Minnesota Madness

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A huge thud woke me up. It was the sound of my head hitting the window. That's how I knew we were here. I slowly open my eyes and see the sun gaping over the horizon it was so peaceful. I wish I could sit here all day, but Dean hit another bump and I slammed into the window again.

I look over to see Cassie slowly stretching, I guess she fell asleep to.

"Goodmorning Girls." Sam said as he winked at Cassie.



Cassie smiled and continued to stretch then went to look out the window, Sam turned back around.

I wanted to speak but I decided against it, it was just better off if I didn't. So I sat there in silence, until we finally pulled into a small motel. Dean found a parking space and we all piled out.

Dean came around to me and acted like he was about to say something. But then he walked to Cassie.

"You two unpacked the car, everything but the weapons, I'm gonna go get us two rooms."

Dean started to walk away.

"Hold up Dean, I'll come with." Sam shouted

He mouthed back to me."I'll talk to him."

I turned around and started to unpack the car, first with my stuff. When Cassie came over and slammed the trunk closed.

"Jenny, we are Best Friends, what the hell is going on!"

"I don't know what your talking about."

I opened the trunk, and finished getting my stuff out.

She turned to me again.

"Jen, c'mon just talk to me please."

I looked at the door to the lobby then back at her.

"It's Dean isn't it...."

I started to tear up because I knew she was right it was about Dean, then I quickly looked over at door then back at Cassie and just her look makes me cry.

"Jen, just tell me what's wrong."

I sniffled and bag an to speak. I told her everything, from when we first met to when he kissed me the other day and is acting like it never happened.

Around 10 minuets later.

"And that's why he keeps looking at me weird and when he walked up to you instead of me."

"Jen, I'm so sorry, but it means a lot that you told me"

"Yeah I had to get that off my chest at some point."

With that we both looked over at the door, and saw both the boys walk out.

I felt more tears, but I felt a comforting hand on my shoulder, but it wasn't Cassie because she was walking towards Sam and Dean, so who could it be?

I look up to see that same brown haired blue eyed angel in the trench cost.

"I got this" he said with a smile.

Then he was gone.

Cassie came back with our room key and started to drag me along when Dean walked up behind and have me that same look he gave before he kissed me.

I thought I was gonna kiss me again, but instead a coughed and began to speak.

"I thought I told you girls to unpack the trunk." He smirked and turned at Sam.

Sam gave him an ungrateful look and Cassie kept dragging and I was stuck in Deans stare for about 30 seconds.

Just looking at him made me sad. Then one tear fell from my face, and he quickly was flushed and looked at the ground. I wiped off my face and kept walking.

When we were about to make it around the corner to get to room 177 when Cassie shouted.

"Unpack your own shit, you jerk!"

Then me and Deans eyes we cut and me and Cassie walked to our room.

Deans POV

"What the hell is her problem?"

I look up at Sam and see him roll his eyes.

"What did I do?"

"Everything, we have to talk."


I turn around and see a familiar angel.

I go in for a hug but he refuses.

"Dean there is no time for hugs just come with me, you to Sam."

He places his fingers on mine and Sams forehead and we are transported into our hotel room.

"We could have just walked here, we were only 2 minutes away from room 183."

"I told you Dean we have to talk."

"About what."

"How about we start with crushing the heart of Mis. Jennifer Smith."

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