Basic History
After the Scorching, the CloudWings and SkyWings both tried to settle in the Claws of the Clouds Mountains. At first, they decided to coexist, but tensions between the tribes and their wildly different cultures sparked a war between the two tribes. This war, called the War for the Claws, was fought for many generations. The sides were evenly matched, with the SkyWings and the strength and the CloudWings and their numbers.
During the war, there were dragons who left the tribes to get away from the conflict. SkyWings met with CloudWings, and the escapees interbred. The offspring would later move to the north and evolve into the IceWings.
Interbreeding also gave both species (SkyWings and IceWings) the genetic odds to birth supercharged dragonets and Animus dragons, as the CloudWings were the first and only dragons to possess such breeding odds until the war.
After many years of brutal war, the SkyWings gained the upper hand and started slaughtering the CloudWings, driving them out of the Claws and nearly driving them to extinction. The last remaining CloudWings fled to Jade Mountain, where they dug into the mountain and created a crude kingdom.
Messengers were sent to other tribes begging for help and shelter, but the other tribes denied them sanctuary. Left with no other choice, the CloudWings sent out scouts to find a new home outside of Pyrrhia.
Scouts reported a mountainous archipelago, and the CloudWings set out to settle there. They found it uninhabited, and settled there. They built their first palace, which is now the Mega Moon Temple. There, the tribe began to regrow and thrive. They called it the Archipelago of Clouds.
Some Legends state that the CloudWings were bitter about the banishment from Pyrrhia and ordered their El-Xions (CloudWing term for Animus. They had five at the time) to carve a mountain into a giant dragon in the shape of the Moon of Freedom. The goal was to create it, animate it to where one dragon could control it, and then lay waste to Pyrrhia. This cost the lives of four of the El-Xions. The last was bred into many different families so that the chance of an El-Xion powerful enough to enchant the statue and control it would be higher.
However, El-Xion hatching stopped completely. Over time, the CloudWings lost interest in Pyrrhia and left the statue as a remnant. They built a Moon Temple within the head of the statue and left it. Some Legends tell that the last Animus enchanted the statue to walk into the deepest part of the ocean and become still again, others say the statue was demolished and used as building material.
Over time, the CloudWings started to grow in number too big for the Mega Moon Temple to hold, so they moved out and began to build another settlement on a large island a mile away. They built giant towers and a magnificent plaza.
The tribe grew and expanded over the Archipelago of Clouds. Their adventurous spirit rekindled, and they started explore beyond their territory. That's how they found Magisalla. Due to the high amount of Pyrrhian dragons in Magisalla at the time, the CloudWings were skeptical in interacting with Magisalla. But over time, as more and more CloudWings gained the Magisallian Calling and returned with Elemental powers, the CloudWings grew more fond of the Academy.
The CloudWing Kingdom and Magisalla agreed to an alliance between them, and Magisallian culture started to seep into the CloudWing culture as well. Elemental dragons became commonplace, as did shows and duel of elemental energies.
Elemental enchantments also became a norm, like how Air Masters created a bubble around the Royal Island to keep bad weather away.
Nimbus' Succession
In the past, when the CloudWings still resided in the Mega Moon Temple, Queen Meteor ruled over her subjects with an iron claw. However, she was unable to bear children, resulting in the CloudWings falling into an anarchy. At first, the CloudWings didn't mind it, as if granted them even more freedom. But over time, some CloudWings started getting carried away and began to commit horrific acts of violence out of the sheer boredom the total freedom granted in the cramped cavern.
One CloudWing by the name of Nimbus stood and took charge over the CloudWings, setting the rules back in place and becoming the new Queen. To solve the problem of overcrowding and claustrophobia, Nimbus proposed that the CloudWings move out of the Mega Moon Temple and build and open air kingdom.
Downpour's Retribution
A recent event in CloudWing history. The at the time Queen, Queen Tornado, announced her heir as her youngest and second daughter, Cumulus. The oldest daughter, Downpour, grew bitter and resentful, thinking that the throne was supposed to be hers.
Downpour hatched a plan to kill Tornado and Cumulus by making a chandelier fall on both of them and kill them during a festival. Downpour's plan was only half successful, as it only killed Tornado. Cumulus was saved by her date, Jetstream. Jetstream had noticed Downpour cutting the rope on the chandelier and pulled Cumulus out of the way just in time. Downpour was arrested by the Storm Guard and sent to a high security prison in Magisalla for the rest of her life.
Magisallian Guide to CloudWings
FanfictionThe CloudWings are a lost tribe that was once native to Pyrrhia before they were banished. They are Magisalla's close and only ally. They are located in a vast archipelago located southeast of Pyrrhia and have been lost to Pyrrhian history. Learn m...