Chapter 3

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This is completely boring. Im listening to that song again. I think its called skyway avenue, by some band… meh. Anyways were at the first class lounge. In the corner of my eye I see Brady stuffing nuts in his face. Hes such a pig sometimes. We have half an hour till we board the plane. I start to wonder about the guy we were staying with. I bet hes gonna be fun. Probably maybe not. I don’t know. Brady sauntered over to me. “Watcha thinking about?” he asked with a mouth full of peanuts. I giggled at that, hes so weird sometimes. “I dunno, what are we gonna do in Florida?” I said. “Well, im gonna go to baseball camp.” He said casually. “What am I gonna do then?” Am I supposed to sit around all day? “Well Travis has a band actually, you can hang out with them while im at camp.” He said lightly. “Well its better than sitting on my ass the whole day I guess”


“We better go.” Brady said while picking up our bags.

5 hours later.

“Jay wake up.” Hunh. What the.. “Jay get your lazy ass up! Were in Florida Jay!” I open my eyes and I see Brady in front of me. “Alright, alright im up!” Im still so groggy I probably sound like a man. “Travis is already here, so we should go.” Brady said while getting our bags. We walked out of the plane and we walked through the airport. I realized that my hair must look like a mess, so I tied up my hair and I pulled my hood over my head and I put my aviators on. Brady took my hand and we looked for the ginger dude. Sure enough, in the arrival area, Travis was holding a poster thet said “BRADY & JORDAN” We went over to him and Travis hugged Brady. “Hey Buddy!” and boy he was loud. He turned his attention to me. “Oh hey didn’t see you man! You must be Jordan! Nice to meet you dude!” I laughed and took off the hood and aviators “Nice to meet you too man.” I giggled and Brady was laughing too. Travis just stood there, shocked. “Oh gosh im sorry!” Travis said over and over again. I started laughing harder “Chill man its alright im used to it!” I said cooly. “Trav this is Jay my best friend/sister!” Brady introduced me seriously. “Welcome to the family bud! Well we should head back to the house. You can meet the rest of the guys tomorrow!” he said or should I say screamed. Gosh hes so funny and full of energy. “Hey can we eat, Jay and I havent eaten in hours.” Brady said. “No its okay im not hungry.” I said quietly. “Jay were eating okay.” Brady said firmly. “umm we can go to this mexican place near my house..” Travis said lightly. “Fine.” I said quickly. We made our way to Travis’ car and we went to the Mexican place. Im not mad at Brady or anything, I know hes just looking out for me.

 When we got there and we picked a table in the corner. “Excuse me I need to go to the restroom.” I said quietly. “oh yeah, alright.” Travis smiled at me. I made my way to the restroom and I splashed water at my face. Jeez I look so ugly. Nothing I can do about that. I went outside of the bathroom and overheard them talking “Does she have problems with eating?” Travis said quietly. “Not my place to tell you man, but just to let you know I just want her to get better man, its my job to look after her you know.” Brady said seriously. “Oh alright man I understand.” Travis said. I guess I should get back. I ended up eating a quesadilla, which is not that bad. “Hey lets head home!” Travis shouted. “were just here you know” Brady laughed “ Don’t need to shout” I said laughing. We drove back to Travis’ house and got settled. I fell asleep instantly on the softest bed ever. I started dreaming about potatoes. I dont even know why....

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