky bitches.

I walked across the parking lot to my mom's silver mini-van and climbed into the backseat, all while blocking out her ignorant chattering. We drove by house after house until we reached our quaint, cottage-like, yellow home. It was a little too small at times but, home is home and we all learned to make do.

"Luna honey, your father is in the living room and he's a bit cranky tonight so you might want to stay out of his way for now."

Yeah, mhm sure I bet he's only cranky tonight, note the sarcasm. My dad's hated me ever since the accident happened to the school. He can barely look at me or talk to me without glaring and spewing out nasty comments about how much of a disgrace I am. Sick bastard. Whatever happened to that daddy's little girl bullshit? Oh yeah, that's right he can’t stand his 'little girl' anymore because she disgusts him. I internally snorted while I walked on the little cement path towards the front door. More like my dad's the disgrace. So basically in short, I absolutely positively hate my dad with every bone in my body.

The accident happened right after my bullying reached an extreme. Some had vandalized the entire outside of the school in non-washable spray paint. There were angry notes to teachers, vulgar words, and explicit drawings covering the entire perimeter of the old, brick building.

It was going on three weeks and they still couldn't catch any of the guilty vandalizers that did it. So I decided, what the hell? It might just get me out of this town! So I headed down to the police department and 'confessed' that I and I alone did the damage to the building.

Of course it wasn’t me, but my bullying got so bad that I just couldn’t take it anymore. The Ultimate Queen Bitch Jessica Splixy decided it would be fun to throw food at me every single day at lunch. Even if I went in the bathroom, outside, or even in the janitors closet they would still find me and throw twice as more food. Jessica absolutely loved to see me cry, it was like some ultimate high-ranking trophy of some kind. Could you handle that every day of your life?

People at first were stupefied and awestruck. They couldn't believe that little ole' Luna Wetherton, straight A student could do something on that horrible of a magnitude. After a day or two I started receiving hate filled glares from almost every adult that laid eyes on me. Even my own douche of a father.

I had to go to court for the whole issue, and the judge finally decided, that since I had no record all I had to do was go to a reformatory school for delinquents. My father was more than happy to see me go. It was as if the heavens themselves opened up! I was finally getting away from my life!

So yes, I guess that does makes me, Luna Wetherton, a pretend delinquent.



Wowzers! I typed that up so quick! Please tell me your feedback :) If you want me to continue on with my story then please tell me because if only one person likes it then I don’t  think that I’ll continue on. Please tell me if you liked it!


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