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"What happened yesterday? Why were you out on the streets?" Seokjin asked, sitting next to the boys.

Jungkook was up in his room while Namjoon was in the office next door working. Jimin was using the restroom and fixing this tail which was still a little injured.

"We ran away that day from our owner, trying to get somewhere safe. He had hurt me pretty bad so we weren't about to go too far. We were walking the alleyway when we saw Hoseok turning down it and we tried to run to the dark corner, but he saw us. We thought he was going to hurt us until he smiled and reached his hand out to us. His smile was soft and kind, so Jimin took his hand. He placed his jacket over Jimins shoulder and came over to me. He picked me up and carried me to his house. He gave us stitches and cleaned and let us wear your clothes. He fed me because I couldn't eat on my own. He let us sleep in a bed and gave us bacon for breakfast." Taehyung smiled.

"You seem to really like him Taehyung. And that says a lot because it took you 3 months to even talk to me when I first met you. Though given you were three, you were very smart at three years old and I knew you could talk." Seokjin chuckled.

"I don't know, he just- something about him makes me feel safe. I trust him and he's the first person besides you who treated me and Jimin like living beings, and it means a lot to me. Plus the first time I talked to him I kinda had to. When he was stitching me up he let me cry and comforted me instead of telling me to shut up. It's like, Jimin and I finally have a family." Taehyung smiled.

Seokjin almost cried and pulled the younger into a hug. Jimin standing in the doorway of the bathroom watching and listening to them. Jimin too felt safe around Hoseok and felt like he now has a family.


-and so basically I now have two hybrids who were the two Seokjin would always talk about" Hoseok said, finally finishing the long story of what happened yesterday and today, leaving a few details out of course.

"Jesus fuck Hoseok," Yoongi responded.

All of a sudden Yoongi felt a smack to the back of his head as he yelped.

"Ow! I'm sorry Seojia!" He whined.

"Now now, you were told many times to never curse in my cafe and what do you always do? Curse," the old lady laughed, along with Hoseok, who stopped when Yoongi gave him a death glare.

"Anyway I have to go pick them up from Seokjins, wanna come with and meet them?" Hoseok asked the older.

"Sure," Yoongi shrugged.


All of the boys were sitting in the living room watching TV when there was a knock on the door. Seokjin got up and opened it smiling.

"Hey Hoseok, hey Yoongi," Seokjin said ushering them inside.

Taehyung and Jimin peaked over to see who this 'Yoongi' guy was. When Jimin saw him his tail stopped moving as his ear perked straight up. He felt this weird feeling in his stomach when he and Yoongi made eye contact. He sunk into his seat and Taehyung noticed.

He noticed what was going on when his tail stopped moving and his ears perked up. Both Jungkook and Seokjin could sense it too. All three of them exchanged looks before looking at the flustered boy who had now pulled his legs into his chest.

Taehyung pouted but quickly hid it when Hoseok and Seokjin walked over along with Yoongi.

"Yoongi this is Jimin and Taehyung, boys, this is my best friend Yoongi. We work together and grew up together." Hoseok said.

Taehyung being Taehyung smiled before running upstairs.

"Hi, sorry he's really shy," Jimin said.

Yoongi smiled at the younger and gave him an 'it's okay' look.

"I'll go up there and bring him down," Seokjin said getting up.

Everyone started talking amongst each other as he walked upstairs.

"Tae Tae? What's wrong?" Seokjin asked as he found the smaller hiding in the nursery crying.

His heart hurt when he heard the familiar whimper as he cried. He walked over and hugged him.

"What's wrong?" he asked, but before he could answer Hoseok came into the room.

He frowned as he heard his cries and immediately ran over. Seokjin backed away and Taehyung looked at him now scared.

"Taehyung it's okay, remember what you told me earlier. Hobi I'm gonna leave this to you since you're now his guardian," Seokjin spoke before walking away, hoping the boy will learn how to adjust.

"Tae what's wrong?" Hoseok asked softly, pulling the younger into his lap and holding him bridal style.

Taehyung immediately wrapped his arms around him and cried in his neck. Hoseok rubbed his back telling him it's okay and encouraging him to cry. Once he calmed down Hoseok asked him again what was wrong.

"Jimin likes Yoongi-" He said, sniffling a little.

AN: Taehyung and Jimin are twins btw. Also, how are you liking this so far? And please don't call Taehyung a crybaby, there is a reason why he was crying about that.

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