Chapter 5

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I woke up to find Pinky sliding into bed with me.

"Hey, you're up." Pinky smiled at me.

I grinned. "And so are you. How are you always up so early?"

"I'm just an early morning bird. Were you going to be the one to check on Princess Hachi today?" asked Pinky.

I yawned. "Nah, she's in there with 'Elegance' apparently. Is she another Favored?"

"Oh, definitely! Elegance is the first servant that Hachi ever picked out! Elegance and Angel have a huge rivalry; Angel almost successfully put Elegance into the corihor wraith pit as a sacrifice; it's only gotten worse since then. What's really weird is they got caught trying to sleep with each other once, they made such a loud racket during foreplay battling over who was going to be on top that a group of servants walked in on them to make sure everything was all right. This castle is pretty well stocked with drama, especially among Hachi's servants." chattered Pinky.

I pulled Pinky to me and she quieted down. We lay there, cuddling, her head on my shoulder and my head over her head. I could smell her hair and it was a delightful fruity scent. The soft pale skin of her arm I ran my fingers against and goosebumps followed my touch.

Pinky spoke up. "This is nice."

"Yeah." I commented.

Pinky snuggled further into me but sighed. "I would date you, I totally would, but Hachi would be steamed if anyone was dating the one girl she couldn't have yet. If you just slept with her, you'd be free to do whatever you wanted with anyone here..."

"What if I slept with you?" I interrupted Pinky.

Pinky was taken aback. "What?! I mean, you're hot, and I'd totally hit that, but..."

"You'd take me?" I inquired with a smirk.

Pinky's eyes gleamed with lust. "I'd totally bang you and that smexy -ss of yours."

Pinky's hand reached down and squeezed my butt, but did not go away, just stayed there to cup it in her hand.

"...but I can't. You belonged to Hachi first, you were found by her first, you need to be taken by her first. No one will dare be with you until she does first, so you're stuck until she takes you, okay? I'm sorry." Pinky frowned and moved away to the other side of the bed, taking her hand off me even.

I scooted up behind her back and kissed her neck. She turned around and I took her lips with my own. We kissed and kissed, her hands were all over me, I touched her body too, we kissed and kissed, I enjoyed the pleasant taste of her lips, tongue, and...

The door creaked open. Pinky and I broke apart to see Princess Hachi leaning against the door frame with a cruel smirk on her face. Behind her, obviously backing her up, was a soft butch girl who had short brown hair. I couldn't see her eyes because of the shadows she stood in. She was thin and wry, from past malnutrition like me. She didn't wear a dress, she wore black breeches and a faded black-and-white tuxedo t-shirt.

Hachi ordered the girl, "Ryder? Go take Pinky and have some fun with her."

"With pleasure, your highness." grunted the voice; minus the harshness of the grunt, the pitch was of a girl trying to act like a man, only adding to the butch stereotype.

Ryder came and lifted Pinky out of the bed and out of my arms. I still didn't catch her eye color even as she stood next to me for a fraction of a second, thanks to her bangs shadowing her face. Pinky didn't seem to truly mind as Ryder carried her bridal-style out of the room.

My eyes traced the couple as they left. "What was that?"

"Pinky will sleep with any Favored or me, just you watch. I'm surprised she would even consider you, but it's probably because you're her only friend." Hachi said.

I made a face. "That's not really an answer. And 'Ryder' is a Favored? I haven't seen her with Butterfly, or Elegance, or Angel, or Faun, or Sugar..."

"That's because Ryder doesn't always hang out with the other Favored. Ryder's the newest Favored, doesn't talk about her past even though I know it, and mostly sits in the shadows watching everyone else." explained Hachi.

I grinned. "Now that's an explanation! What's the past behind Ryder?"

"I'm not telling you." Hachi rolled her eyes.

I protested, "But you told me about the one behind Butterfly..."

"...And I also told you that she doesn't like bringing up her past. Convince Ryder to tell you her backstory. If you can, I'll make you a Favored on the spot. The girl holds onto secrets and won't let them out for anything, but you're a surprising person, Pet, so I think you can do it." Hachi smiled.

