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"Jimin likes Yoongi-" Taehyung said, sniffling a little.

Hoseok started rocking him side to side, comforting the boy.

"-When we were young and being abused we promised each other to never fall for someone, and we promised never to break that promise. But I guess it's stupid now, I mean we're both 20, almost 21. It's just, I'm not ready to let go of that promise and to move on. I shut my heart out so I would like no one, but he finally found his mate and-" he mumbled but was cut off my Hoseok. 

"M- mate?" He asked the younger as he nodded.

"Hybrids have mates when they're born. Sometimes, like in his case, a hybrid can tell immediately who they are. But sometimes it takes a while. Seokjin and Namjoon are mates." Taehyung explained. 

Hoseok hummed and nodded, resting his chin on his head, before pulling back and petting him. Taehyungs' purrs were loud as he leaned into Hoseoks touch.

"I've seen the love between you and Jimin, it's an unbreakable bond and frankly I don't think I've seen love as strong as yours. I think you're afraid of losing him, especially since now he's found his mate, he's gonna want to spend some time with him. But you're both adults now and that's normal. It's okay to be afraid, but I can guarantee you he will never leave you behind. When I was giving you your shots before sewing you up and you would cry, he would give me a death glare, about ready to rip my throat out if I hurt you" Hoseok chuckled the last part.

"You're right, I'm just so scared of losing him since I've just now found a home and a family. I shouldn't have cried about it, I guess some part of me is still ten." He said softly.

"No it's okay, it's okay to cry," Hoseok said shaking his head, still petting the smaller. 

However, they didn't notice the lingering ears behind the door. Jimin was in the upstairs bathroom and heard everything cause of his cat hearing. But the problem is, Yoongi was standing behind the nursery door and heard everything.

Yoongi didn't know how to feel. He liked this Jimin kid, he seems really kind, but mate? He was his mate? Does he have to be with him? That was a little too much for him. 

Jimin came out of the bathroom, to see a shocked Yoongi standing behind the door, jaw dropped at everything he just heard. Jimins ears resting flat on his head as his chin started to wobble. 

"Y- Yoongi? Please don't freak out." Jimin whimpered.

The look in Yoongis' eyes made the poor boy whimper. Taehyung, being a cat, heard his brother and shot out of the room to the hallway, Hoseok closely behind him. When he saw his best friend looking terrified and Jimins chin wobbling and tears prickling his eyes, he figured it out pretty quickly that they heard them. 

Yoongi scoffed and stressfully pulled his hair before going down the stairs and leaving. He drove in his own car so that he could leave when need be. 

Jimin fell on the floor crying, he wasn't too excited about a stranger as his mate, but it still hurt.

"Jimin!" Taehyung shouted before running over to his sobbing brother. 

Seokjin, Jungkook, and Namjoon immediately ran upstairs. 

"What happened?" Seokjin asked with wide eyes.

"Yoongi overheard us talking about Jimin being his mate and freaked out and left," Hoseok said, and you could hear the slight anger in his voice.

That was enough to make Namjoon run down the stair and leave. He stepped in front of Yoongi's car before he could drive off. Yoongi slammed on the brakes before Namjoon walked over and entered the passenger seat.

"Do not think of driving off with me in the car Yoongi. Stop and take a deep breath, please, because you aren't the only one stuck processing this." Namjoon sighed, looking over at him.

Yoongi huffed, pulling at his hair and rubbing his eyes with his palm.

"Hybrids are really sensitive and can get hurt easily and you just made the poor kid sob his eyes out, he's scared too. I'll give you time to process this but you have to come back inside to talk to him,  okay?" Namjoon spoke, rubbing his temple.

Yoongi slowly nodded, sighing in disbelief all of this is happening. 

"I'll see you inside, but do not come back if there's a chance you'll blow up, but don't leave," Namjoon said getting out of the car.

Yoongi closed his eyes and calmed himself down, thinking everything over.


"It's okay Jiminie, I just talk to him. He's in shock so just wait for a little okay?" Namjoon said petting the sobbing boy.

Jimin nodded and hid his head further in Seokjin's neck. They had now moved into the spare room and Seokjin was sitting on the bed holding Jimin.

Taehyung was silently crying, it was like he was feeling his brothers pain. Hoseok came up behind him and started comforting him as best he could. Taehyung may have opened up to him a little, but that doesn't mean he fully has.

Jungkook went to his room and grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around Jimin, who immediately snuggled into it. Seokjin smiled at his son for doing that, proud of him. He caressed his sons cheek and mouthed thank you before kissing his head. Namjoon and Jungkook decided to leave the room and go back downstairs.

Around thirty minutes later Yoongi came back and knocked on the already open door to let everyone know of his presence. Hoseok, Taehyung, and Seokjin left them alone cautiously after Jimin told him it was okay. Taehyung didn't want to leave him and Seokjin had to drag the poor hybrid out of the room.

"I'm sorry I left like that, I shouldn't have left like that, I should've told you I needed to process before running off, that isn't fair. I kinda panicked after hearing that you're my mate and that the whole mate thing existed, and I'm sorry." Yoongi said sitting on the bed next to Jimin who sat up.

"I- it's okay. You didn't know or understand anything about it. Just don't do that again cause I cried in front of five people and every single one of them was about ready to kill you for hurting me. But again you're new to this so it's okay." Jimin spoke while playing with the hem of his shirt.

"Truce?" Yoongi asked.

"Truce," Jimin giggled.

"Can I ask you questions to get to know you?" Yoongi asked, moving a little closer to Jimin.

Jimin blushed at his movement but nodded nonetheless.

When his brother and the other two boys heard Jimin giggle they sighed and decided to go downstairs.

Jimin and Yoongi spent two hours talking and getting to know each other.

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