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"Yoongi, my shift is over so I'm gonna head out," Hoseok said as he clocked himself out.

Yoongi hummed and cleaned out the coffee machine. Hoseok waved goodbye to Seokjin as he walked outside the small old coffee shop. He walked through the busy city streets of Seoul and turned down a small alleyway.

He always walked through here to get home. It was a five-minute shortcut, and no matter how creepy it is, it was very useful. 

Hoseok looked up from his phone when he heard a rattling noise. He walked over to a tipped over a trash can and swore he saw a tail. He walked closer and saw a small figure sitting in the corner of the ally. He walked closer and saw he had only a big white shirt, along with a tail and ears.

"Hello?" He said softly.

The hybrid flinched and scooted further backward, where he then saw to hybrids. 

"Hey, it's okay I'm not gonna hurt you." He said softly, holding his hand out.

The hybrid slowly came forward and took his hand. He had black hair that hung over his soft brown eyes. He had plumped lips and chubby cheeks, which were discolored and started to fade away. He had caramel blonde highlights in his hair.

"C- can you help my b- brother? He's h- hurt." The hybrids soft voice said. 

Hoseok nodded and took his jacket off, putting it around the small boy. The hybrid pulled it closer as it was really cold outside. Hoseok went over to the corner and kneeled down in front of the sick injured hybrid. 

The boy had semi-long black hair and had soft facial features to him. His lips were pale pink and cracked and broken. 

"Can you walk?" He asked him as he shook his head no.

Hoseok nodded before standing up and carefully picking the sick boy up. He carried him bridal style down to where his brother is. He held his hand out to the small boy and he took it.

"I only live two minutes from here, so we're close." He smiled. 

The small hybrid nodded and held his hand tightly. He noticed the boy in his arms had a very weak grip on him and his skin was so pale it was almost white. He felt nauseous thinking about why he was so hurt and why they were left out on the street like that. 

He walked up to the front porch of his small one-story house. He let go of the hybrids hand and pulled out his keys to unlock the door. Once it was open he put his hand on the small of the boys cold back and led him inside. 

He shut the door behind them and heard the boy in his arms sigh. 

"Come on," Hoseok said as he leads them to the living room to go sit on the couch.

He laid the small boy on the couth and grabbed the blanket next to it and put it over him to warm him up. His brother lifted his head and sat down before putting his head on his lap. 

Hoseok ran to the bathroom and grabbed the first-aid kit. Next, he went to his room and grabbed a few hybrid clothes. 

He walked out and placed the items on the coffee table before putting two cans of soup on the stove. He put water in the tea kettle and turned it on.

He walked back out into the living room and sat in front of the small boy. He grabbed the first-aid kit and put it on his lap before opening it and grabbing an alcohol pad.

"This is gonna sting," He warned the familiar as he cleaned up a big cut on his knee. 

The small boy hissed and back up a little. His brother looked up at him worriedly but he responded with an 'It's okay' look. Hoseok gently held the boys' leg and he cleaned off the cut. 

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