I sighed. "Okay..."

It seems like a lot of work, to connive backstories out of Butterfly and now Ryder. And if Hachi's correct, Ryder's busy 'having fun' with Pinky.

"Let's go outside. The weather is perfect!" declared Hachi as she dragged me by my arm out of the room. I sighed and went with it. I really am such a pet.

Hachi took us out the back gate into the gardens, which are several upon several acres. I could see other groups of maids, presumably also working for Hachi, strolling around having fun.

Hachi told me, "When the weather is good, most of my servants go out here to loaf. You need to socialize, Pet. Just having Pinky won't be any good for you."

"And who would you suggest I talk to?" I grunted a bit sardonically.

I didn't make many friends back in my village thanks to my mother and father dressing me like a prostitute and being abusive towards me in front of anyone I did manage to bring home. No one wants to see that abuse or report it, so it happened for so long.

Hachi answered, "Anyone you like. But not like-like. You'll be mine first before anyone else. Although...if you are particularly daring...nah, I don't think you'll do it."

"What?" My sense heightened at the thought of a dare.

Hachi challenged, "Make friends with the Favored. On this day, in this garden. They won't be hard to find."

Two giggling other maids came up to Hachi, ignoring me. I looked at the both of them, one in a pale yellow dress, the other in a provocative red dress, both dresses exposing cleavage, and I instantly didn't like them.

They're whores.

No, it's okay to show a little cleavage, especially if the dress is a tad tight.

One of the two girls curtseyed low and I could see a black lace bra barely covering the most private parts of her bosom.

Yes, they're whores.

Hachi winked at the girl who curtseyed and the other girl had the nerve to reach over and kiss Hachi's neck. Hachi laughed and walked off without me, holding both of their hands.

Great, picking whores over me. Because that's going to endear me to sleeping with you quicker, Princess.

I walked by my lonesome and for a moment, wondered what Pinky was up to. Then, I remembered Ryder carrying her off, and a dirty image of the two having sex entered my head. Ugh, thanks for setting them up together, Hachi.

I arrived at a fountain with four perpendicular gravel paths leading away from it. There were a couple of stone benches around but only one was filled with girls sitting at it. I realized I'd just run into the favored.

Butterfly noticed my arrival immediately and cut off her conversation to glare. The others picked up on her line-of-sight, traced it to me, and held her same sneer. It was intimidating to be gazed at in fury by six powerful women.

I remembered Hachi's words.

'You need to socialize...Make friends.' echoed her words in my head.

I confidently grinned. "Hello, ladies."

The others cut off the intense glaring to look at Butterfly, to see what she wanted them to do.

"What do you want?" snipped Butterfly.

I'll just do what I think Hachi would do in a situation like this, hit on them.

I shot, "Your luscious body wouldn't be a bad place to start."

The others looked at me in shock and as quickly turned back to Butterfly.

Butterfly threw her head back and laughed heartily.

"...that's good! Very good! Hachi must be training you well, a newcomer never starts off with us like that! Come talk to us!" invited Butterfly sincerely.

I walked over and they parted to give me a place to sit. Four were on the side across from me, two sat next to me. Butterfly, Elegance, Faun, and a girl I didn't know the name of were the four on that side, while sitting with me were Angel and Sugar.

Butterfly, Elegance, Angel, and Faun looked the same as ever. Sugar I had never really seen before. Sugar was a lipstick lesbian except for the short cropped blond hair. She was a short girl, only five feet tall at most, so even I had height on her. Her eyes were light blue right now, although I swear they've been other colors at times. I'll ask about it later. Her palms were lightly torn at, signs of old calluses, but they didn't look fresh. They must be reminders of her past.

Butterfly inquired, "So how many of our names do you know?"

"Well," I began to point out who I was talking about, "You're Butterfly, and you're Elegance. You're Angel, and you're Sugar. That's Faun, and Ryder isn't here. Unfortunately, I don't know your name yet."

