x. M A N I F E S T O

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22ND AUGUST 2022

In light of recent events, the MINISTRY OF MAGIC is issuing a Manifesto for the Reformation of  British Wizarding Society. 

It is the responsibility of any strong and stable government to maintain its connection with the fast-changing cultural norms and values of British Wizarding society. Indeed, the Ministry of Magic acknowledges, and respects, the societal progress you have made in your strive for Wizarding equality and social solidarity since the conclusion of the Second Wizarding War in 1998.  It is, therefore, crucial that the Ministry should offer its utmost support to your just and noble campaigns; to succeed in this regard, we offer you change as a means through which change can occur. Our change comes in the form of a series of reforms* as follows: 

*(Note that these reforms have hitherto merely been an ongoing discussion between the Minister's cabinet and the Wizengamot and will not be officially implemented until, and after, the National Wizarding Consensus in which the wizarding public will partake). 

i. For the improvement of Mage-Muggle relations- 

- We must, in every way possible, instill upon the younger wizarding generation an unbending tolerance towards minority groups (of which include, and are not limited to, half-Bloods, Muggleborn wizards, Muggles, and Magical Creatures). To do this, the Ministry of Magic proposes to re-fashion the National curriculum for young wizards and witches. It has been agreed upon by both the Minister's cabinet and the Wizengamot that, as part of this reform, Muggle Studies in all official and non-official magical educational institutions in Britain should be made mandatory for young wizards and witches of all ages. 

- The Ministry of Magic proposes a mandatory community service of at least one month for all British wizards and witches of and above the age of sixteen at least once in their lifetime. The mandatory community service includes, and is not limited to, integration into Muggle institutions that offer unpaid employment. For instance, Muggle Charity shops. For those under the age of sixteen, and eager to partake in an early scheme of community service, may join an organization, that is as of yet still in development, which offers guidance and discipline to further improve and develop one's tolerance for minority groups in society. Essentially, this will allow for witches and wizards to bridge the gap between themselves and those of Muggle birth, allowing for the growth of familiarity in unfamiliar surroundings. 

-The Ministry of Magic proposes the admission of at least one Muggle Professor(s) into British magical educational institutions. The process through which the installation of Muggle Professors occurs will be accompanied by rigorous background checks on Muggles that, the Ministry will ensure, have an academic record of the finest quality alongside educational qualifications from prestigious Muggle "Universities"* (gently tap wand twice over asterisked word for brief definition). In accordance with the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy  (1692), all Muggles deemed suitable for magical teaching will partake in an Unbreakable Vow to ensure maximum safety against potential exposure to ordinary Muggles. The Minister's cabinet feel that in order for our young and impressionable generation of wizards and witches to truly flourish as a generation  it is only appropriate that they should be exposed to the Muggle schools of thought that will, no doubt, be a refreshing change from the typical styles and teachings of Magical academics. 

ii. For the avoidance of exposure to radicalism 

- To ensure a safe and successful change, we must root out all the evils that threaten to tip this tranquil balance of peace. And so, the Ministry proposes to ban all manners of media (of which include, and are not limited to, books, newspapers and radio broadcasts) that incite harmful and/or hateful and/or bigoted views towards the minority groups mentioned previously. 

-The Ministry proposes to introduce a Language Moderator, to be installed in every major magical institution, that keeps routine check of the sorts of conversations that occur between wizards and witches in a professional environment. We understand that even those of an unprejudiced disposition may be prone to the use of pejorative slurs and so the Language Moderator will be there so as to help wizards and witches ease their way into a safer, friendlier means of communication. 

-The Ministry proposes to limit public access to historical documents that may contain harmful and/or hateful and/or bigoted views towards the minority groups mentioned previously. Should a member of the public request public access to said historical documents for whatever reason, they will be required to undergo a six-week waiting process after submitting an application for short-term access to requested historical document(s), during which time Ministry administrators will consider the application intensively and thoroughly. All members of the public who wish to submit an application for short-term access to historical documents must be of and above the age of twenty one. 

iii. For the protection of the Wizarding public against terrorism 

- The Ministry proposes the installation of two or more S.O.T.E.R, or non-officially referred to as 'Soter' wizards, in every high-profile public place of Wizarding Britain. As of 2019, the S.O.T.E.R were established and granted limited authoritative powers over magical law and order at a local scale so as to ease the mounting responsibilities on the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Essentially, S.O.T.E.R are a smaller offshoot of the Auror Department that possess the same standard of qualifications, training and experience as any Auror in the field. Should the National Wizarding Consensus allow it, the S.O.T.E.R will be granted additionally authoritative powers of a larger scale (i.e. district-by-district) from the winter of 2022. It is crucial that we, as the Ministry, do our best to serve and protect ordinary wizards and witches from harm and to do this, we offer you and your loved ones the chance to feel all the more protected, safe, and free from the clutches of evil. 

- The Ministry proposes tighter restrictions on the buying and selling of products of a dubious nature i.e. products intended for entertainment that may perhaps cause potential public disturbance and/or disruption and/or harm. (More details on what constitutes a dubious product will be announced shortly)

- The Ministry proposes a Delinquency and Disruption Identifier (DDI) - a magical tag to be placed upon any wizard or witch of and above the age of sixteen who has had a history of deviant behavior that has caused relative or significant disruption to the public (said wizard or witch does not need to have had served time in Azkaban for the tag to be applicable to them).  An automatic 'Three Strikes' policy will be implemented upon any wizard or witch with a DDI which excuses them of serious misdemeanor until or unless they use all three 'strikes' . Should the witch or wizard use all three 'strikes' imposed upon them through delinquent or disruptive behavior, an automatic alert will be sent to local authorities who will be able to locate said wizard or witch and immediately escort them to Azkaban without rights to a trial until after a 2 week period has passed. Any witch or wizard who uses their three 'strikes' policy while in Azkaban will receive no trial but an additional one year to their sentence. After a serious discussion between the Ministry's cabinet and the Wizengamot, there has been a general agreement that this tried and tested method has been foolproof in drastically reducing crime rates while also allowing for criminals the chance of redemption [SEE FOR REFERENCE: The Case of Justo Fernandes / The Magical Province of Portugal] . 


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