Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


Oh god what is that… Oh right my Dalek alarm clock. I reach over and turn it off.

“Thank god, that was freaking scary.” I roll off the bed and look at the time, Its 10 am. Why the hell did I set it that early. Then I hear laughing behind my door. I trudge over and open it. There he was. The culprit, lauging on the floor. “BRADY! What do you want!?” I screamed at him. He just continues to laugh and roll on the floor, so I pull him up. “Mom wants you downstairs, oh and by the way you shouldv’e seen your face” he said laughing while walking to the stairs. I just really wanna push him down right now. I go back to my room and I looked in the mirror. “ Jeez I look like a mess” My hair is up in all directions and its super frizzy. I never look good anyway. I decided I would take a shower. I picked up my phone and went to the bathroom. I turned on 8 tracks for some good music, then this song came along it was pretty catchy.

“ Blinded by the lights, hold you through forever wont let you go,

  Cause if you jump I will jump too, we will fall together from the buildings ledge

  Never looking back t what weve done

  We’ll say it was love

   Cause I would die for you on Skyway Avenue”

I gotta say that song was definitely catchy. I finish showering and I pick my outfit. I chose regular ripped shorts and a white v- neck. I slipped on my black vans and went downstairs. I walked to the kitchen and Allison was there with Brady. Oh right.. mom. “Hey sweetie, how was your morning?” my mom said cheerily. “Well there was a certain someone who decided to change my alarm” I glared at Brady, and he was just lughing silently while he ate his cereal. “Well I have some news for you two!” she said. “Im sending you two to Florida!” she screamed. Brady spit out his cereal “Seriously!?” he stood up and then jumped everywhere. “Yeah you guys will be staying with your cousin!” Brady stopped jumping “wait which cousin? Is it the ginger one?” he said with a serious face. “Brady! Don’t call him the ginger one! And yes youll be staying with Travis.” She scolded. “Wait what wrong with Travis?” I said. “Well hes very loud, and when I say very loud, I mean very loud.” Brady said. “Nothings wrong with being a little loud honey.” Mom said. “Now go pack up, your flight is leaving in a couple of hours, when your dad gets here we’ll drive you to the airport.” She said and proceded to chop oninons. So I got an apple and went upstairs. I had no idea on what I should bring. I need help. “Brady!!” I screamed. “What!?” he screamed from his room, which is next door. We have connecting rooms. “Help please!” and he burst through the door. “What? What happened? Are you okay?” he sounded so worried. I laughed at that. “Nothings wrong with me you dope, come help me pack, I don’t know what to bring.” My room is a mess right now. Im sitting on the floor with clothes everywhere. “Well just bring summer clothes and some bathing suits.” He said. “I have to pack too you know” he laughed. “You know what Jay, this summer is gonna be fun.” I smiled at that “ I know, never been to Florida.” I said. “Well it will be like an adventure, you and me.” He smiled and ruffled my hair. “Yeah, yeah stop being mushy and go pack.” And with that he walked to his room. I started throwing all my clothes inside the new suitcase they bought me. It was matte black and industrial looking. Im glad they didn’t buy me a pink one. I hate pink.

I finished packing an hour later.

And I had time to kill, Brady texted me that he went out with a bunch of his friends. His friends are alright I guess. Some of them are douches but hey they are part of a varsity team. It typical. So I went downstairs to the game room, yes they had a game room. Filthy rich remember. I played Battlefield for hours. “DIE! DIE! YOU SON OF A GUN!” I heard laughing behind me and my dad was there. “I never knew you a violent gamer” he chuckled. I paused the game. “I can be violent when I want to” I smiled at him. “Well its time to go, I finished work early today.” He walked off. I went back to my room and Brady was already there, he took my suitcase down along with his. I double checked if got got everything I need, then we left for the airport.

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