Chapter 6:

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The weekend went by super fast, and it was already Monday. I was terrified to go to school, mainly because so didn't want to see Collin. I didn't care if anyone saw the bruises on my face.

Jc had agreed to let me stay home for the week, with the exception that Kian would take me to the school just to get my work. Since it was almost noon I decided to finally get out of bed and I put on a tie die hoodie and some black ripped jeans. I paired the outfit with my red high-top vans and walked downstairs, in a better mood than usual. When I got to the bottom I noticed Sam, Kian, and Jc were all at the house filming a Youtube video, so I decided to ruin it.

"I'mmmmmmmmmmmm," I sang at the top of my lungs. "Gonna swiiiiiiiiiiiiing, from this chandelieeeeeer!" My voice got higher as I continued into the kitchen.

"Is that my annoying sister?" Jc asked while blindfolded.

"I'm definitely not the annoying one in the family." I warned.

"Yeah, okay." Jc laughed and the boys joined him. "Are we done yet?" He asked Kian.

"Yup!" He responded, taking the blindfold off of Jc. "You were touching a rubber duck."

I hated their collabs sometimes.

They ended the video in the time it took me to make some toast, and I walked into the living room. "So, can Kian take me to the school now?" I asked with the piece of toast in my mouth.

"Yeah sure, go ahead." Jc allowed. I smiled and Kian grabbed his keys as I put my hair into a messy bun. We were walking outside when Jc asked, "You don't want to cover that up?"

I knew he was referring to the bruises. "To be honest, I don't feel like putting on makeup right now, I'm tired. And besides, if I see him, I want to know what damage he did."

"Fair enough."

We got to the school and I was suddenly extremely nervous. I didn't want the teachers to ask about my face, I didn't want to see Collin, and I didn't want Kennedy to see me and scream my name, drawing attention.

Unfortunately, two of those three things happened. We walked straight to the office and Kian could tell I was nervous, so he spoke for me "Hi, Jc called and said Alexis Caylen would be out of school for the week, so we're here to get her assignments."

"Yes." The deal lady kept her eyes on her screen as she grabbed a purple folder, but looked up as she handed it to me. "Here you are swee– Oh my! What happened to your face!?" Pretty soon every administrator in the office looked up and gasped.

"Oh, I-I uh." I stuttered.

"It's a personal thing." Kian finished for me. "Just know that no family or close friends did this to her." He assured and I nodded so they'd believe us. They all looked at me with pity and I hated the feeling in my stomach, so I gave them a quick thank you before we left the office.

We were walking in the parking lot when a black hummer pulled up. "K-Kian." I said, gripping his bicep. I wasn't worried about it at the time but I noticed he had really nice muscles.

"I don't care what he says to you Alexis, do not say a single word to him." He whispered defensively, pulling me closer to him as we walked.

Collin almost walked past us but turned around and spoke up. "Alexis?"

"Get away from us." Kian warned, stepping in front of me.

"Alexis, please. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do this. I love you." He pleaded. It took everything in me not to start crying.

"Collin, I mean it." Kians voice warned. "You need to go, now. I will call someone."

"Yeah," Collin chuckled in a way that drew goosebumps on my neck. "I'll leave you alone for now, Kian. But I always get what I want, remember that." He told him before walking inside the school.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and my eyes started to water. "Shhhh, it's okay." Kian pulled me to his chest and stroked my back. "You can't go back Alexis."

"I know that." I said, pulling away. "It-It's just hard to see him." Kian nodded in understanding and we got into his red Chevy Malibu.

"You feeling some food?" He asked. "Jc texted and told me to bring them something, so if you're hungry just let me know."

"Yeah, we can go somewhere." I agreed, and we settled on Pizza Shuttle.

After we got everyone at the house food, Kian took us back there. "Hey, Kian?" I asked on the way home.

"Hmm?" He mumbled, still focused on the road. I took a deep breath before continuing.

"Uh, the other day, when I asked why you cared so much, but you said 'that's a different story for a different day' what did you mean by that?"

He tensed up, and my feelings suddenly got hurt because I had a feeling he wouldn't tell me what he meant. Unfortunately, I was right. "It's nothing Lex."


"Alexis, trust me, you wouldn't want to know, okay?" He pleaded. For some reason I found myself getting more and more angry with him hiding something. If it was about me, didn't I deserve to know?

"Kian, if it's about me you can't just hide it from me."

He sighed and pulled into the drive way. Once he put the car in park, he rested his head in his hands and rubbed his face, like he was restrained from what he wanted to say. "Alexis, I can't tell you. After everything you just went through, I just can't put this on you right now. Please trust me."

"I just said you shouldn't be hiding something."

"Oh, like you didn't hide anything." He retorted under his breath, but I heard him clearly.

"What's that supposed me mean?" I asked with attitude clear in my voice.

"Nothing Alexis. I just meant–"

"Save it. I hid things from people because I didn't want them worried about me. I know that was a mistake, you don't need to rub it in."

He sat up straight and put his hands to his side quickly. "No, Alexis, that's not what I meant to do. I'm just saying–"

"You know what?" I interrupted. "I'm not very hungry anymore." I grabbed the pizza boxes and got out of the car, slamming the door. I stomped inside to a happy Jc, Kennedy, and Sam laughing at some old youtube collabs of them. I scoffed.

"What's up with you?" Kennedy asked me with annoyance. I just rolled my eyes and placed the pizza on the bar.

"My brothers inconsiderate, disrespectful, annoying friend is what's up. But since you guys seem to be enjoying the videos with him, he'll be in shortly." I said sternly, pointing to the door. With that being said, I stormed up to my room for the night, mood completely ruined.

To think I actually thought about catching feelings for that annoying thing.

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