Chapter 6: I Am Strong

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Chapters 5-7 have been edited! Chapters 5+ 6 have been put together, as a result, chapter 7 is now chapter 6 and has been added to. Please go back and read through. I don't think I changed anything but just in case, it would benefit you to go back and read thorugh. ALSO This chapter may sound exactly like something you've read but PLEASE do not skip it. The beginning is the same as it was before but there is some new stuff at the end. THANK YOU!

On with the story!


Chapter 6: I Am Strong

Luna's POV

I have came to the decision that I absolutely hate it here.

Mr. Quimsey gave me a week's detention! A WEEK! He's such a little butt-monkey-faced -elephant-poop-licking-buttface!

I didn't even do anything wrong. He just hates me for no reason. I mean, all I did was fall asleep during his class. You can't blame me though! Algebra is so boring! It's all numbers this, and equations that. I'd like to find the situation in my future that I'll actually use all this bullsh*t.

"LUNA!" Damn, Katie sure can be loud when she needs to, I thought while rubbing my right ear.

"You do realize that you probably just broke my eardrums right?" she gave me a 'what, me?' look and then said, "I was just trying to get your attention. I've been saying your name for a while now."

When I didn't respond she sighed dramatically. "Well, I was going to say that Ty wanted to talk to you today because you disappeared yesterday. So come on!"

She led me down the white hallways with beat-up old red lockers and a couple water fountains scattered around. Her forehead was creased a bit as she winded us in and out of all the bustling groups, and her hand was clasped over mine tightly.

The cafeteria doors were in our sight, but just as soon as I saw them, something was blocking my line of sight. I ran into Katie's back that was stiff with an oomph, and when I looked up to see what was up, my eyes answered my own question.

Standing in front of us was a complete BWFT.

The definition of a BWFT is quite simple actually. B for Blonde. W for with. F for fake. T for Tits. It's for the type of girls that have they're boobs pushed up so high, they could use them for a chin rest. WARNING - these type of girls usually have high nasally voices, smack gum like a cow, can knock out another girl with one swing of their tits, and have a posse of followers that are utterly stupid. They are not responsible for the following - broken ear drums, spitting on your face, choking you with the smell of their perfume, or gaining concussions from slamming your own head into the wall repeatedly.

"Nice to see you again dyke." She sneered at Katie.

Woah, this bitch has got some serious balls! She's not getting away with calling Katie a dyke. That, i know for sure.

I looked towards the blonde, who had her nose turned up and a smirk painted on her face. Katie glared at her. "What do you want slut?" Katie's voice was strained and i could already see her eyes tearing up a bit.

"As if I would want anything to do with you, dumb lesbian. I'm just here to deliver the new girl a note." Lesbian? What the hell? I want to punch this nbimbo in the face for thinking she can say that shit to my friend!

She held out a note, and written on the top was, 'Expect me so soon?'

I took the note from her perfectly painted nails and shoved it into my pocket while glaring at her.

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