Chapter 12

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Pinky and I were bouncing on the bed while discussing hot girls, being more or less like typical teenage lesbians.

"So what do you think of the different high-up Leaves? I saw you talking to them earlier!"
"Cane is attractive, but her personality is...lacking."
"Don't I know it! She always competes with me for time with Sugar. What about Avalbane?"
"I like albinos, true white hair is rare though. Her eyes are a really pretty light blue."
"I do enjoy those eyes. Mmm..."
"What do you think of Roi?"
"Roi is SMOKING! Purple eyes, long brown hair...I haven't gotten to talk to her much since I watched her rise in power, but when I get ahold of her alone..."
"Who else is hot around here?"
"Well, Todd is hot, Lorne is...odd..."
"No way! I like Lorne WAY better than Todd!"
"In attractiveness or how much you can wind each girl around your finger?"
"What? Oh hey, we can talk about the Favored, and who'd you want to make-out with!"
"Okay, who do you want to start on?"
"Cold, analytic, impatient, and sarcastic. Not really what I'm looking for."
"Snooty and too large of a superiority complex. No, kinda like my no to Angel, I don't like either's personalities."
"Uh, how about Sugar?"
"She seems so bored and detached. I don't think she'd be fiery enough."
"I don't know much about her; it'd be awkward."
"Skipping Faun...Butterfly?"
"Butterfly is gorgeous and knows what the heck she's doing. Yes."
"Assuming I can find her and catch her, kissing her in any form wouldn't be half-bad, so I'd give her a yes."
"What about me?"

I paused. Pinky had stopped vibrating the bed and was looking at me half-scared of what the answer would be.

I leaned over and kissed Pinky on the lips. She responded and we sucked on each other's lips until I slipped my tongue into her mouth. We tongued gently until I backed my lips away to tell her:

"Does that answer your question?"

Pinky smiled real big and kissed me again while wrapping her arms around my neck. I lay with her, learning the territory of her mouth, blissfully connected to Pinky until the door to my room slammed open loudly.

I groaned under my breath and scooted away, making a face at the visitor. She was Sugar, with an unimpressed look upon her face and those bored blue eyes.

Sugar informed us, "Hachi says I have to babysit you all night, Pet. And she also says Pinky has to go talk to her."

"Hachi's calling for me? Why?" questioned Pinky as she stood up.

Sugar shrugged. "The messenger isn't told everything; go find out yourself. Pet, come along."

Pinky left the room and Sugar walked briskly away. I jumped up and ran after Sugar. Sugar used her peripherals to make sure I kept up as she walked the twisty hallway. At the end, Sugar opened a dusty door and shut it after us as soon as I entered.

This room was very unclean. It was full of cobwebs in the corners, although not enough hid a certain ladder into the ceiling rafters, and dust filled the floor, besides footsteps here and there. The blankets on the bed were an ugly tan and ancient. The pillows were the same gross color and looked hard as rocks. This couldn't be Sugar's room, but it belonged to someone. wasn't used by the true owner? But the ladder indicated it had some use, despite the unkempt appearance.

"I'm not a big fan of this 'watch over you,' deal that I got sucked into tonight, so keep to yourself and we'll get along fine, otherwise I might just side with Faun." threatened Sugar.

I huffed. "Maybe I should just leave and search for Ryder."

"Oh, please. You won't find her." Sugar's eyes seemed to turn even more blue.

I implored with skepticism, "And why is that?"

Sugar smirked. "You don't find Ryder. Ryder finds YOU. Don't you know that a relationship with Ryder at all is always on her own terms?"

"I think I can change that." I declared proudly.

Sugar rose an eyebrow. "What convinces you so?"

"What else haven't I changed since I've been here?" I asserted cockily.

Sugar stuttered; she was running out of points to make. "W...w...well, you haven't gone jousting yet..."

"Hachi took me out riding earlier today. How much harder could holding a shield and a lance be? You know I'm handy with a sword." I pressed her.

Sugar's eyes were brown now, no longer a bored blue. "Uh..."

I crawled over her on the yellowed, aged bedsheets and hung my body barely above Sugar. Her eyes blurred to a lustful dark green. Sugar bit her bottom lip, so I leant in and nibbled the top one. She gasped long enough for me to slither my tongue into her mouth.

Sugar closed her eyes and moaned softly, all drawn-out. I kissed her slowly, deliberately, and flicked my tongue deeper each time she groaned in pleasure. I wrapped an arm around Sugar's waist and pulled her body flush to mine in the air.

