Chapter 10

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I got the help of some Leaves to find the Flowers. They finally helped me locate Lorne and Todd, but warned me before I went in that my information had better be a good lead for being led to their secret room and interrupting their private affairs. They had not blindfolded me as per usual for visitors to the Flower's stronghold within the castle.

"Oh, don't worry, it is." I assured the Leaves.

Even for being led there, I was unsure of myself in this secluded realm of the castle. Purple crystals and black crystals made up this part; I was used to Hachi's part of the castle, made up of colorless diamond and some colorful streaks.

I then burst through the double doors of black gemstone to find Lorne and Todd in the middle of bedding each other. They were on top of the red velvet bed covers and I, to my misfortune, could see everything. Lorne was pleasuring between Todd's legs and Todd was making the most awful screaming noise, enjoying it...I think.

I let out a yelp and both immediately glared at me. Lorne flipped over and curled next to Todd. Neither made any effort to cover their exposed bodies.

Todd barked, "Explain why the hell you're in here?!"

"Hachi told me who is hiding your book." I oversimplified myself to increase their attention.

Lorne called out loudly, "Leaves, shut the doors."

The black double doors slammed shut behind us and the room grew almost completely silent, save for the faint tinkling sound of...what I think are bells, perhaps?

"I know now that this is an important breakthrough, but really, knock next time." Lorne reprimanded me in a snarky tone.

I shot back, "How was I supposed to know what you were doing in here? It was completely silent from the outside!"

"Well, we picked a sound-proof place for our highly-defensible alcove. No one can hear anything from the other side once the doors are shut." explained Todd.

I looked around the room. "Why were you allowed to take this space for yourselves anyways...?"

The overall castle was made of several large crystals that were fused together into a castle shape, crystal because of its hardness and inability to be burned down. The dining hall had been carved out of the foundation and replaced by the stone and dark wood, but the rest of the castle was the combination of gems, although the floors sometimes had coverings.

There was amethyst, emerald, sapphire, ruby, diamond, and obsidian spires of the castle, crystals that were solid in one part and then fused into the rest at the castle's center. This must have been a room carved into one of the edges where the crystals meet, because I could see the amethyst and obsidian combining in the walls, ceiling, and I suspect under the floors.

"This room was empty when we found it, and we're not sure anyone even knows about it, so we found it fair game to occupy." reasoned Lorne.

I gave them a stern look. "You're squatting on castle property?!"

"Once Hachi found out and we explained it to her, she gave the official okay for us. But for a time we were." replied Todd.

Lorne remembered suddenly why I was here. "Okay, spill Pet, who has our book?!"

"Hachi says either Butterfly or Ryder has the book. I say we three confront Butterfly, because Ryder will be impossible to find, and not worth the struggle of hunting her down if it turns out she doesn't have it." I said.

Todd chose to be suspicious of my intentions. "And why do you need us to go with you? You did a fine job of confronting Faun on your own!"

Are you kidding me?! No I didn't...

"Todd, any major breakthrough in this dilemma is worth us checking out in person. We'll go with you, Pet." Lorne responded, interrupting my thoughts. At least she agrees with me.

Todd scowled but Lorne silenced her with a kiss to the cheek. Lorne whispered in Todd's ear, "Her intentions are pure. Besides, I've been wanting to shove a scandal THEY'VE caused right into the Favored's faces, and watch them choke on their puffed-up pride. Don't you?"

"Yes, baby..." Todd admitted defeat to her lover as Todd kissed at her neck. Lorne moaned and flipped on top of Todd, grinding into her lower body. I coughed and turned away from them.

I could almost hear Todd smirking with the tone she used. "What's the matter, Pet? Too uptight to ever stoop to blatant voyeurism? Do you really have no desire to sleep with either of us?"

"I don't want to sleep with either of you; no. I don't want to sleep with anyone." I answered stiffly.

Lorne got off the bed, walked around in front of me, and stalked her way towards me. I backed up against the wooden footrest of the bed and Lorne pushed herself against me. I opened my mouth to complain, when she covered my lips with a kiss.

