Becuase of you...

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A splash of water tore me from Jennifer's Dream Land. I open my eyes to see Sammy standing right in front of me with a worried look on his face.

"Sammy, what the hell?"

"Dean, I've been shaking you for hours trying to find a way to get you up. I thought you died!"

"Man Dream root really knocks you out doesn't it." I chuckled

"You did what!"

"I used dream root to talk to Jen, you know, to try to get her to wake up."

"Dean, I understand you want her back but these things take time you don't want to rush them."

"Shut up Sammy, I'm gonna get a beer, just leave me alone, ok?"

With that I walked out the door. I couldn't stand Sammy right now. I'm older I tell him what's right and wrong the other way around!

I got in my car and I drove, I don't know where I was going, but I still drove. After about an hour I found a small pub.

I walked in and say in the nearest booth. A cute waitress took my order then walked away, and winked when she turned. Good this is exactly what I need something to get my mind off of Sammy and J-

Jennifer! What am I doing I need to get back. What if she's dead! no don't say that!!!

I left a 5 on the table and ran out without giving a second glance. I jumped into my baby and drove way over the speed limit. I made it to the hospital and drifted into the first parking spot I saw.

I ran up 2 flights to room 245 and opened the door as fast as I could.


I saw her still lifeless body and then I looked to my left and saw Sammy and Cassie sitting in the waiting chairs.

"I owe you 5 bucks, Sam."

"What's all this about Sammy?" I asked more confused than ever.

"We made a bet, I said you would rush in, and Cassie said you would walk in. me knowing you I knew you would rush in."

"You two are stupid." I said with a smirk.

After about a two minutes silence I broke it.

"So want did the doctors say?"

"She's stable and doing better, but they still don't know if she'll wake."

As Sam said that I felt tears in my eyes, but I quickly wiped them away. I don't have feelings for her!

Then I heard a familiar beep get faster and faster, he heart beat was growing. Then I saw big blue eyes pop open, and her heart beat slowly calmed.

That's when I lost it...

"Jen, holy crap! You awake thank god!!"

"I owe you 10 now."

"Shut up Cassie." I say as I have Jen the biggest hug I had ever given anyone.

"We'll this is a new Dean, but I like it." Jen said with a smirk.

Quickly the doctors rushed in and made sure she was okay. They said she she can leave in 3 days.

"Jen I'm glad your gonna be okay it'll be good to have both my babies in one place."

Shit! did I just say that out loud. With the confused look on Jennifer's face I could tell I did.

"I uh- I'm gonna um- go to the motel."

With that I left the room. Even though I looked as though I didn't mean to say that. I definitely did.

I walked out of the hospital with a the biggest smile ever and no one would change that.

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