Sugar ended the kiss and looked downward.

"You are going to be the death of me, Pet..." She half-complained, her eyes remaining a dark green, her little...tell.

I forced her back against the headboard until the bed creaked. "I'm only getting started, Sugar, dear."

"We can't have sex in Ryder's bed! At least not without her!" protested Sugar vehemently.

I stood up. "Aha! This is Ryder's room! And she doesn't use it, she lives up in the rafters! That's why she so 'hard to find,' no one is both smart enough to find the place and stupid enough to climb up there to fall to serious injury!"

Sugar was about to respond, but voice beat her to it.

"Sage as ever, Pet." I looked and saw a glow in the darkness.

It was a pair of eyes, up by the wooden beams, but in the dark, I couldn't make out what the color was. It didn't matter; the voice was Ryder's.

I smirked. "Ryder."

"Yes?" Her voice indicated she was humored.

I inquired, "Are you coming down and handing me the book, or do I have to climb up there after you?"

"Patience, Pet. Take some time and talk to Sugar. I promise you, the book is yours in the morning." reassured Ryder.

I scanned her eyes for a sign of subterfuge. "Can I actually hold you to that promise?"

"I always keep a promise, Pet." The eyes of Ryder faded away into the darkness.

I sighed grumpily and sank into the blankets. Sugar prodded me with her finger; her eyes were back to blue. "You can't have everything you want at the time you want it, Pet."

"Okay." I drew out the word with distaste and Sugar flinched, her eyes blossoming to dark brown, that quickly cooled right back to light blue. I've decided to watch her eye color more closely now that I've noted what each means.

I smiled lightly. "So..."

"So tell me about life on the farm!" I suddenly burst ecstatically.

Sugar's expression drooped. "Oh great, you too..."

"I haven't even yet heard it; they've all heard it before." I pressured her to consider in my favor.

Sugar bit her lip. "Well..."

"Please?" I kissed her lightly three times, turning her eyes green.

Sugar gave in. "Fine."

I listened to her with enraptured eyes.

"Life on the farm was like living the same day over and over. I believed myself the straight farmer's daughter and destined to get married off to some man somewhere. I lived on a dairy farm, one that had been owned by my father, his father, his father, his father too, and all the way up beyond the time that farm was part of the extinct country of Le. I milked cows every day alongside my siblings, during birthing months I raised the baby cattle and kept the cows, slaughtered most bulls for veal. I considered life on the farm boring, because it almost never changed.

One day, I was sitting on one of the cows, riding it around the southern edge of the fences that divide our pasture from the road. I was chewing on a foxtail blade with the fluffy end of seeds sticking out of my mouth. I was chewing it because I was frustrated by this boy who wouldn't date me.

He was a student at a scholar's nook, and when I tried to court him...he showed how much he really looked down on me. He told me he was going go grow up to be a professor, while I was going to turn out to be a nothing farmer's wife, and he waxed on about how he would be somebody and I would be nobody, so why mix the two classes of people: the legends and the never-will-be's.

As I was chewing on that foxtail, contemplating the situation, I saw a figure of a girl riding her horse. The horse was a pale gray like Sleipnir, but without the eight legs, and the girl was as beautiful as the sun shining up her dark hair. The rider and her horse got closer until I could tell who they were. It was Princess Hachi riding Iron just north of her castle, where my farm was.

I looked at her, fascinated but still moody, and she paused when she saw me. She backed up Iron from heading down the road and brought her horse around to speak with me.

'Hello there.' She said.

I sighed. 'Hi.'

'You seem to be full of melancholy, citizen. What troubles you?' She asked.

I explained in mumbles, 'I'm having the boyfriend blues.'

'Us girls are better anyways.' The princess winked at me and I figured out quickly that she was a lesbian.

She visited often, sometimes on horseback, sometimes just on a walk. The princess was the only spontaneity to life on the farm, so I secretly treasured our every encounter. I felt less and less straight, which worried me, and I knew I felt this way, because I felt more and more attracted to the princess. I thought I was going to be hanged for it if I ever told her, so I did my best to conceal my longings.

One day, as autumn was turning into winter, the princess walked by and called out to me, which was what she always did; I thought nothing of it. I came over, sitting on another cow, when the princess dropped the bad news: she wasn't coming to visit over the winter because her father was worried about her getting stranded on a walk if the weather suddenly became bad.

