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Ariana's POV
San Fransisco/Las Vegas

"Ugh, traffic is shit." I rolled around in bed.

"I know... what time is it?" Justin asked, wrapping his arms around me.

"It's- WHAT? I'm gonna miss my show! It starts in 30 minutes." I exclaimed.

"Ugh." Justin mumbled.

I went on social media and found that scooter helped me tweet about it. I left my phone in the main part of the bus, and the only clock we have is Justin's and the digital one.

We were too busy having sex to realize.

"This is bad. I don't want to miss the show." I frowned, turning to Justin.

"Hm, at least we have time to ourselves." Justin smirked.

"We just finished 2 minutes ago." I say blankly.

"That's not what I meant." Justin wiggled his eyebrows.

"Hehe." I say out loud.

"I love you." Justin digs his face into my neck.

"I like you too." I smirked, Justin looking up and frowning.

"Did I just hear- oh shit ya'll naked." Alfredo runs out, making us laugh.

"Ugh I'm so sad." I frowned, getting up and putting my clothes on. Justin did the same.

I walked over to the main room. Everyone was smirking.

"Ya'll really loud in bed." Alexa smirks.

"I know." I wiggled my eyebrows.

I went into the driving part of the room.

"When is the next stop?" I asked.

"Uh, in 30 minutes. Traffic started moving." He said.

"Thanks Kenny." I smiled. "Since we're missing San Fransisco, we're going straight to Las Vegas?"

Kenny nods.

I leave the driving part thingy and went to sit next to Justin in another separate room from our room and the main room.

I sat down on Justin's lap.


"Hi beautiful." He says.

"I'm bored."

"Me too."

I crawled into Justin's lap and curled up. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

sorry this was just a filler and i didnt know what to write

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