Give them back pt.3

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Justin's POV
Do you ever feel like every things your fault. Or that your the main cause in every bad thing you witness .Well thats how I feel now.       I didn't know  what to do. My whole life has been me fucking and going. I fuck one person move on to the next. And I was happy with my life then. But... Then I met Tyler. His beautiful brown eyes and how they sparkled in the sun light or his dimples  that showed whenever he laughed or smiled. He changed my perspective on how I show love towards people. Especially since I saved him from that monster. I've never told Tyler this but every time I looked back at what I think it's my fault. I think that I could've stopped him from cutting or from being rapped. But if I ever told him this he would say that it isn't my fault. But some way some how I feel like it is. My baby Tyler has been taken away from me and I'm the cause of it. I should have stayed home that night. And.... And protected him and our babies. But even if it kills me I will save my family.

Couple hours later still( Justin's POV)
I had showed the guys the message that was sent to me from the night before. "Well let's go then" Ryan said so with that we all hopped in the car and left. The destination to where Cameron sent us was in the middle of nowhere. Anywhere you look you see nothing for miles and miles. And not to mention it was hot as hell outside do all I could do was imagine what my baby could be feeling in this heat. The only thing we saw was a medium sized house with borded up windows. "I think this where they are" I said and we knocked on the door. Once no answer twice on answer the third time I was going to knock there Cameron held the door open. "Hey baby " He said. "Don't call me that now where is Tyler " I demandanly asked. "Oh baby you didn't think I was just gonna hand him over do ya. " "Cameron that not fair" "Oh but baby I never said anything about playing fair". " But come in enjoy your self's "he said to me. As all of us  started to  walk in something had fallen on top of us. A fucking cage. " What the hell Cameron " I said. "What. I knew you were going to bring backup so I needed to make sure that nothing could stop my plan. " He unlocked the cage only letting me out. "I'll bring you to Tyler follow me. " He said. "I'll be back guys " I said to Ryan,  Aryn,  and Kalvin. They shook there heads and Cameron took me to where Tyler was. As soon as I saw him I ran t words him and kissed him. "Tyler baby it's me Justin" "J- Justin is it actually you or am I dreaming" " No no baby it's actually me". "Justin " He whispered in my ear. "My water broke" He said to me with a low voice I'm assuming it was because he didn't want Cameron to hear.  I was shocked my baby was in labor and in pain and he held it in so that monster wouldn't hurt our kids. "Hold on baby I got you  just hold on for a few more hours can you do that for me. I know it hurts but if we want to save the babies we have to get out of here first" I said to him. He shook his head and started to cry. I felt so bad for putting him through this. "Cameron let us go please i'll do anything you want just please let us go" I yelled to him. "Anything? " He asked. "Anything." I said in a low crying voice. "Have sex with me. " He said with a devilish smirk. " Wha- what" I asked to hear I heard him correctly. " You heard me have sex with me and I'll let you Tyler and your friends go.  But it has to be passionate not like just done hook up you have to mean it"." I looked at Tyler" " Go babe I understand if that is what is going to get us out of here then do. I will still love you no matter what happens ok " I pressed my forehead to his and let a tear stream down my face I kissed his head and got up and walked towards Cameron.
He lead me to this different room. He stripped naked and I did the same to my self. I hated doing this to Tyler. I hated having to fuck the one guy I hated most just to save my family. He laid me flat on the bed and put his head between my legs and started to Bob his head up and down. I hated how he enjoyed doing this not to mind you my dick wasn't erect because I wasn't turned on. It was was just limp. After him giving me head he made me fuck him from behind (I know ew  but just stay with me here)  I really wanted to say no or even just leave but like knew if I wanted Tyler and the guys to get out of here I had to do this. So I started to thrust in to him. Each thrust was me going harder and deeper and the thrust were becoming  sloppier and sloppier. With every movement I was on the edge of Cumming  I could tell Cameron was too. And with my last thrust I came in to Cameron and he came under us. I immediately pulled out and cleaned up I hurried to the bathroom and damn there started to cry I hated the feeling of realising into cameron I only wanted to happen to me a Tyler. But I came out and got dressed quickly. " I've missed that feeling so much babe" Cameron told me. " Well great now let us go please ". " Ok y'all can leave but on one condition " " What condition you never said I had to do anything else. " " Well I changed my mind " " That's not fair " I tell him. "I don't play fair baby it's all part of my game"." Let's go pay Tyler a little visit."    (Play song) As I got to Tyler he looked at me and mouthed " I love you" I mouthed it back to him and then Cameron came behind me and kissed my neck and handed me a knife he whispered in my ear "slit his wrist " " What I can't do that to  him " Tyler looked shocked but he then spoke up. "Justin just do it i'll be fine it's not like I can't take it please just do it" I grabbed the knife from him and walked twords Tyler. " Just do it please " He whispered and started to cry. " I love you " I said to him and I did it.  I slit on wrist then the other. I dropped the knife a soon as I seen what I had done. I hurt him I hurt my baby because of my selfish past.

            Word count: 1208


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