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“Jay…” I feel shaking. “Jaaay!” Everythings moving again… Oh God! I sat upright wide eyed “EARTHQUAKE!” I screamed. I just saw Coley laughing his ass off. “Omg Jay chill.” He laughed. “Hey that’s mean Coley..” I said pouting. “Sorry, the guys just wanted to do soundcheck with you and stuff” he chuckled. “Oh yeah I forgot about the show. I just noticed that I wasn’t in the van anymore. “Hey Coley, how’d I end up backstage?”I asked, with probably the most confused face. “Oh yeah, Hunter carried you in.” he smiled. “Jay we better go out to the stage, the guys might get worried.” He chuckled. “ugh, im so lazy….” I buried my face in a pillow. Then suddenly I feel myself floating off the ground. I opened my eyes and I saw the moving floor, and familiar shoes. “Coley put me down, I can walk!” Coley just laughs it off. “But I enjoy carrying you around!” He chuckles. “Besides were not that far from the stage.” I grunt and deal with it.

“JAAAAAAAAY!” a shrill voice scremed. Travis. “Heeeyyy buddy!” he screamed. I realize im still upside down. “Coley, can you put me down pleaseee!” I said in the cutest voice I can muster up. “Oh, HAHA, forgot about you!” He chuckled and put me down. “So Jay, your’e gonna open up for us, and then can you pretty pleease sing We’ll Be A Dream together?” Travis said quickly. “Oh yeah, im up for it!” I say happily. “But can I borrow coley for the opening?” I ask. “Yeah sure!” Coley screams from the side of the stage. “Okay cool, ill help nerd rock with the equipment for now!” I smile and let the guys do their thing.


Everybody’s inside the venue and honestly im not nervous I feel pumped! Travis walks out the stage and grabs the mic. “Okay guys, not time for the show yet, but im here to introduce you guys to our friend! She’s gonna open this show up for us!” Screams were heard everywhere! “Awesome! Now lets give it up for Jay and Coley!” Travis screamed and walked out. I guess that’s my cue. I run up to the mic and scream “Whats up Floridaa!” The whole place errupted in screams. “Wow, you guys are awesome!” “So heres a song for you guys!” I nod my head at Coley and he starts playing.

Give me love like her

‘Cause lately ive been waking up alone

Pain splattered tear drops on my shirt

Told you I let them go

And that ill fight my corner

Maybe tonight ill call ya

After my blood turns into alcohol

No I just wanna hold ya

Give a little time to me well burn this out

Well play hide and seek to turn this around

All I want is the taste that your lips allow

My, my-y, my, my-y. oh give me love

My, my-y, my, my-y. oh give me love

My, my-y, my, my-y. give me love

I stop singing and hear the crowd roaring. Coley walks off the stage and puts up both his thumbs. “Awesome!” I scream. The crowds response was amazing. “Are you ready for WE THE KINGS!?” I scream louder. “A bunch of people were screaming “ONE MORE SONG!” I smiled at that. “And with that guys, I give you, WE THE KINGS!” I run off stage, then the guys start their set. That was amazing. I stayed in stage right for the rest of the show. A couple of somgs later Travis introduced me and we both sung We’ll Be a Dream. I sung Demi’s part. They wrapped up the show with Check Yes, then I went back to the green room to chill with Brady for a while.

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