The girl who I didn't know was a flat-out butch. She looked so much like a guy, except her lips and slender wrists gave her away. She had the short hair, didn't wear a dress, although Ryder didn't wear a dress either. I could see clearly defined muscles in her shirt and they probably would have shown through any clothes she tried to wear, so she probably never wore dresses. She had very short black hair, dark skin, and light brown eyes that seemed calm and clear.

"My name is Oak." The girl spoke clearly, but with her voice I could hardly tell if it was masculine or feminine. It seemed somewhere in between.

I reached out my hand to shake. "The name's Rennie."

Before we could shake hands, Elegance sneered loudly and Oak withdrew her hand before I even touched it.

"Hachi hasn't nicknamed you?"

"She calls me 'Pet.' Is that my nickname?" I asked them. I don't understand this nicknames business, how one gets a nickname, although I understand clearly we get stuck with them.

Butterfly merely raised an eyebrow in interest rather than attack me like Elegance did. "Must be then. So...Pet...why have you been ignoring the Princess's advances?"

"I'm not ignoring them or disliking them, I just...don't want to sleep with her. Is that so wrong?" I implored.

Faun snorted. "Princess Hachi feels mighty insulted. You could try showing some affection back, you act like such a...straight."

"Which brings the question, lesbian or bi?" Sugar cut in to ask.

I purred, "Lesbian."

Butterfly hit her fist on the table in mock anger.

"Dang it! What does it take to find another bisexual around here..." she groaned.

Angel rolled her eyes. "Butterfly, you've already threesomed with all the bisexuals Hachi has picked up, no wonder she won't bring us any more."

"She's slowing down on bringing people anyway, although the King hasn't talked about bringing her on any trips across the island, so it could be the lack of pretty faces left at Pet's hometown, the only place Hachi can go to on a day trip..." argued Sugar.

Elegance smirked. "Hachi can always ride around the farms, looking for another pretty farm girl just like you, Sugar, to corrupt..."

"...I'm surprised you aren't bi, Sugar, you used to like guys before you met Hachi, and suddenly, she just turns you completely? That's odd. Are you sure you don't want to share that brown haired guy's manhood tonight with me...?" offered Butterfly.

Sugar made a face of disgust. "I dated farm boys and almost a budding professor, but I never slept with any of them. Guys may have great faces, but I don't like their bodies. Or the way they kiss. It's nothing like being with a girl, so I don't like it. I dig chicks."

"Amen." muttered the table of girls, including me.

Butterfly reclined back and rested her arms on Elegance's and Faun's shoulders. "Your loss guys, your loss."

"That's what you say every week this comes up." Angel yawned. "I don't see what the big deal is that other girls make about guys. I mean, I'll go and flirt with them, but they're so pathetic in their cocky attempts to get me into bed when I'm not even done talking with them, or how they can't stop drooling at my body or the thought of watching me with another girl, and the poor saps who get a hard-on as soon as a word comes outta my mouth..."

"Geez, okay, okay. You lesbians are so set in your ways." Butterfly yawned and cuddled Elegance to her.

Butterfly noticed me staring at her being all over Elegance, so she challenged me on it. "What is it, Pet? Want some of this?"

"No, it's you normally do this sort of thing? Everyone get all touchy with each other?" I confessed honestly.

Butterfly chuckled. "If you haven't noticed, I'm the leader, so all these girls make sure to jump all over me when I so much as snap my fingers."

Butterfly snapped her fingers; both Elegance and Faun started kissing her neck up. Butterfly snapped her fingers again and both slid away.

"We also tend to form fluid friend-with-benefits circles with each other, which keeps everyone at peace. The only ones who aren't friendly with one another are Angel and Elegance."

Elegance and Angel made sure to glare the other down across the table.

