I Know Something You Don't Know. (Oliver Sykes Story)

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"Oh honey, it was so long ago," said my mother in a dismissive voice.

"Uh, yeah mom. That doesn't mean he's changed," I said back a bit harshly.

My mother just ignored me and went back to cooking dinner. Psh, yeah it might've been 11 years ago, but I still remember the day like it was yesterday.

I gazed outside the living room window at the lush green grass, and tweeting sparrows. Every now and then I would look over to the U-haul that was parked outside the house next door to mine. We had new neighbors moving in from England. Wherever that was. My mother made me put on a frilly white dress, and told me to be on my best behavior. She was trying to make a good impression on them, even going as far as making them a homemade pie.

"They have a son that's your age, baby. Maybe you two can be friends," mother said with a smile. I liked the idea of that. Although 6 year old boys and girls didn't typically play together, I didn't have many friends in my kindergarten class. So maybe this would be a good thing.

Mother put the final touches on her pie and tightened the bow in my hair. She undid her apron to reveal a beautiful teal blue dress. The dress really brought out the color of her natural sea green eyes. "Ready honey?" she asked me.

"Mhm," I said with a nod. In all honesty though, I was really nervous. I was always so shy around people as a kid. I quickly grabbed my favorite teddy bear off the arm of the couch, he always made me feel safe. I swiftly followed my mom out the door to go meet our new neighbors.

Their front door was already open due to the fact that the movers were coming in and out, so my mom just knocked on the door frame and said "Hello! Anybody here?"

Quickly we saw a small, round woman make her way to the door. "Hello," she said in a heavy British accent. I was intrigued by this, because I had never heard any accent other than American before.

"I hope you don't mind, I brought you a little house warming gift." said my mother sweetly, handing her the pie.

"Oh no, I don't mind at all! That was so sweet of you..um.." she hesitated.

"Deana." my mom said.

"Ah, Deana!" said the lady with a smile. "I'm Carol. Carol Sykes."

"Lovely name! Well yes, I'm Deana Cofer, and this is my daughter, Autumn Cofer," mother said with a smile. I automatically felt my cheeks flush pink, and I managed a small smile.

"That's a lovely name,"  Carol smiled down at me. "Would you two like to come in, and have a seat? There's not much in here yet, but we have the sofa," she offered.

"Oh we wouldn't want to impose,"  mother said.

"Nonsense, it's no trouble at all.. mi casa es su casa?"  Carol said.

I giggled slightly because she struggled a bit to speak Spanish.

"Oh how rude of me, let me introduce you to my son," she said as we stepped inside. "Oli!" she called. A little boy came running from one of the rooms in the house into the living room. "Deana, Autumn, this is my son, Oliver Scott."

"Oh what a handsom little boy!" my mom gushed. "How do you do, sweetie?"

"Good." Oli said in the same heavy British accent, and flushed a deep shade of red, while dropping his gaze to the floor.

"Honey! Why don't you show Oli the playground in our backyard?" mother suggested. I nodded and hopped off the couch, leading Oli out the door and into my backyard.

Wanting to start a conversation, I just said the first thing that came to my mind.

"So... is England far from here?"

"Yes, it's a-whole-nother country," Oli said with an eye roll.

"Oh um.. that's cool." I said.

Well that was that conversation. I was sort of getting the vibe that Oli didn't like me very much.

"Well, here it is," I smiled.

"Lame," Oli said and started swinging on the small swing set.

"Um.. if it's lame then why are you using it?" I questioned.

"Nothing better to do," Oli spat.

"Oh.." I managed, not really knowing what else to say.

Suddenly Oli stopped swinging and got an alarmed look on his face.

"What's that growling sound?" he asked, terrified.

I listened and said, "Oh. That's Rufus, my neighbor's dog. He'll destroy anything you throw over the fence to him. Once, I accidentally threw my tennis ball over there and he popped it with one bite." I said with big eyes, and a warning tone.

"Hmm.. he'll destroy anything?" Oli asked with a mischeivious tone.

"Mhm." I nodded.

Out of nowhere, Oli grabbed my teddy bear out of my arms, and threw it over the fence to Rufus.

"Hey!" I cried.

"Oops," Oli said with a smirk and shrugged.

"That was my favorite teddy bear!" I shrieked as I heard Rufus tearing it apart.

I started running back to the Sykes residence and Oli followed close behind. I was crying so hard that my mother and Carol couldn't understand what I was saying. They just kept asking what was wrong. Oli then stepped in and said, "Poor Autumn was throwing her teddy bear up in the air, and she threw it up too high, so it went over the fence and the vicious beast next door destroyed it!"

I then started crying even harder, screaming "Liar!" but of course, nobody understood me.

"Baby, it's okay. We'll just get you a new teddy bear." my mom said, scooping me in her arms as I sobbed on her shoulder.

"I feel so awful for her, mother," Oli said, and managed some fake tears and started to silently cry on his mom's shoulder.

That day was the day I learned that I couldn't wait to grow up, and move the hell away from Oliver Scott Sykes.

Anywho, back to present day. Over the past 11 years, and to this day, Oli just enjoys making my life a living hell. Oh well. Only one more year til I turn 18. Then I get to get the hell away from this place, and most importantly, him. Little did I know, this year was gonna be the most unexpected, crazy, emotional roller coaster ever. Oh lord.

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