Chapter Six: Milkshakes, Video Games, and Ryan's Apartment

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Ray's POV 

  When we got back to Ryan's apartment he started his Xbox up right away and put Bioshock 2 in. I didn't really pay much attention to the game, I was too busy admiring how nice Ryan looked in sweatpants. They were a bit baggy and fit his waist perfectly. "Ray what wrong with you?! You've only got 400 kills!" Of course when he spoke he snapped me out of my trace right before  I could go over his entire outfit. "Uh  what? Oh sorry, I'm just a bit preoccupied I guess." I said finishing my milkshake. He gave me a questioning look before turning the Xbox off. "Maybe we should get some sleep, I have a big day planned for tomorrow." I nodded.

"I'll go get you pillows and ac blanket if you're okay with sleeping on the couch?" Again I nodded secretly hoping he would ask me to join him in bed, but then again, he's probably straight.


Boy was I wrong about not dreaming about it. It was an hour and a half after Ryan and I went to bed. I awoke scared, nervous, and aroused. Ryan must of heard my panting because he came out in a hurry to see if I was okay. Either he is a really light sleeper, which I doubt, or he wasn't even sleeping. "Ray, Oh my God are you okay?! What happened??" He asked sounding worried.

"It's nothing, I'm fine, just a dumb nightmare that's all" I said slowly returning to a normal heart rate.

"Are you sure?" His eyes were searching for something, but it's not like you can see much at 3:45 in the morning.

"I'm fine Ryan. Really." Even though it was still pitch black I could still see the tiniest bit of his smile. Something was on his mind.

"Ray," Oh god. "Why don't you come sleep in my room, you know so I can watch over you and protect you  from your nightmares." My eyes had officially adjusted to the darkness, and I'm sure his did too, I at least could see the bright red I had become at his question.

"Uh..I, um..what? Sure." I managed to get out. I was going to say no, but an opportunity to sleep in the same bed as him? That's a yes for me. Ryan picked up one of the pillows from the couch and took my hand with his free one. I thought he was going to intertwine them but we were walking thirty feet, and we're just friends. He set the pillow down on the side closest to the window, then got into bed and pulled me down with him. I fell and landed directly on his chest. I went to roll over to a more comfortable position, but he stopped me. "Ray I didn't invite you into my bed so you could not face me. Maybe I wanted to cuddle." My cheeks again turned a deep red as I tilted my head up to see his face. "C'mon Ray, little man on man cuddling won't hurt anyone!" That somehow convinced me that it was okay. I move my head to his shoulder and rested it right where his neck is, while putting my arm around his waist. He pulled the blanket up a bit and put his arm around my waist, needless to say, I don't think I was going to have anymore "nightmares" with Ryan protecting me.


Ryan's POV

I love watching him sleep, his small chest slowly rising and falling like angel. Every now and then he would more his toes, I.m assuming it had to do with whatever he was dreaming about. I placed a small kiss on the top of his head before I drifted off to sleep myself, my last thought being that the man I am desperately in love with, is asleep in my arms.


I woke up around ten, and way before Ray. The little man was still nestled up to my neck. I dare not move in fear of waking him, no matter how much I wanted coffee. I decided that my thirst was more important than waking him, because at this point we're just friends anyway. Slowly I managed to slip out from underneath him. I walked out into the kitchen and pulled the coffee maker along with the coffee grounds. I set everything up and filled the water into the appropriate spot and set the coffee to brew. I thought about making pancakes or something like that for breakfast, but then I remembered Ray had mentioned a pastry/bagel shop near by, so I waited for him to get up before I did anything for food. The coffee finished and I poured two cups adding milk to his. I took the two cups into my bedroom, setting mine down on the end stand and holding his while I climbed back into bed. “Good Morning Ray.” I spoke softly. He didn’t move, or even acknowledge my presence. “Raaay.” I said pushing him a bit. This time he rolled over. I had to think of a new tactic. I set his coffee down next to mine and laid down next to him almost in a spooning position, “Raayyy” I tried once more shaking him this time. He rolled over and give me a “Hmmm?” in response. Which in my opinion, was the cutest thing ever. “It’s about ten thirty, I thought you and I could go to that bagel shop you talked about, and I made you coffee”  He finally opened his eyes and looked up at me. Our faces were quite close any movement in the direction of each other, well, it was end up in beautiful bliss of his lips against mine. I sat up and handed him his coffee from the end stand.  He thanked me any also sat up, a small blush crept up on his face. “You can shower if you want.” I offered.

“No thanks man, I showered last night.” He said taking a sip of his drink.

“How did you sleep?” I asked him.

“Pretty nice. Your bed is pretty comfortable.” We both laughed.

“Well, I’m gonna put some clothes on, you can borrow some if you want.”

“That would be great thanks!”

I got up and picked out a pair of jeans and a tee shirt for myself, and threw a pair of shorts and an AH top at him. I walked out of my room with my clothes and now empty cup. I set my cup in the sink and went to the bathroom to change. After I was finished I put my dirty clothes in the laundry basket. I walked out of the bathroom to see ray putting his glasses on and checking his phone.

“So, Breakfast?” He nodded we put our shoes on and left walking the few blocks to the shop. Today will be fun


HELLO! So, I'm leaving for vacation on the 29th so theres a chance I won't be able to post till the 15th of July, but I'm going to try to write as many chapters as I can while im gone so their prepared to post. Have a lovely summer! 

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