I shoved her off of me to the side and glared into the corner. I was not giving either of these two the satisfaction all the women in the castle seem to crave! Contrary to my thoughts, warm desire was flowing through my body, singing Lorne's name, and my ring had turned a turquoise color.

I huffed and cleared out of the room, shouting over my shoulder, "Get dressed and I'll meet you two outside the door!"

Lorne chuckled at me, which ended as soon as I slammed the doors shut. The Leaves looked at me in curiosity.

"They'll be out in a moment." I spoke curtly.

The Leaves grinned and whispered to each other.

Eventually, Lorne and Todd came out. They were a long ways from naked this time, wearing matching red flowing dresses with yellow bows and silk lace decoration. Their lips were lined with bright red lipstick and their eyelids had red coloring. They were very attractive, I had to admit.

Lorne glanced at me briefly, as if I was suddenly beneath her now. "We'll lead the way. Follow closely, don't get left behind, can you do all that?"

"Yes." I promised.

Lorne and Todd joined hands. Lorne suddenly grabbed my hand and I had time to gasp before she teleported us to the maids' rooms' hallway. They then dropped hands and walked briskly down the hall. I rushed to stay in step with them and barely made it into the chosen room before Lorne slammed the door behind us, locking it with gray-colored magic.

Butterfly, sleeping in her bed, jolted up at the sound of the door locking and glared at the Flowers.

"...the hell is going...?!"
"...there wasn't any way you could pull a shitty stunt like this and get away...!"
"...nice f-cking try, Butterfly, but give it up...!"

And the three continued to swear at each other until I'd finally had it.

I thundered over them, "Enough! Butterfly, give up the Flowers' book!"

"What makes you think I have it?!" Butterfly retorted at me.

I answered, "Hachi says it's either you or Ryder, so confess, Butterfly! Do you really have it or not?"

The volume in the room deadened to silence.

"Um...yes, I have the book." Butterfly's face paled.

Lorne went red in fury. "Liar! Then it's Ryder, isn't it?!"

"No, no, it's really me, I..." Butterfly tried desperately to get us to believe her.

Lorne turned to me, not having any of it. "Your next task, Pet: track down Ryder and bring us back the book. Once you do, you can have your reward."

Lorne unlocked the door and strode out, with Todd at her side the whole time.

Butterfly flopped down into her bed and I could tell she was really unhappy. I sat down on the bed and patted her shoulder.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. Why are you so upset?" I tried to be comforting.

Butterfly clammed up immediately. She sat up and shielded her emotions. "Why are you here? Shouldn't you be hunting down Ryder for your precious masters' book?"

"Stop right there. The Flowers are NOT my masters; I'm helping them get back the book in exchange for a peek at it." I explained.

Butterfly narrowed her eyes at me. "What could possibly be in there that you would care about knowing?"

"Have you seen the book?" I inquired.

Butterfly snorted. "I've held the book in my own two hands and read the damn thing in the short time we've had it. It's just gossip, Pet!"

"But it's only true gossip. And I want to know about Pinky. Hachi says I seem to be missing something about her." I don't know why I was opening up to Butterfly.

Butterfly gave me a sad, knowing look. "Pinky's gotten into just as much misadventure as you, Pet, only of different kinds. I'm not sure you'd really like to find out about exactly what it has been. It could ruin your friendship or relationship or whatever the heck it is you've two got going on."

"But I must know. I must." I insisted.

Butterfly implored me, "Who's put these desperate thoughts in your head, to find out the whole truth about Pinky at any cost?"

"Hachi says." I stated simply.

Butterfly bit her lip.

I reminded her, "Out of everyone, if the princess is thinking I should know something..."

"...she is wiser than us all. Yes, listen to her. But be aware, Pet. And beware." Butterfly stood up and adjusted her petticoat.

She walked over to the window and gazed outside. I, in my curiosity, got up and looked over her shoulder. She was gazing in the opposite direction of my town, further inland to the island. But where did she think she was looking at?

Butterfly broke the silence. "Do you know where I am from, Pet?"

"You are from a scholar's nook." I answered from memory.

Butterfly continued. "Precisely. And did I enjoy it there?"

"You were very intelligent, but you preferred art, particularly painting, over the pursuit of intellect. You became very famous for your portraits of Hachi; it was how you met her." Hachi's information from before now became important.

