Chapter Three: Chick Flick Moments.

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Ryan's POV

"Hey Ray." I started. "Um there's something I need to tell you." I shakily took a deep breath. "Um, well you know all things fall apart, like my marriage, its not unavoidable it happens. Cities rise and fall like art, but I'll say this, I don't want to love anybody else. I mean what we have is more than just a profound bond, what we share is pure and strong. Ray, I'm sure you don't understand what it means to be in love, so I'll explain, it's joy, sacrifice, fear, and pain. Ray, I love you." I practiced this speech, over and over, again. "Um, Ryan?" Shit. I turn around to see Geoff half way through the office door. He must of had a key cause I had sworn that I locked it. "Um, Hey, Geoff." I took pauses between words, because I knew all too well that I had been caught professing my love for Ray into the air. I moved my eyes to a piece of paper that had the whole speech on it, and then I looked back at Geoff, expectantly. "I think we need to talk." In one swift motion Geoff had locked the door and wheeled Jack's chair over to where I was sitting. 

"I'm going to be forward." He said.  Earning a nod back from me. 

"Are you in love with Ray?"

A half smile came across my face at the sound of his name. "Um, Yeah." His stare didn't change, a blank expression that anyone should be a bit scared of. 

"How long?" 

"About a year..." I trailed off. 

"When are you going to tell him?" 

My eyes opened wide. "I was going to tell him the other day, but it seemed like the wrong time. Then I was going to tell him in the car this morning, but if he rejected me then there was work all day. So maybe tonight, or tomorrow." A simple smile came across his face. 

"I'll tell you what." He started. "I'll see how he feels about you, then you can tell him. How's that?" 

"That's great!! Thank you!!"

With that he returned the chair and left the room. This might be a great idea, but I've got a bad feeling.

Ray's POV

Geoff approaches Barbra and I as we enter the building. He nods at Barb and she walks away. "Ray, we need to talk." He says plainly. "Okay.." I follow him to a room just beside the office and sit down with my Wendy's bag. Geoff pulls up a chair. "I know your gay." I gave him a shocked expression. Even though he was right, it's kinda obvious. "I also know you've got a bit of a thing for someone in Achievement Hunter." He continued. Shit. "Uhh" I started. But no need to carry on, Ryan was being  shoved in by Michael and Gavin, who slammed the door as they ran away. A huge smile came across Geoff's face, while confusion went across Ryan's and I's. "I'll give you two some privacy, feel free to move some furniture around!" He got up and ran out the door pushing Ryan in my direction, locking the door behind him. 

"What was that about?" Ryan asked. 

"Dude, I don't know, I bought you some Wendy's though." I said hanging him a burger and fries.  

"Thanks Ray," Him and I sat and ate. We talked a bit about everyone being a bit, different today, but we just figured Gavin had done something. After we finished our meal the two of us decided to actually move some furniture around to make a fort. Once we finished we could hear giggling behind the closed door. They're probably thinking that we're having sex. I was the first to enter of huge fort, it filled almost the entire room. Ryan and I could easily lay down inside of it, which is what we did. About a half an hour in to being a bunch of kids, we started getting in depth conversations going, about past pets, friends,and relationships. Listening to Ryan talk was like listening to an angel. His voice was soothing. I had lost track of what he was saying. "Ray?" he asked. "Mmm?" I came out of his hypnotic trance. His eyes flashed from my eyes to my lips, I knew what he was thinking. 

So I went for it, and it was absolutely amazing. 


HELLO! Sorry, Finals are a bitch! today I had to take one that was 180 questions in 100 minuets! Although, that's one down and only 3 to go! Luckily I passed my 3 state test so I don't have to take an exam in those classes! I'm really sorry I haven't posted in a while, I meant to do it Saturday but I had made plans. Now that summer is coming around I'll probably pick just one day out of the week to update. Thank you for waiting, 

For all you supernatural fans, hellatus 2014 is in week four. WHAT WILL HAPPEN THIS WEEK?!? Find out next on TUMBLR! 

by the way, tumblr: is my url and I do post rooster teeth/achievement hunter stuff. 

twitter @acacicat for recent stort updates and stalker tweeks

instagram @ah_acacia for all the salker selfie classmate photos you want! 

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thank you again. 

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