Chapter 9:

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Monday mornings. I hated them.

I had to go back to school today. My bruises were almost fully healed and I had no more excuses for completing my assignments from home. Not that it bothered me, I just didn't get to see Kian as much. We were still just friends, but we're closer now that I can actually stand him (maybe a little more than that).

I rolled out of bed around 6:15, since school started at 7:30. Once I picked out a mint-green hoodie and some black leggings, I put on my mint-green slide on Vans and FaceTimed Kennedy.

"Hey girl! What are you wearing today?"

"Hey, my green hoodie and Vans, why?"

"Perfect, can I borrow your purple windbreaker? All of my long sleeves need washed."

"Yeah, just get over here, I still need to do my makeup and hair."

"Alright, on my way."

I hung up and unlocked my balcony door, because I knew she'd be coming through that way. I was straightening my hair when she walked into the bathroom holding my purple windbreaker. "Found it." She smiled and I chuckled. I started applying my concealer and eyeliner while she changed her top, and I put on some mascara to finish. "So, how's it going with Kian?"

"What do you mean?" I asked as I grabbed my car keys and book bag. "We're not a thing."

"For now." She smirked. I just laughed at her.

We got to school with ten minutes to spare so you can bet everyone was asking me questions. Where have you been? Are you okay? What happened with Collin?

That was my least favorite question. It had been obvious that he left the party two weeks ago, and I know he's been at school all week, so people knew we had broken up. They were just asking to see if I'd crack, which I wasn't going to.

I was walking into first period when I noticed a new face sitting in the seat next to my usual one. She was gorgeous too. Long brown hair and brown eyes, really tan. Her style was just as stunning. "Mrs. Caylen," my teacher smiled at me, "this is Andrea. She's new and since your table is usually empty, I figured it'd be okay to have her sit next to you. She could use a friend on her first day."

"Of course Mrs. Tipton," I smiled back. "Not a problem." I sat down in my usual chair and looked over at Andrea. "Hi, I'm Alexis. You a junior?"

"No, senior," she smiled back. "My parents decided to move me from north Cali one semester before my graduation." She giggled sadly. "But that's alright. I used to live down here my freshman year, and I was dating this boy. I heard he still lives down here and maybe we'll have the chance to be together again." She blushed.

"Wow, that sounds like some kind of movie." I laughed.

"Yeah haha, it was a summer romance before I moved. But we promised each-other if we ever saw each-other again we'd try again. We kept in touch at first but eventually we lost each-other's number." She sighed. "He was such a doll though, brown hair, handsome, funny, a little immature but aren't they all."

"He sounds great. I hope you find him." I smiled as the bell rang. Everyone filed in and began to sit down.

"Alright friends have a seat." Mrs. Tipton began. "You all know the drill. On Mondays we start our new units, everyone come get your notes packets." Everyone started getting up and grabbing their notes before she lectured us on the reproductive system for 90 minutes.

First and second block went by really fast, it was third block that was dragging on forever. Mostly because I had that class with Collin, and he usually walked in about 20 minutes late. We've been in class for only 18 minutes, but it sure felt like years to me. Luckily I had class with Kennedy who usually sat to my left. Collin had always sat to my right, but I had convinced a girl named Hannah to sit by me. Considering everyone knew what had happened between me and Collin, she understood.

I felt everyone's eyes on me before I looked up from my work, and that's how I knew he had come in. I kept my eyes on my paper and felt Ken touch my leg assuringly. "It'll be fine," She whispered. "There's 25 people in this classroom Lex, you'll be alright." I smiled without looking at her but I knew she didn't think it was genuine.

"Mr. Fulton, how nice of you to join us. Finally." Mr. Wilson said as Collin game in. He glared at Hannah in "his chair" but Hannah didn't move.

Think it can't get worse? Think again.

Right behind Collin came someone with a note for Wilson. He read if briefly and looked at Hannah before all of my hopes dissolved.

"Hannah, you need to go to attendance, your parents are here. Some family emergency."

Hannah got up slowly and mouthed 'I'm sorry' before quickly leaving the classroom. I connected my eyes back with my paper and braced myself for the gust of air that passed my right side as he sat next to me. Wilson continued with his desk work and everyone else continued on their assignments, but Collin had other plans obviously.

"Hey baby." He said before grabbing my hand. I yanked it away from him. "Oh come on Lex, I know we had a little argument but you know I love you. I just get jealous sometimes and make up things to get you mad baby."

He was acting like nothing even happened. Like we just haven't talked for two weeks and now I was back in town or something. "Are you kidding?" I asked. "Stop acting like everything's okay, Collin. It's not. And we're broken up." I whispered.

His eyes glazed over for a quick second before they filled with anger. "Don't talk to me like that Alexis. You know I always get what I want." He said sternly.

"Fuck you Collin." I said, louder than before. Kennedy nudged me and I looked away from him to notice half of the class staring at me.

"Did you say something Mrs. Caylen?" Mr. Wilson said as he leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed.

"Uh-I-I was just wondering if I could use the restroom." I said standing up. He nodded and I walked out as fast as I could, but I only got about halfway down the hall before I felt someone pull my shoulders back and push me against the wall. "You don't walk away from me." Collin growled in my face. As soon as my back hit the wall I felt tired and once he saw it in my eyes he softened his voice. "I'm sorry baby, you know I didn't mean to hurt you." He said before putting his lips on my neck.

"Collin. Stop it." I barely whispered, but he kept going. "Collin, please." I felt tears stream down my face before his hand gripped my breast. I was crying now, but he put his other hand over my mouth to stop me. Suddenly I felt his body being pulled off of mine and I opened my eyes to see Sam holding Collin by his collar. He moved one hand up to his face and punched him before Collin stumbled backwards.

Kennedy came rushing down the hall shortly after. "Lex! Don't worry! I texted— oh." She stopped before looking at her brother who was shaking his fist as if it burned from hitting Collin. "I told him to come check us out." She explained. I looked over at Collin who had began to get back up and he raised his fist at Sam, but Sam ducked in time.

"Just stop man." Sam grabbed his fist mid air. "Give it a rest. You're acting pathetic."

"You're lucky Pottorff." He said before wiping his face and walking off. "Just remember I get what I want." He yelled at us as he walked back into the classroom like nothing happened.

"Come on, let's get you guys home." Sam put his hand on my back and guided us out of the school and into his car. Once we got home I went straight to sleep. All of this drama and missing out on school just because of a boy. I hated myself for letting him do this to me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2018 ⏰

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