Butterfly nodded. "Good, good! How famous was I?"

"I, from a coastal town and secluded from much of society, had even heard of you by Hachi's nickname for you, Butterfly. One of my uncles on my mother's side acquired one of your more elaborate paintings at great cost, although you did not sign this one. It is one of our family treasures currently." Grim had liked to whisper in my ear that I was not worthy to even glance upon the painting.

Butterfly changed the subject. "And how did my parents feel about this fame of mine over paintings?"

"They were professors and did not entirely accredit your fame for art as much as they should have. They would only have given credit where it was due if you had been famous for a discovery in science, math, and had been straight. They are known to be slightly heterosexist." I said, practically reciting by now.

Butterfly corrected, "They are professors, Pet. Not 'were.' Use present tense, they still are professors. But excellent otherwise. You seem to know all of my story then, yes?"

"I would still think not yet, I know the best place to hear all of a story is straight from the horse's mouth." I smiled at her.

I could see Butterfly grin. "Oh, you are superb! If only you were an official Favored already, we could trade riddles and other barbs of wit! I know you would be much fun..."

" consider me a Favored already?" I asked, touched.

Butterfly turned and faced me. "Pet, you have ascended quickly to fame among the maids. The princess still chooses to take an interest in you; everyone knows your name, even the other servants of the castle. The only two obstacles to you are Faun, whom you have managed to subdue, and to sleep with Hachi, whom you still seem to hold out on. Sometimes the only thing standing in your way is yourself, Pet. You'd be wise to be looking out for your best interests more of the time."

"Okay, Butterfly. Thank you." I curtseyed to her. She was leader of the Favored and just as wise as Hachi. She deserved my respect, certainly.

Butterfly smiled and as I came up from my curtsey, she stepped forward and kissed me.

I froze in shock, then evaluated my situation. I hadn't liked Lorne's kiss, not because she wasn't attractive or not a good kisser, she was very beautiful and an excellent kisser. I hadn't liked the way she forced herself on me, like Faun, like Hachi sometimes...or most of the time...oh all right, just about all the dang time! But Butterfly wasn't being very forceful, her body did not cling to me, her arms did not grip me in death-lock. Butterfly was just as attractive as Lorne and she was proving to be an excellent kisser.

I kissed Butterfly back. I drank in the nectar-taste of her lips and the flower-scent of her purple-with-red hair. She gently placed her hands on my shoulders and when I wrapped my arms around her neck, Butterfly hugged me closer to her body, still softly, still intimately, yet respecting me. I rubbed against her body tentatively, seeing if I could goad Butterfly into kissing deeper.

Butterfly pulled away after a while and she tweaked my small nose. "You're a lot more aggressive in kissing than I assumed. As Faun said, you act like such a straight."

"If we're going to fling stereotypes at each other, you're NOT so aggressive for a bi." I taunted with a glint of non-seriousness in my eye.

Butterfly raised her eyebrows. "Oh?"

She guided me to the bed and sat me down. I smirked as she sat in my lap and wrapped her legs around me. Butterfly captured my bottom lip with her teeth and I gasped with enough of an opening for Butterfly to slide her tongue into my mouth.

I licked her tongue and she moaned lightly before wrestling me for control. I fought her as best as I could, trying to bring the battle into her mouth, but I was not as strong as Butterfly. I ended up cradled in her embrace, making out with her amongst the pillows.

Again, Butterfly was the first to drop the kiss. She looked at me with searching eyes before smiling and kissing my lips one last time.

"I would bring this further, but I'm not foolish enough to believe it's my place, unlike Faun. Go now, Pet. I told Ryder to be not quite as hard to find." She promised.

I didn't understand. "How could you have told her this when I watched you the whole time?"

Butterfly turned and I saw the veins in her cheek glow pure white for an instant before settling to blue.

"Hachi picked women of many talents to be her maids. More than a few were bound to have magic, Pet. I have had Lorne as a rival in things beyond your knowledge for longer than I have been here. Magic can speak across distances; I know of how inexperienced you are with your abilities. Try not to wreak too much trouble as you learn. Go on." Butterfly encouraged.

I left her arms and returned to the hallway.

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