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It's been two days and every morning Hoseok tends to Taehyungs scars. At first the familiar was fussy about it, he was too ashamed and felt he didn't deserve it. But alas, the sunshine boy talked him into it.

So here they were sitting in the living room, Yoongi cradling a sleepy Jimin who refused to take a nap just to hold his brother's hand and watch out for him. Hoseok took an alcohol pad and started cleaning off around the wounds. Taehyung was whimpering and squeezing his hyungs hand, nog enjoying the pain. He then moved on to putting Neosporin on the marks.

He didn't care if they were already healing, he wanted to make sure the boy didn't get an infection.

"All done Taehyungie, now go get dressed okay?" Hoseok smiled as he sat up.

"And now I can make Jimin nap before I have to go" Yoongi chuckled softly, and looked down to see the younger asleep.

Jimin hadn't been sleeping well lately, not without the scent of his mate. And Yoongi had to go work the night shift after he put Jimin to bed, it was last minute, so he wasn't home till late.

Taehyung waddled off to the bathroom and changed into a cute oversized pink sweater and light blue overalls. He brushed his long locks out of his eyes and smiled before walking off back to the others.


Namjoon was quietly typing away on his computer, working on his latest book while lying next to his lover. He didn't wanna wake Jin and wasn't concerned about Jungkook as he was at his friends' house for a sleepover.

Namjoon is a professor at a college nearby. He had the option of taking a break while writing the book and didn't think he needed it. He was waiting to take leave when his son is born. 

He got inspired by his mates' story with the two hybrids and was given permission that it's okay to write.

Jin started stirring and waking up, the baby was kicking again and the position he was in made it uncomfortable. He turned around looking at his mate, who was so deep in writing he didn't even notice Jin woke up.

"Joonie," Jin yawned and stretched a bit while holding his bump, "are you working on your book?"

"Oh?" Namjoon said startled, before giggling softly at how cute his mate looks. "Yes my bun I am, how did you sleep?"

"Well until the baby started kicking it was good, but then it hurt and I couldn't sleep," Jin said sitting up and laying his head against his mate's shoulder. 

Namjoon pet the bunnies head, hearing soft squeaks come from the hybrid. He smiled and pulled Jin closer, letting him cuddle into his neck. The smell of his mate calms down the pain as the baby calms down. 

"I'm taking Taehyung and Jimin to the mall tomorrow, would you like to come along?" Jin asked, looking up at the boy.  

"I would love to but you three haven't had time to yourself in a very long time. Maybe next week all of us could go get dinner, and Jungkook can go to his friend's house again," Namjoon smiled and kissed his head.

Jin nodded and smiled softly.

"We have the entire day off to ourselves, what do you wanna do?" Namjoon asked as Jin blushed.


Taehyung and Jimin were playing a board game together, giggling and smiling, small giddy ticks can be seen from both of them. Hoseok and Yoongi were making lunch in the kitchen. The four decided to spend the entire day together. Playing, watching TV, and getting to know each other a lot more. Taehyung has come to appreciate Yoongi more, along with Yoongis bond with his brother. Hoseok is learning more facts about the twins and finds Taehyung cuter than anything.

Currently, Hoseok is making some simple sandwiches as Yoongi makes some sides. 

"Taehyung seems happier about Jimin and I's relationship now than he did before," Yoongi says while making a bowl of fruit.

"I've noticed and I'm glad. He was afraid of losing Jimin, but I think seeing how much you affect Jimin seems to have calmed his nerves. And he sees how much you care for him is growing, and he trusts you." Hoseok smiled.

"How do you know all this?" Yoongi asked curiously. 

"When Jimin first found out about you being his mate, Taehyung sensed it remembers? And then his breakdown when he harmed himself, he told Jin, Namjoon, and I how he and Jimin lived, and how he's anxious and fearful of losing Jimin and always has. And I'm starting to wonder if he's now afraid of Jimin losing you, and even himself losing you." Hoseok said while looking for shape cutters for the hybrids sandwiches. 

Yoongi was shocked. He didn't know about the breakdown. He heard Taehyung was lonely but never of him breaking down. He felt bad and wanted to apologize, he didn't mean for the poor boy to be hurt. He continued making the bowl of fruit, mixing honey in with it. 

They decided they'd introduce more American food to the hybrids. Next time will be Mexican and then Italian. 

"I think it was..." Jimin looks at his list and sees one name available. "Mr. Green... In the ballroom with a- KNIFE!" He smiles. 

Taehyung looks down at his cards to see he cannot prove him wrong. Just as he was about to say something, the two oldest came in.

"Lunchtime!~" Hobi sings as he puts the plates on the bar. 

The hybrids ears perk up excitedly as they run over, seeing their sandwiches cut into stars and hearts. They smiled and said thank you before all of them began to happily eat. 


"Taehyung can I talk to you alone? It okay I won't hurt you," Yoongi asked, waving him over.

Taehyung hesitated a little but willingly got up and waddled over to him, as Jimin and Hoseok played. 

"I want to apologize, I know about you harming, and you know that, but I didn't know the extent of what had happened that day and before that, and I'm extremely sorry. I don't mean to steal Jimin away from you and I never will, I'm sorry," Yoongi frowned. 

Taehyung hugged his hyung tightly and closed his eyes. "I trust you hyung, and you don't have to apologize to me it's not your fault. Just promise me you won't hurt Jiminie okay? He's all I've ever had, even if I have you and Hobi Hyung now".

"I promise" Yoongi nodded, hugging the younger back.

Jimin watched then carefully. Not out of jealousy but out of fondness. He couldn't hear them but smiled at the sight. He felt safe. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2019 ⏰

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