"We would all be fighting and hating each other if we weren't bed-mates. This way, we also have another perk of consolidating power. We all each have influence with our dear Princess. Together, we are a force to be reckoned with. Being a Favored isn't just sleeping with Hachi more often. We are the leaders among her maids and control them even more than she does. Just currying favor with Hachi isn't enough. We have to like you too, Pet, or you'll never join us. Hachi can stick any d-mn girl she feels like with us, but to be a Favored, we have to accept them. Otherwise, they might just be the next subject of the sacrifice game. Girls, what do you think of Pet so far?" Butterfly turned to each girl at the table.

Sugar's eyes were a shiny light blue, but her light frown made her face look dulled. "She's okay."

"She's quite inquisitive and might even gain our respect." added Angel with some energy.

Faun sneered. "I don't like her."

Butterfly's eyes widened and she immediately flipped her head over her shoulder towards Faun.

"Oh? Why?" Butterfly got curious.

Faun gritted her teeth lightly as she spoke. "Are we supposed to believe the tiny, pitiful, virgin act? Don't you all remember her diving into the corihor pit and killing all the corihors with just a freaking stick of a sword? She's so shrewd underneath the surface. Every bit of information you tell her, I can see through her eyes and watch little gears turn in her head, trying to figure out how it can benefit her. She's too dangerous to make as an ally. We'll let her into our group and she'll sell us all to the corihor pit. Don't give her a chance to worm her way in, I want her gotten rid of. Now."

The other girls sat there in silence for a moment, none defending me. Ouch, seems like I don't have any supporters after Faun just attacked me.

"I think she will fit as a Favored well one day. Not this day, but eventually." Oak spoke up clearly. Wow, I have to thank her somehow, I just met her, and don't know her well, but she just gave my image some shine after being tarnished so badly.

Faun growled. "She's different. So ridiculously different. She carries the princess's dress tail. She interrupts our game. Heck, she pulled a sword out of the freaking air! Divergence causes trouble. Divergence can spell only problems for us later. If we get rid of her, things will continue as normal. I like things the way they are. They're comfortable. This girl, this Pet, will shake up our lives if we give her any more footholds. I want her out of here. Who's with me?"

There were some murmurs of consent, but none were totally clear. Faun stood up and pulled a serrated knife that had been hidden in the braid of her thick

I gaped openly at her, at the fact she was serious about killing me.

I tripped getting out of the bench and chose to move by crawling on the ground rather than leave myself vulnerable for a second by standing up. I was backing away, Faun stepping around and stalking her way menacingly towards me when Ryder graced us with her presence.

I couldn't see her eye color this time either, her bangs shaded her eyes so much. I could see through the wayward strands of hair that Ryder's dark orbs for eyes were concerned for me and willing to protect me. She loved me unconditionally in this moment enough to step in and save me.

"Hey there! What's up, Faun? Bringing out your old hunting knife? I'd put that away, there's no use for it anymore. Hi Pet! What's up?" Ryder pulled me to my feet and Faun hesitated before sheathing her knife into her hair.

I stuttered. "Uh..."

What am I supposed to say back to someone who just saved my life so casually? Only her eyes show the seriousness she holds within, that she knows the stakes she just played for and won.

Ryder hugged me to her and I hugged her back cautiously. She laughed a bit and ruffled my hair before letting me go.

"They'll all come around. They're just nervous; they're so traditionalist now that they've settled into permanent roles of power; they forget what it's like to claw your way up to the top, as you're doing now. Every one of them will come to like you eventually. Now go back to your friend Pinky, and Pet, don't be afraid to approach us Favored again. You didn't do so bad your first time meeting with us. The future's an interesting place, I guarantee you. Goodbye for now, Pet." Ryder kissed my cheek and walked past me to take my former seat at the Favored table. I slinked away quietly, humbled by my near-death experience.

I made it inside and heard movement in one of the first few rooms I came to. I opened the door and found Pinky inside, lying on top of the bed and playing with a knotted rope. This must be her own bedroom; I've only ever met her at mine, so I haven't seen what hers looks like. It looks the exact same as mine, only different location, different view out the window. All of the servant rooms must look like this.

Pinky noticed me enter and sat up. "Hey! How was your day?"

"Good." I chirped.

