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I watched as the blood from her neck moved from her to the sewer grate in the floor. I knew this fight was finally over I opened a destroyed a whole Vamp nest with nothing but me my blade and my amazing good looks.

If you haven't already realized I'm a hunter or should I say huntress. I hunt alone. The thought of having to rely on someone just wasn't my type of fight at least that's what I thought.

Hey I'm Jennifer but I prefer Jenny last names don't matter, people usually don't know me long enough anyway.

Being a huntress I have to move from city to city or someone will figure out that in not really what I say I am. Most hunters don't have friends but I have one, another hunter of course. Her name is Cassie. She hunts with me every now and then, but like a said before I prefer solitude.

Now that I finally cleared that whole nest I'm off to Indiana to visit my brothers grave. He died just last year, I wasn't feeling right and slipped to a demon that I had a brother. Next thing I knew I was wearing all black and standing in front of a tomb stone engraved Joshua, loving brother, and caring son.

Yeah he was a loving brother just with him living in a state I barley visit and the fact that I'm 2 years younger than him it makes it hard on me.

Every couple years I take 2 weeks off to do this. I miss the kid but I have to get back to work. And realize I'll never see him again.

Right now it's April 1st. It's my 23rd birthday. I know it's not that big of a deal but Cassie makes a big deal out of all of my brith days. I wish she would give it a rest, but I guess one "normal" day a year won't hurt.

Today were going to some club in Sacramento. She said the drinks there are to die for and so are the men, what a perv.

But I have to keep my only friend happy so I decide to with her just to show her that I'm not just work.

Tonight I'm wearing a new party dress I bought its white and has black lace going diagonally down the dress. I also have a pair of black stilettos and flats just in case. I curled my strawberry hair and made my blue eyes pop.

Then Cassie packed me extra clothes just incase like I said before perv!

She picked me up at 8:00 and made it to the club at about 8:30. It was sort of a slow night not to many people waiting but she was right when we fin sky made it in the men are to die for. Not!

Most of them were drunk out of there minds and smelled of smoke. I tried my best to escape but I always failed. I was having a pretty crappy night and it got even worse when Cassie started dancing with a highly good looking man. Who had longish brown hair and looked about 7 feet tall. It's a good thing she was wearing heels.

I kept looking around the room to see if I could find my type but no luck. I got bored of watching Cassie have a good time so I went and sat down at the bar.

"Hey I'll take a beer." I yelled to the bartender as I took a seat.

"Make that two."

I looked to my left to see the man I had been looking for all night. He had light brown hair that was spiked in the front, green eyes and a leather carrhart jacket. He was dreamy.

The bartender handed us our beers then walked away. The man finally decided to break the ice.

"I'm Dean."

"Jennifer but I prefer..."

"No I like Jennifer."

He smiled at me, I never thought a cute guy could be so sweet. Be cautious Jenny he may just want you not "you" if you know what I mean.

I told him that I was here with my friend and that I turned 23. I found out that he's 26 and his brother Sam is the one dancing with Cassie.

After a couple beers and some whiskey, he asked me to dance.

"Um no thanks I don't dance."

"Oh c'mon Jennifer there's got to be some dancing juice in the body of yours."

Dean begged and pleaded with me until I finally said yes. I can't say no to his puppy dog face.

We stepped out onto the dance floor and started to flow. We fit together like pieces to a puzzle.

"I thought you said you can't dance."

"I said I don't I never said I can't."

He smiled at me again causing me to blush. I had never blushed in my whole life. And now here is a man I just met causing me to do so. I knew he was something special.

The songs were fast and about medium dancing speed. Then they slowed it down and I started to make a break back to the bar, but I was stopped by Dean.

"Do you not wanna dance with me?"

"No Dean it's just I've never slow danced before."

"Then let me be your first."

He took me by the waist and we glided across the dance floor. I had never felt so at piece in my whole life. The song was nearing an end. And my heart was racing Dean stopped in the middle of the dance floor and took his hands off my waist. He put on hand on my hand and the other was caressing my cheek. Then he kissed me.

But it wasn't like any kiss I've ever had it was like a thousand grass hoppers were doing a square dance in my stomach. The kiss probably would have went on forever but Sam came over and said they had to leave.

I wonder why?

I looked over to see Sam kiss Cassie then put his number in her phone.

"Hey Jennifer, I know we'll meet again."

After that he took my phone and typed in 3 different numbers 2 were his and one was Sam's. He kissed me once more than left.

He may have said he'll see me again.

But because I'm a hunter....

I never will...

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