the fabulous beauty of your face-
so esoteric,
not always in this place-
beguiles me.
it's late, mesmeric
smile is but a base,
a film to interface
with the movements of the mind behind it.
my smile, me-
like Thomas O'Malley
the alley
cat reclining on a tin bin lid
with fishy whiskers-
turns the ink in the valley
of your quills
into script,
while i sit
and sip
your syllables
with fresh red sepals of habiscus,
rejecting Ovid
and his Amores
for your stories.
Copyright Strider Marcus Jones. 3rd July, 2009. MAVERICKS.
10 Poems From MAVERICKS By Strider Marcus Jones
PoetryMAVERICKS is my third published book of love and other poems. I hope you enjoy those you read and your comments are welcome. MAVERICKS By Strider Marcus Jones~Publisher Poetry Essentially, these poems are about Man and Woman...