Chapter 5:

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«K i a n ' s P o v»

"I just don't get it." Jc stated, confused. We all were. Jc had just spent the last hour lecturing Alexis about her demon of an ex, Collin. I told them there was something sketchy about him, but everyone just brushed it off.

I'm not gonna lie though, I was really happy that I got to be the one to wrap my arms around Alexis last night, she actually didn't want to kill me for once. I just hoped I'd never see Collins stupid face again, because I already planned on doing more damage to him than he did to Alexis.

"Just forget it then," she responded to Jc. "I'm not gonna sit here and do this all day, I've got stuff to do." She began to get up from next to me, but Jc rushed over and stopped her.

"Oh no," he told her. "You're not going anywhere, anytime soon. None of us know if you're going to go see that stupid boy."

"What?" She raised her voice. "What makes you think I would do something so stupid?"

Jc leaned over and rested one hand on each of her knees, so they were now face to face. "You must've forgotten I lived with mom too. I know how it goes. She gets beat up and we have to help her. Then she says she's done with him, and goes off to do whatever drug pleases her. Next thing you know Marcos is back at the house, beating her again. And us." He explained. I winced at the thought of Alexis getting any more hurt, and the idea of my best friend also.

"Well fine." She huffed. "I won't go alone, but what if I bring Ken?" She looked over to where Kennedy and Sam were sitting and Kennedy perked up, but Sam quickly interrupted.

"Oh no," He began. "After she knew about this for five months, and didn't say anything? I'm not trusting you guys alone together."

"Ugh, I was just trying to be a good friend–"

"Don't even try," Jc turned towards her. "A good friend would have told someone. They wouldn't have let her go through all that."

"It was my decision." Alexis spoke up again.

"Well it was a dumb one." He retorted.

"Oh my god!" Alexis stoop up, raising her voice. "You just don't get it do you?!" She asked. Everyone looked around confused. "Jc! You're right, moms not here. Drugs are more important to her! And you, when was the last time you've actually checked on me!? Spent one on one time with me!? Has dad called in the last two years!? No." Everyone slowly began to understand what she was getting at. "I stayed with Collin because he's the only person that showed me he loved me, even if sometimes it wasn't in the right ways." With that being said she stormed upstairs and we heard her bedroom door slam shut.

Her words hit my heart like shards of glass. I can't believe she didn't think anyone loved her. Jc loved her, obviously. Everyone in this room loved her, including me. Not in the way I want to love her, of course, but I still love her.

No one made a move to go check if she was okay, so I decided to stand up. Like really guys? "I'm gonna go upstairs..." I told everyone and they nodded. As soon as I got to her room I heard sniffling, so I knocked lightly. "Alexis?"

"Go away." She said in a muffled voice. I decided to take my chances and I walked in to see her laying on the bed with her face in a pillow. "You know that's not true, right?" I asked, sinking on to the bed slowly.

"What's not true?" She sniffled, sitting up and facing me. She's still so beautiful when she cries.

"You know people love you, Alexis."

"It just doesn't feel like it sometimes." She told me, playing with her hands in her lap.

"Alexis, we all love you. Including me." She looked up and me and cracked a small smile, and I cupped her face in both of my hands and whipped her tears with my thumbs. She leaned into my chest and I wrapped my arms around her. "You are most definitely capable of being loved my someone who is actually worth your time." I whispered in her ear before she pulled away.

"Thanks," She said, facing away from me. "Why are you being so nice lately, anyways. I think these fast few days are the longest amount of time I've gone without wanting to lynch you." She let out a light chuckle.

"That's a different conversation for a different day." I chuckled nervously. "And if you actually need to go run some errands, I'd be more than happy to take you. I'm sure Jc would trust me."

"Thanks Kian," She smiled. "I'm really tired right now though. Maybe you could take me tomorrow, or later tonight." I smiled and nodded as I stood up. I began to walk out but she spoke up once again. "Hey, Kian. You know what I would like to do sometime soon?"


"Have that rematch." She smiled.

It took everything in me not no scream out of pure happiness. "Yeah, okay." I smiled back. As soon as I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me I punched the air in victory. She doesn't hate me. That means I'm getting somewhere.

I walked downstairs to see Jc and Kennedy play wrestling, which seemed odd. There was something the way they looked at each other, maybe chemistry? Sam seemed to have noticed it too, but he just smiled. They stopped when I came into view.

"She's okay," I assured. Kennedy sighed in relief.

"She doesn't actually think no one loves her, right?" She asked.

"She can't possibly think that." Jc but in. "She has to know I love her, otherwise I wouldn't care so much."

"Relax," I assured them. "She knows you guys love her." Everyone let out a breath. "Jc, do you mind if I take her to run the errands she needs to run?"

"Ha, as if she'd let you." Kennedy said, and everyone laughed. Ouch.

"Actually," I began, "Alexis said she would like for me to take her, just not until later tonight or tomorrow." I said confidently. Everyone's mouth dropped but quickly picked back up.

"I knew it!" Kennedy screeched.

"What?" Sam asked.

"Oh, uh...Nothing." She stuttered. I wondered what she thought she knew, but I decided to drop it for now.

Hi! Vote and comment pwease! Here's more from Kians point of view : ) Enjoy!
xox, Sav

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