I was immediately upset and asked her if she could take me away with her; life on the farm would be unbearable without her. She said that she kept maids at her service up at her castle, but warned me that she only kept girls who liked her around.

I took a risk. I jumped over the fence, using the cow's back to push off, and I landed on top of the princess. She caught me and as we lay tangled on the ground, I kissed her.

The princess was very surprised. She thought I was straight, particularly because I told her so. I explained that I had been feeling differently towards her, that maybe I wasn't straight after all. I said that I didn't want to say anything, because I was afraid I would sound like a liar, and plus I didn't know how to say it at all.

The princess grinned and helped me to my feet. She commissioned me as one of her maids and now here we are today."

"What is Sleipnir?" I questioned.

Sugar's eyes changed from blue to a kind of colorless. "Oh, did I say Sleipnir? I learned a little bit about the mythology original settlers brought with them to the island when they got here. Sleipnir was an eight legged horse that was king of horses, the fastest horse ever, and even though it couldn't fly, it could jump across oceans."

"I thought only a citizen of a scholar's nook would know something like that." I nudged Sugar playfully.

Sugar seemed slightly embarrassed. "My parents took my siblings and I to a nook once; I tried to remember all I learned that day. It's the only day I ever felt like I was smart. That I wasn't a dumb, blond, farm kid."

"You're not a dumb, blond, farm kid, Sugar." I told her.

Her eyes seemed to soften. "...really?"

"Look at where you are now. Respected servant of the princess, a Favored, no longer confined to just the limited life you could experience on that have a lot of possibilities of what you could do with your life now, Sugar. You didn't need that 'future professor' to escape; all you needed was a chance encounter with the right person, who turned out to be Hachi. If you were dumb, you would have never made it to where you are now. Give yourself some credit." I smiled.

Sugar hugged me suddenly. "Thanks, Pet."

She turned back just as quickly, unsure of something. "But...why are people so interested in how I'm from a farm if I'm not the worthless farm kid?"

"It's different. We're all from different backgrounds, so we like to hear about where each other is from, and I personally like to imagine what it might have been like if I was the one growing up there. I'm the oldest child of a blacksmith who married a farmer's youngest daughter and made a home in a coastal village near the royal castle. I worked a garden plot and did chores my whole life, never had the chance to be educated at a school in a scholar's nook, never had friends either. My brothers all picked on me, the neighbors always gossiped about me, and my parents hit me around. I don't like to think much about where I'm from, and I prefer even less to talk about it, but I know people are going to be curious, so I'm okay with talking about it as long as I find out about where they're from too. Does that make sense?" I received a grin from Sugar.

She hugged me. "Yeah. It does. What do you want to do now?"

"I kinda want to go back to my own room..." I got up and stretched.

Sugar pulled me back on the bed again. "No, you can't! I was told to babysit you the whole night and that means you have to stay."

"You can 'babysit' me in my own room just fine." I used air quotes around the contemptible term "babysit."

Sugar shook her head. "Nope, I can't do that. It's against orders."

"Orders from whom?" I inquired with suspicion sneaking into my voice.

Sugar thought about it. "Well...the princess and Butterfly both. Oh, and I guess Ryder. You could count her too."

"Why have you started calling Hachi by just 'the princess' instead of her name?" I implored.

Sugar explained, "That's what I always would call her by before I was a Favored. I was taught to be very respectful, you know."

I received a nudge at this.

"Hey! I'm not NOT respectful!" I protested.

Sugar smirked. "Sure."

I climbed on top of Sugar and straddled her. Her eyes turned green and she bit her lip. I leaned in close to her lips.

" wanna take that back?" I teased.

Sugar's eyes dripped down my body before snapping back up again. She nodded her head so I kissed her hard. Sugar wrapped her hands around my waist and I kissed her for a while, with force but no tongue.

Sugar stopped kissing. "Why have you suddenly been very friendly with all the Favored? Kissing them up and such?"

"I know the rules of this game. The most important one is that the promise of sex is the new olive branch." I kissed Sugar again while smirking.

I suddenly felt a very strong yet subtle sensation come over me that made me feel very sleepy. I separated my lips from Sugar and noticed a sliver of purple flash across the crack of the not-open but not-shut door. My ring was flashing from black to white to black again. I yawned.

Sugar's eyes were brown. "Tired?"

"Yeah. Nighty night, Sugar." I stretched my limbs one last time and fell asleep in my 'babysitter's' arms.

As I went to sleep, I had a quick dream of a purple butterfly dancing across my vision before I went into deeper slumber.

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