Chapter 1:

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Homework has always come easily to me. I've always been really good at math, so I didn't expect my calculus homework to take very long. That wasn't the case however, considering I couldn't focus because my stupid brother and his stupid friend were playing stupid video games downstairs. They obviously weren't very good, considering they kept screaming at the television every ten seconds.

"Babe, I've gotta go." I hung up on Facetime with my boyfriend as I slammed my calculus book shut and tossed it to the side of my bed. These boys were the biggest headaches ever, especially Kian. My brother wasn't too bad most of the time, but whenever that nuisance came around, Jc was practically a different person. I stomped over to my bedroom door and opened it quickly. "SHUT UP!" Was all I yelled, and apparently it was enough for them to stop screaming. Pleased with myself, I shut the door softly and walked back over to my bed. I barely sat down before I heard Kians annoying voice again, screaming profanity at the game.

That's it. I walked out of my room and stomped downstairs to see Kian and Jc sitting on the couch playing some shooting game. I stepped in front of the television.

"Woah woah woah! Get out of the way!" My brother yelled.

"I really do hate do be a bother, but if you guys are so bad at this game, then could you just stop playing it please?" I smiled.

Kian scoffed. "Please. What makes you think we're so bad at this game?"

"Just the fact that you guys keep screaming profanities while I'm trying to do my homework." I retorted.

"Oh, like you could do so much better?" Kian questioned.

"I mean, probably not at whatever this is. But I sure can run you on some 2k." I challenged.

Kian chuckled, "Yeah, right."

Jc and I raised our eyebrows. "Dude, you don't wanna challenge her," he warned. "She's even beat me at 2k."

"That's because you're a loser, Jc." Kian argued.

Jc saved their game and hit the exit button on the remote. "Whatever, I'm going upstairs so you're not as embarrassed when you lose. But don't say I didn't warn you." He handed me the controller and went upstairs. I took out their current game and placed NBA 2k17 into the game console before plopping down on the couch.

"Okay, if I win, you guys have to be quiet. At least while I'm trying to do my homework." I couldn't believe I was actually about to play a game with this waste of space.

"Yeah, whatever, and when I win, you owe me a good time, if you know what I mean." Kian winked at me after suggesting his part of the bet.

I scoffed, and practically threw up in my mouth. Me, with Kian? I'd rather rip my eyes out. But he didn't know how hard I played 2k, so I wasn't worried. "Yeah, whatever. You're on."

Kian sat speechless as I smiled at the screen. At the end of the fourth quarter, the final score was 33-31, with me in the lead of course. I patted Kians shoulder and placed my controller in his lap. "Welp, I've got homework." I laughed as I walked to the kitchen.

"That's not fair! I want a rematch! This game is glitched!" He yelled behind me.

I kept laughing as I grabbed a banana from the fruit basket. I turned to walk around the corner when I came face to chest. Kians chest, to be exact. He placed his hands on my hips and pulled my body closer to his. My breathing hitched. He brought his mouth down to my ear and spoke softly. "I expect a rematch, sometime soon." He smirked before letting me go. I watched him as he walked upstairs and into Jc's room. As soon as my breathing returned back to normal I ran upstairs and slammed the door shut. I walked onto my balcony and dialed my best friends number.

"Ew, it's you." She answered sarcastically. I laughed but it was short lived as I had to get down to business.

"Kennedy, now isn't the time! I have a code K!"

"Oh boy, what did Kian do this time? Break another lamp? Eat your leftovers from Taco Bell again? Put toothpaste in your shampoo bottle-"

"Ken! I'm serious! Get over here now!" I cut her off. "I'm on the balcony." I hung up and within seconds I saw a short blonde open the door to the balcony across from mine. Our houses were fairly close together with about 20 feet between us, and when we were younger Jc put a zip line on our balconies because he knew how often we'd sneak into each others rooms. There were trees all sporadically around our house and on either side of the zip line, so our parents never noticed. I thinks it's funny that we're both 17 yet we use it all the time. I watched Kennedy get into the swing and push her weight off the balcony.

"I can't believe you guys were in the same room for more than five minutes and you didn't lynch him! But he seriously did that!?" Kennedy practically screamed. I nodded. "Did you tell Collin?"

"Are you crazy! I can't just tell my boyfriend that my brothers best friend- who I hate -just hit on me! You know how he is Ken!"

Collin and I probably didn't have the healthiest relationship. Let's just say he had some anger issues, and when we got into arguments, it got kind of ugly.

"Speaking of that, I still think you should tell Jc." She changed the subject.

"I can't Ken, we've been dating for eight months. He's going to think I'm stupid for not telling him earlier. And besides, do you know how disappointed he'd be? That's the whole reason we moved from Texas seven years ago!"

"Well he's gonna notice these sooner or later." She said sternly, grabbing my arm and lifting it to show the fading bruise, along with a fresher one. "And he won't be disappointed. You're not your mother. You don't have two kids that are going through this as well while you're just not doing anything about it. That's what she did Lex. I know you're better than her."

I quickly pulled my arm away from her. "I love him Kennedy, and I can't help that." I retorted, my eyes were watering but I quickly pushed the tears away. "And besides, I called you over here to talk about Kian."

"Right," she sighed in defeat. "So, you love Collin, but you just described how it felt when Kian touched you, and I don't think I've ever heard you talk about Collin like that. Not in the past five months at least."

"Well I've always hated Kian, so I don't think this is a crush or anything, at least I hope not."

"Well you better figure it out before your boyfriend finds out about it, you know he's good at that kind of thing." She warned.

I sighed and leaned back on my bed until I was starting at the ceiling. I wasn't scared of Collin, but she was right. I did have to figure out what this was before it gets out of hand. I have to figure out why I felt the way I did when he touched me.

Hi hi, this is the first chapter, I hope I did okay. Pictured above is Alexis Caylen (Maggie Lindemann). If anyone has any suggestion please feel free to comment, hate is accepted as well lol. Please vote!! Hope you enjoyed!!
xox, Sav

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