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Chapter 12 (Not proofread)

Maya's POV


That was all I heard.

I closed my eyes thinking he shot me. But I felt nothing.

When I opened my eyes I saw him laying on the floor and blood oozing out from his leg.

The cops had stopped him.

He laughed like the crazy person he was. He raised his gun and my eyes widened.

Then there was another gunshot.

He shot himself.

I gasped and fell to the floor trying to comprehend the scene that was unfolding in front of me.

He's dead and I'm alive.


Why did he kill himself and not me?

While everything was going on Lucas was still trying to get ahold of me through the watch.

"I'm okay," I cried finally responding to him.

- - -

Four hours later

The cops dropped me off at the house after questioning me about Hunter's intentions and my escape.

I felt exhausted as I was walking towards the door. As soon as I opened it I was engulfed in a hug by Riley.

"Maya," she sobbed, "You're ok."

"I'm fine," I scoffed pushing her off of me.

"Are you mad at me?" Riley asked. But before I could answer Farkle interrupted me.

"Maya," he said, "Let Riley explain what had been happening these past few days."

I sighed and sat down on the couch ready for her to explain everything she needed to.

- - -

"I'm sorry Riley,"I cried pulling her into a hug.

"I'm sorry too," she responded wiping my tears.

"But aren't you a little shaken up by seeing a man shoot himself?" Farkle asked. 

"I've seen lots of things when I was with him," I shuddered. 

Riley sighed, "Do you know why he shot himself?" 

"He's crazy," I laughed, "I don't know at all."

"Off topic but where is Lucas?" I questioned.

"He's been up ever since you disappeared so we sent him to sleep in your room," answered Farkle.

"Can I check on him?"

"Go ahead," Riley giggled while Farkle pulled her into his arms. I smiled and ran up the stairs to see a sleeping Lucas.

He was snoring softly hugging a pillow. His hair was a mess and he had huge bags under his eyes. I slowly approached the bed and touched his face softly. 

"Maya," he mumbled sleepily. His eyes slowly opened.

"Are you really here?" he asked, "Or is this another dream?"

"I'm here," I smiled. He laughed and pulled me onto the bed with him hugged me tightly. He cupped my face and placed soft kisses all over. 

"It was impossible to find you," he stated sitting up, "He was too smart."

"Actually he was pretty dumb," I laughed, "How do you think I freed myself?" 

"I love you," he blurted quickly and closed his eyes flinching like I was going to hit him. 

I laughed and kissed him softly on the lips.

"I love you too." 


Authors Note


Sorry it's short!

This honestly wasn't how I originally intended it to end. 

I was gonna have Maya get shot but then I got flashbacks to how my first story ended and felt it was too similar. 

At one point I almost let her die. 

But I decided not to. Haha 

Expect an Epilogue soooooon. 

Should this story end happy or depressing?

I have to do homework which I have been procrastinating all weekend. 



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