Trust me

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Tyler's POV
After the events that happed yesterday I really didn't want to go to school or see Justin but I knew if I stayed home who knows what my dad do to me so I got up and just got dressed and left.

At schoo
As I got to school I saw Loren but I just didn't want to talk or be around anyone today. The day went in as usual just with ignoring everyone but then it was lunch. I would usually sit with Loren but I sat by myself today. I just sat down thinking about how bad my life is how much I wanted to die but I didn't want to tell anyone about how my life was crumbling right before me I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when Justin sat next to me.

Justin's POV

I was walking into the lunch room when I saw Tyler sitting by himself. He looked really depressed . So I sat next to him. As soon as I sat next to him he looked like he didn't want to talk to me or anyone for that matter. "Hey Tyler. " "Hey" He said in almost a whisper voice. His eyes were really puffy and red like he had been crying the night before. "What's wrong Tyler " I asked. He didn't say anything and just got up and left and ran to the bathroom. I got up and ran after him as I entered the bathroom I heard someone crying and saying that they are worthless. As soon as I heard that I ran to the part were it was coming from. When I got there all u saw was Tyler crying with his sleeves rolled up and his wrist with cuts all over him. He looked up and saw that its was me and Imeadaly rolled his sleeves down and wiped his tears. He asked me what I was doing here but I ingnored that question and asked him to roll up his sleeves. He didn't want to but then I grabbed his arm and put the sleeve up and saw all the cuts and bruises. I looked at him with teary eyed and asked why did he do this. He just busted out crying trying to talk but his  crying made it hard for him to say any words. I sat there waiting for an answer. What he had told me about his father made me heartbroken. Then he told me about what his dad told him if he ever hung out with me any more that his dad would kill him. That broke my heart. I asked him if he wanted to stay at my house he said yes but told me he had to tell his mom first. After school let out we got in my car and all of a sudden Tyler started to cry. He whispered to him self saying that he didn't deserve to live because he was worthless. As soon as I heard those words come out of his mouth I told him that none of that is true I told him that he was everything he wasn't worthless or stupid he was perfect. After I said the he looked shocked and I was a bit shocked myself for what just came out of my mouth. He had blushed deeply while I felt myself blush to. We smiled at each other and I kept on driving. We get to my apartment and we go into my room. We sat down on the bed for about two hours Tyler had fell asleep but I heard crying sounds coming from him. I looked at him and tears were streaming down his face. I woke him up and asked what was wrong he said he couldn't tell me. I told him that he needed to trust me he then told me that......

                           Cliffhanger .

How It All Happend - A Jyler Fan Fic ✔(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now