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Ariana's POV

I wiped the tears off my face, then looked out the window. I watch cars pass by. I walked over to the bathroom and got ready for the day.

I got in my car and drove over to Starbucks. Once I walked into Starbucks, everyone looked at me. I awkwardly went to go order.

I got my coffee and went to go sit down in one of the tables outside. I took a sip and set my coffee down, grabbing my songbook. I put it on the table and grabbed a pen. I started jotting down song lyrics. My Everything.

I finished the song in the matter of minutes, and flipped to another page. Leave Me Lonely. I'm on a roll today. Whenever I break up with someone, I like spilling out my heart in lyrics.

"Oh, hey." A female voice said, I look up.

Hailey, Hailey Baldwin. Justin's ex or fling or whatever she was to him.

"Hi." I said uncomfortably.

"You look lonely. You need a friend?" Hailey furrowed her eyebrows.

"I guess. I'm in a dark place right now." I sighed, Hailey sitting at the chair across from me.

"I'm sorry Justin cheated on you. It's happened many times." Hailey furrowed her eyebrows.

"I knew it was a bad idea to get with him." I frowned.

"You can't really trust anybody these days." Hailey sighs. "If you don't mind, can I share my story with Justin to you?"

"I don't mind. I want to hear what that scumbag did to break your heart." I said, crossing my legs.

"It started last year when we met. He was single, and I was single. We met at a red carpet event, and talked the whole night. It was- love at first sight. We started hanging out, until our friendship was ruined when he started seeing other girls and tried using me as a sex toy. So I was done with him. We never got together, and I thought it was love at first sight. But I guess it wasn't that." Hailey explains.

"I'm sorry." I frowned.

Hailey puts a strand of hair behind her hair, "I'm over it. I just don't recommend going back to him. He'll break your heart again- sorry if I'm being rude. I've just realized he only uses women for sex toys and he has a habit on cheating."

"It's fine. I totally understand where you're coming from. Before I met him, I was just a huge ass fan of him. I was a normal girl. But once I met him, boom. I'm famous. I'm known as Justin's girl. I started putting my music out there, and then just- drama happens. It's a nightmare came true- not the music part though." I sighed, "Um, before I met Justin I always saw him on HollywoodLife or any type of news source on TV everyday. It was always for something about failed relationships- or something like that. I always used to defend Justin, but now I know what the pain feels like. I want to get over him but I can't. Sorry for-

"It's totally okay. I understand how you feel." Hailey reassures me, rubbing my arm.

"Thanks, Hailey." I smiled.

"Don't worry. Here's my number if you need it." Hailey smiled back, handing over a piece of paper. "Uh, I have to go. I'll see you around?"

"Yeah. See you." I smiled.

She was way nicer than I thought.

I grabbed my stuff and headed to Ash's house. I told her I was going to come anyways.

"Hey Ariana." Ash smiles, opening the door for me.

"Hey Ash." I smiled, hugging her.

"How are you doing?" She asks, walking over to her couch and I followed her.

"I'm doing great." I smiled. "How about you? You look amazing!"

"Thank you! I just got back from a photoshoot. I'm doing good." She smiled back.

"Ooh, a photoshoot." I smiled.

"Have you done one before?" Ash asked.

"No." I said.

"Your manager should hook you up with a photographer. You can bless everyone with pictures of you." Ash smiled.

"Anyways," I giggled. "So, what are we doing now?"

"I don't know, Gerald is on his The Beautiful & Damned tour right now. So, it's warm today. We should go swimming." Ash says.

"Definitely! I should go get my swimsuit." I said.

"You can borrow one of my bathing suits I hadn't worn yet." Ash says.

"Okay. Going to the pool?" I said.

"In my backyard." Ash smiled.

We got ready to go out to the pool.

"Ariana, you look great

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"Ariana, you look great." Ash says.

"Thank you. Not so bad yourself." I said.

We got in the pool and swam around.

"How many times have you been in the pool?" I asked.

"Not a lot."

Ash's phone started to ring. "Ugh, be right back."

Ash got up, I looked at her and her ass was showing. I quickly look away awkwardly. I heard Ash answer her phone.

I splashed around in the water like a child- I hadn't been swimming in a long time.

I turn around and saw her crying. I quickly got out of the pool and ran up to her.

"What's wrong?"

"Gerald broke up with me."

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