ONE LAST ODYSSEY~Love Poem from Book MAVERICKS by Strider Marcus Jones

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now the back of you is gone-

i must move the moment on,

but not forget

the private part i played-

and made.

we were strangers when you left

but lovers when we met,

so though bereft-

i don't hold any ribbons of regret

to send me back

into that sunset

and paint it black.

the best of me

is yet to come,

rolled up

rolled out,

calm in cauldron's cup

but hot no doubt,

with no divisions-


scenes from someone elses play,


dreams i want with you today,


means you are meant to me, so stay-

in the rhythms

of my hum,

for just one

last odyssey

to roam in, and be.

Copyright Strider Marcus Jones from his book MAVERICKS. 2010. All Rights Reserved. 

10 Poems From MAVERICKS By Strider Marcus JonesWhere stories live. Discover now