I don't. pt.2

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Tyler's POV
Today was the day of Justin's wedding. I hated to think that this was his wedding. It's supposed to be our wedding but I have to remind myself that this was all apart of the plan.

But as soon as this problem was solved me and Justin would get married. And then our honeymoon then life happily ever after. I was standing guard of the inside of the room that Justin was in.

We made eye contact as usual and then he left but before he did he came up to me grabbed my hip and said "I live you more than anything. Anything Tyler. " And before I could say anything he left.

Tears filled my eyes and streamed down my face. I needed this to be over already.


Justin's POV
Today I have to get married to the person I hate the most I wanted this moment to end.

If only it would. Tyler had been the guard in the same room as me so we made eye contact pretty much every other second.

When it was time for me to leave and go get married in stood up and walked to Tyler I grabbed his hip an told him that I loved more than anything. But before he had a chance to say anything I left cause I knew he would start crying and I couldn't bare seeing him like that.

So I just walked out. I started walking around to the back of the house where the wedding would be held.

I saw guards take everyone who came for the surprise engagement party for Tyler get drag and tied down in chairs.

I saw Tyler stand on the outside of the chairs I could feel the pain he was going through by just looking at me standing there waiting for Cameron.

Then music started playing and I saw Cameron walk down the aisle with a smile on his face and with 3 goons behind him. I hated him and his smile but I had to smile back in order for everything to go right.

He came up in front of me and smiled. Again I replied back with a smile.

He called one of his goons up and whispered something in to his ear I didn't know what it was but I was guessing that it had something to do with being (that person who tells them you may kiss so and so idk what it's called don't come for me😀.) that person.

Then the goons started talking. " Will the engaged like to exchange vows ". Then Cameron told me his vows. I didn't have any to give and if I did they would sound a little like this " Cameron I fucking hate you I hope you die and rot in a whole. And if I could I would shove my foot so up your ass you'd become a fucking puppet. " But ofc I didn't say that and I just told him "I love you with my whole heart. "

And then that was the end of that. Then the goon said "well then Cameron Martinez do you Take Justin Blake to have and to hold through sickness and in health" "I do " Cameron said.

" Justin Blake do you take Cameron Martinez to have and to hold through sickness and in health" " I - I " I started panicking and everyone was looking at me Cameron had a little angry face and then I looked at Tyler u saw the tears in his eyes but then he gave me the que. " I don't " " Cameron I care about you but I don't" I said then Cameron got mad pushing me to the Floor and pulling a gun.

" Justin I tried to make this work but I guess I can't. " He said coming closer to me with the gun. " Put that fucking gun down you asshole " Tyler said drawing his gun. " Shit. I thought they fucking killed you. What are you doing here. " " Well it's not that hard to kill one of your goons. " Tyler said and laughed a little. " That's fucking it. " Cameron screamed and ran towards Tyler .

He had his gun in hand and so did Tyler . Cameron got Tyler in a choke hold but then Tyler flipped him and was know on top of him and started chocking him.

But then Cameron flipped him and know they were standing up and Tyler was back in the choke hold. They had dropped their guns in the missed of this so I ran and picked one up. I held it up and pointed it in the direction of Tyler and Cameron. "JUSTIN SHOOT! " Tyler screamed. " I WOULDN'T DO THAT IF I WERE YOU JUSTIN " Cameron yelled.

I didn't know what to do because they kept moving. But I just closed my and shot.



Yay update. I'm done. I am so happy. Vote and comment. If this gets less then 7 votes I'm going to cry. 😭😭 please close. And comment because it makes me feel loved. 💓💓💓💓

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