Chapter 4

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I hear someone in the room. “Jay?” a muffled voice said. I opened my eyes and there was a guy in my room! “AH! Who are you!” I screamed. Before the guy could say anything Brady burst through the door holding a lamp. “What happened!?” The mystery guy started laughing “ H-hey Brady long time no see!” he said chuckling. Brady put down the lamp and walked to the guy “Hey Charles, good to see you man! Sorry about the lamp thing, I thought something happened to Jay.” He explained. I just sat there like an idiot. “Oh yeah, Jay this is Charles! One of Travis’ band mates.” Brady said. “Oh um nice to meet you…” I said quietly. “Oh yeah Travis’ sent me up to get you and Brady, we bought some food.” He smiled. “Oh yeah i’ll be down in a bit.” I smiled at him and with that Brady and Charles left my room. I got up and got dressed. I guess ill be meeting the band today. I washed my face and brushed my teeth and I took a quick shower. I put on a plain black v-neck and I wore my torn black shorts along with my chucks.

I go to Bradys room and I found him sitting on the bed tying his shoes. “Hey Brady.” I said quietly. He looked up and sid “Oh hey Jj” he smiled. I sat down on his bed and I sighed. “Hey whats wrong?” he asked. I can sense his concern. “Well, im kind of nervous.” I said plainly. Brady looked at me and said “Hey theres nothing you should be worried about.” He smiled. “What if they don’t like me?” I said looking down. “Jordan whats not to like? You shouldn’t be worried about anything.” He said sincerely. “Alright, I guess we should go down.” He smiled at me “Hey why don’t I carry you?” Brady said excitedly. “Noooo im really heavy!” I shouted. I was gonna make a bee line for the door until I felt arms around my waist, then im off the ground. “Brady!?” I screamed and he started laughing. “Put me down you doof!” I screamed in his ear. We were half way down the stairs and I hear other voices. “Were almost there Jay, now stop squirming!” he said laughing. “Never!” I started to laugh. We got to the living room and Brady put me down. I did what any girl would do. I hit him on his arm, which was a bad idea. “Ow!” I hissed. “Damn it Brady!” I laughed. “Not my fault.” He laughed. I heard more laughter, I looked behind me and we had an audience. “Hey guys!” Brady said quickly. They laughed even more.

Travis finally spoke up and said “Okay you guys know my cousin Brady already, this is short one is Jay!” He said cheerfully. “Shes Bradys half sister” Travis smiled. There were four other guys. There was a tall one with cool sideburns. There another guy with long hair. There was another guy with chubby cheeks. Then finally there was the guy in my room a while ago. I think his name was Charles. “Okay so Jay, these are my best friends / band mates” Travis said. “Meet Coley the man with the best sideburns!” Coley smiled and waved. “Then theres Hundo, the first member of my band.” Hunter said hey. “ And theres Danny the best drummer in the world.” Danny smiled and waved too. “Last but not the least, the man, the myth, the legend, Charles!” Travis screamed. Charles walked over to me and whispered “Don’t worry were not weird” he laughed and went outside. “Hi guys” I smiled. Travis tossed a burrito at me nd Brady. “Im gonna go eat this outside.”I smiled at Brady. He quirked his eyebrow. “Yes im gonna eat it.” I said. “Alright.” He smiled then walked to the living room.

I opened the door and it was a nice day. I put my earphones on and I put it on shuffle. I downloaded the discography of the guys who sang the catchy song. i think their name was We The Something.. I forgot. I put it on shuffle and a song played

When heaven seems too far away…

The song didn’t even get to the chorus when I see Charles walking over to me. I pulled my earphones out and I started to unwrap my burrito.

“Hey Jay!” Charles said. “Mind if I sit here?” He pointed to the chair beside me. “Yeah sure” I smiled at him. He sat down and pulled out a camera. “Why do you have a camera in your pocket?” I asked. “Well I do daily vlogs.” He smiled “Oh awesome, how long have you been doing that?” I said. “Im on the sixth year!” he beamed at me. “Wow man, that’s dediction” I smiled at him. “Yeah a lot has happened.” He said lightly. He zoned out a bit. “Um so hey what are you listening to?” He asked snapping out. “Oh just a random band, theyre pretty cool though, wanna listen?” I asked holding out the ear bud. “Oh yeah sure.” He smiled. I pressed play and the song went on. He smiled at me. “What?” I asked cluelessly. “You think were pretty cool huh?” He chuckled. “No way..” I said  “Are you serious??” I said a little bit louder. “Not kidding here bud.” He chuckled again. “Oh gosh this is so embarrasing.” I curled into a ball. He laughed even more. “Its not, don’t worry about it.” He smiled. “You wanna watch us live later? Were having a hometown show.” He said casually. “Yeah that would be cool.” I smiled. “Hey Jay?” he said “Yeah?” I looked at him. “I have a feeling were gonna be best friends.” He smiled.

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