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Ariana's POV
2 Weeks Later

"What are you naming the EP again?" Scooter asked.

"Truly Yours." I smiled.

"I like it. So, the photos from the photoshoot just got sent to me. You want yourself on the EP cover?" Scooter asked.

"Yeah. Can I see the photos?" I asked.

"Of course." Scooter says, going on his phone. "They emailed me them. Here."

Scooter hands me his phone. I look through his phone. I absolutely loved them.

"I know what the cover should look like. I've had experience with photoshop. I can make the EP cover." I said.

"You sure you don't want it professionally done?" Scooter asked.

"I want to do it myself. Just for this time." I replied.

"Alright, I'll send you the photos. See you a later." Scooter says.

I leave, smiling. I got home and went on my computer. I checked my email and Scooter sent me the photos.

Let's do this.


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"Wow." I hear a voice say to me.

I flinched, turning around. "How did you-

"You gave me the key last night." Justin says. "By accident."

"Oh." I awkwardly say.

"Here." He hands the keys over to me. "Hows the EP going?"

"All recorded. Just need to release it with the cover."

"That's good." He says.

"I'm so excited!" I giggled.

"You're adorable." Justin says.

"I can't wait for you to hear it." I smiled.


It's been a week since my EP was released. It got good reviews, and I'm happy. I got invited to an award show afterparty with Justin, which I'm surprised because I'm not even that big. It's probably because of Justin, or Scooter did something for me to be able to go.

Justin and I were dancing together. It was an upbeat song, and I'm unfamiliar with it but it's a good song.

"Everybody stop and listen!" Someone said at the DJ booth.

Justin and I stopped dancing together. We looked at the DJ booth. Scooter.

Everyone stops and looks up. "Ariana Grande, she's a new artist with talent. She isn't well known, but her hard work did play off and got her EP to #1 in one week."

My heart dropped, but in a good way. My jaw was wide open and everyone looked at me. Everyone cheered for me and I blushed.

"Ariana, I'm so happy for you!" Justin says, turning me around.

I jumped and wrapped my legs around him. I was doing that to hug him happily, but he went in for a kiss. I kiss him back and we smiled through the kiss.

Everyone cheered once again. I pulled away and got off of him. Everyone was still looking at us and everyone was smiling.

"Congrats on the new couple." Scooter says.

"Wait- no!" Justin and I both blurted out, making everyone go silent.

"That was embarrassing." Justin mumbled.

I nodded. "Let's go."

We got in Justin's car.

"Fuck." I mumbled.

"You okay?" Justin asked.

"I fucking forgot my keys at my house." I said.

"You can spend the night with me." Justin suggests.

"You're right. Let's go." I said.


"Do you have anything I can wear to sleep?" I asked.

"Uh, here's a t-shirt. I don't know about pants or shorts." Justin says, looking for a t-shirt.

"It's fine. I usually sleep without pants or shorts." I said.

Justin hands over a t-shirt. Justin turns around so I can take off my tight red dress. I put on the t-shirt.

"Where are you going to sleep?" I asked Justin, adjusting my shirt.

"I'll sleep on the floor." Justin says.

"I don't want you to feel uncomfortable. You can sleep with me. And it's your bed anyways." I said.

"You sure?" Justin asked.

"Yeah. I feel bad." I said, tucking myself under his sheet.

Justin crawls into bed with me.

"Good night." He mumbles.

"Night." I said.

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