I sat down next to her and picked up the other end of her rope. I felt my hand along the knots and came to the realization that this was skilled handiwork. Pinky wasn't from a coastal town, where knot-tying skills are more used, so whose is this then...?

Pinky grinned. "I got this from Ryder!"

Oh, that explains it then. Ryder's a coastal girl though?

"Ryder's coastal?" I voiced aloud.

Pinky shrugged. "It's my guess. She wouldn't answer any questions about where she was from, so we ended up discussing what life is like in the jungle."

"Did you end up...sleeping together?" I asked the awkward question I knew I shouldn't have dared to touch on.

Pinky's eyes flickered around the room, avoiding me. "Well...okay, yes. But not because Princess Hachi told us to, but...I wanted to. She was cute. And a very good lover."

"Did you scream her name?" I snorted.

Pinky acted like I insulted her pride. "What are you talking about? She screamed MY name! Anyways, Ryder's a good person. Quiet, and shady-seeming, but when she feels like approaching you, she'll treat you kindly. No one can seem to crack her shell into her trust though, to find out her story, only Princess Hachi and Butterfly seem to know, and neither will give it up, so the gossip girls are curious. It's one of the few tidbits they haven't yet gotten ahold of."

"Gossip girls? Wouldn't that be all of us?" I teased. A micro-community of only girls certainly had rampant rumor-mongering abound.

Pinky tapped my shoulder with her fist lightly. "Very funny! There's a specific band of gossip girls, ones that have authority that scares even the Favored. The only one safe is Hachi. The Roots ran up to meet you when I was trying to see you right after breakfast yesterday, when I ended up getting carted off to star in the sacrifice game. The Roots carry all the news they gather to the Leaves, who sort out what's new and important, sending that onto the Flowers, the top two girls. The Flowers know almost everything about everyone that's worth knowing. The only things they don't know are some of the Favored's backstories, but the Flowers always seem to work out who slept with whom for each day. They'll find out about Ryder and I, then Faun will come threaten me some more, like what happened the last time I lured Sugar into sleeping with me or spent bath time with the Princess. Who met with you yesterday?"

"Mmm, I remember there were two girls in particular, and several girls hanging around their backsides, whispering into either their ears or each others ears. One was tall with brown hair tied back in a ponytail and the other had black curly hair with blue eyes. I didn't catch any names or the color of the first girl's eyes." I admitted.

Pinky's eyes bugged out. "Holy sh-t! You were talking to the Flowers DIRECTLY, not just speaking to some Roots. The Flowers even reject speaking to the Favored directly almost all the time. The Flowers are Lorne and Todd, who both have nicknames that mean 'fox,' because they're such sly, clever girls. Most of the Favored were well-established by the time Lorne and Todd were brought here, so Lorne, the mastermind, came up with the plan to make a group that had pull like the Favored does. It was crazy to make such a dream, but it came to fruition just as I first arrived here, the time more commonly known as Hachi coming back from her long trip. The gossips with the Roots, Leaves, Flowers structure had been established and survived the Favored. The Favored were never able to get back the power the gossip girls stole. Lorne is the tall brown-haired girl. Todd has the black curly hair and blue eyes. Lorne and Todd are each other's significant other. They sleep together almost every night, but because they're the Flowers, they sleep with Leaves and lucky Roots sometimes, at other times with prospective new Roots to be formed, all in order to forge alliances and keep their group members happy. Sex is the new treaty, quite honestly, between all of us maids. Lorne's a lipstick lesbian, as you probably could have guesses from seeing her, but Todd's a little trickier. Todd normally dresses as a lipstick lesbian, but she will dress as butch, just this complete transformation, when she's about to sleep with someone other than Lorne. She stays the same for Lorne. Lorne's a lesbian, Todd says she's pansexual but hasn't dated a guy since she became a Flower and won't sleep with guys anymore."

"What color are Lorne's eyes?" I implored Pinky. I really wanted to know.

Pinky sighed. "You have to deliberately make eye contact with Lorne to see her eye color; Lorne has magic running in her family, so she uses what little bit she's got, that won't get her into Psi Alpha Theta by the way, to conceal what her eye color is. It also hides her true hair color and skin color, because seeing her with brown hair is a farce."

"How do you know so much about the Flowers?" I questioned.

Pinky shrank into the covers. "I'm not sure I should trust you with that...I'm still going through the turmoil of it, of what happened in the month before you got here."

"You can tell me." I promised Pinky as I cuddled her body to me.

Pinky curled her head against my neck and I could tell she was thinking about it. "Will you believe me?"

"Pinky, I trust that everything you say to me is the truth. Tell me." I encouraged her.

Pinky sighed. "Hachi tried to make me a Favored."

"WHAT?" My eyes had grown to the size of saucers.

Pinky looked absolutely miserable explaining to me. "Yes, I slept with her on the first night, a big no-no, but...I never loafed, I was always by her side when she needed someone and the Princess liked that. She introduced me to the Favored and tried to add me to the mix. I was rejected immediately by everyone but Ryder. Faun led the largest campaign against me and Hachi eventually dropped me as one of her listed favorites. But like I said, the gossip girls had just come to their own power. The Flowers looked at how I had influence, but had been outcasted by the Favored, and the Flowers saw opportunity. The Flowers started getting Roots and Leaves to talk to me, to encourage me to join them, to sleep with any one of them. I always refused. Eventually, the Flowers made a direct offer themselves. They asked me, Lorne and Todd did, for a..." Pinky shut the door and locked it. "...a threesome."

"Did you?" I was into the story by now.

Pinky let out a long exhale. "They said if I joined, I would become an automatic Leaf and I could sleep with both of them. I ended up not actually sleeping with them, but going third-base, since I didn't join."

"Tell me about what did happen." I urged Pinky.

Pinky divulged. "The Flowers have their own secret mutual bedroom away from the regular servants' quarters, hidden in an obsidian enclave few know how to get to in the castle. I was taken there blindfolded, but soon lost my sense of direction in the many turns to get there. I was dumped off, the blindfold was removed by Todd who was underdressed as Lorne was, and Todd threatened me that they would find out if I told anyone about this place, since they're the queens of gossip. Todd then made her way to the bed and sat beside Lorne.

They kissed for a while, then they started pulling off each other's clothes. Lorne winked and invited me to watch. When they were naked, Lorne went down on Todd and used her tongue. When Todd was done, she flipped Lorne and used her fingers. When Lorne was done, they both grabbed me and dragged me unto the bed with them.

Lorne kissed me as Todd stripped me of my dress. Once I was naked, Lorne spun me around and sat me in her lap, while Todd kissed me so forcefully that she shoved her tongue down my throat.

They touched me and I touched them tentatively. Eventually, we fell asleep cuddling naked together, me in the middle, Lorne on my left, and Todd on my right. Third base had felt so good with them. But...

By the next morning, the Favored were getting protective of me, minus Faun. They would tell any Roots or Leaves that tried to approach me to 'shove off,' and one of them would always cuddle me to sleep at night, to make sure the Flowers couldn't get to me again.

The Flowers and Favored were still having that war over me when you came. The Flowers backed off and the Favored started ignoring me again, except for Ryder and sometimes Sugar. So now I don't know what's going on, besides Faun's vendetta to kill me and the Favored plus even Flowers have likely moved their interest to you."

I tried to keep my eyes open, but I was getting sleepy.

"Pinky?" I yawned.

Pinky looked at me with concern. "Tired?"

I nodded.

"Mhm. Goodnight, Pinky." I curled into the bed mattress underneath the blankets.

Pinky tried to shake me awake. "Wait! This isn't your bed..."

"Cuddle with me..." I begged as I wrapped my arms around her.

Pinky hesitated. "O...Okay."

We snuggled together tightly and fell asleep.

Note: I was suggested to do the actress/actor casting box to the side. The only one we came up with so far was for Rennie to be Taylor Swift. Anyone have any ideas beyond that? Comment below!

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