Chapter 5.

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So as if it isn't bad enough that I have to deal with Oli at home, AND in math class, I get to deal with him in the most physical class at school. Perfect. Just perfect.

"Ugh, you know how much of a perv Oli can be. Why the hell mut he be in our PE class?" I groaned to Kat.

"Oh calm down, it's not that bad," Kat said, "besides, his cute friend Matt is in this period too," she added, giving a cute little smile in Matt's direction.

"Okay, I'm officially diagnosing you with BCS," I told her.

"BCS? What's that?" She asked, confused.

"Boy Crazy Syndrome," I said nonchalantly, looking down out my shoes, trying not to make eye contact with Oli.

Suddenly the gym went silent as we heard a strong woman's voice say, "Alright, everyone take a seat in the bleachers!"

Everyone hurried and got into the bleachers to listen to her.

"I'm Ms. Miller and I'm going to be your physical education teacher for this school year," she said.

She seemed pretty intimidating. She was fairly muscular and not very feminine. You could tell that she took her job very seriously and there was to be no funny business.

After she took role, she explained that the first unit we'd be doing in this class was swimming.



Oli + my gym class - most of my clothes due to swimming = NIGHTMARE.

I mentally sighed and continued listening to Ms. Miller.

Due to the fact that it was the first day of school and no one came prepared with swim clothes, she said we'd be spending this class period playing basketball in the gym but that she expected everyone to have their swim gear tomorrow.

"The balls are in the bins. Go nuts," she told us, and everyone then got out of the bleachers to start playing basketball. 

Kat and I walked over to the ball bins and grabbed a basketball out of one.

She and I just sort of started shooting baskets and passing the ball to each other.

"Does my butt look cute?" Kat asked.

"Um, what?" I asked, weirded out.

"Tell me if my butt looks cute!" Kat replied.

"Why?" I asked, still weirded out.

"Um hello, I need to look cute for my baby," she said quickly pointing to Matt, who was playing basketball with Oli and about 6 other guys.

"You have problems," I said, shaking my head.

Just as I bent my legs to shoot a basket, a really hard basketball hit me on the back of my head. "Ow!" I exclaimed as I fell forward on my face. The 7 guys Oli was playing basketball with chorused in laughter as Oli jogged over to me.

What I thought was Oli bending over to help me up, was just Oli bending over to pick up his stupid basketball.

"Sorry toots," Oli said with a chuckle and an air kiss.

"UGH," I growled, and sat up on the ground.

I looked over to Ms. Miller who had apparently missed the whole thing because she was too busy writing things down on her clipboard.

"Are you okay?" Kat asked as she helped me up.

"What the hell took you so long to ask me that?" I hissed.

"Well I was gonna ask you right away.. but then I saw Matt laughing and he just has the cutest dimples when he smiles, and the way his eyes just - -"

I interrupted by grabbing Kat's lips and holding them together.

"Hey Kat, have I ever told you how cute you are when you shut up?" I asked sarcastically.

Kat pouted and sat down on our basketball.

When the period was over, Kat and I changed and went to our last few classes of the day.

The rest of the day went by in a blur. The next thing I knew, I was already on the city bus on my way home.

To make myself more calm and what not, I put my headphones in my ear and shuffled my ipod.

I accidentally fell asleep on the bus so by the time I woke up, the bus had already passed my house so I had to wait for the next route rotation.

When I got home, I walked into house and was pleasantly surprised by the amazing aroma of spaghetti and garlic bread.

"Wow, that smells amazing," I said with a smile.

"It sure does," my mother said, wiping off her hands on her apron.

"Why are you home so late honey? It's almost 4:45," she asked.

"Oh, I fell asleep on the bus," I said plainly, "be right back, I'm gonna go change."

Everyday when I get home from school, I change into sweats or PJ bottoms because they're just so much more comfy than jeans.

When I got upstairs though, I was pleasantly surprised by a bouquet of roses on my bed.

Confused, I went up to the bed and picked up the card that was in the bouquet.

It read:

Roses are Red,

Violets are Blue,

I'd be in love with my girlfriend,

If my girlfriend were you. <3

    - Your Secret Admirer.

What the heck? I have a secret admirer?

I ran downstairs and asked my mom, "How did these get in my room?"

"Oh, I found them on the doorstep so I put them up there for you," she said.

"You didn't see who put them there?" I asked eagerly.

"Nope," she replied.


Well I always did love a good mystery.

I happily pranced up the stairs and filled up a vase of water for my flowers.

Out of nowhere from next door, I hear "Hey buttface, you think you can do everyone a favor and close you window? You're smelling up the whole neighborhood."

"Oh shut up Oli. You're just jealous because I have a secret admirer who sent me flowers," I said, boasting.

"Someone sent YOU flowers? Are they  blind?" Oli asked.

"Haha, that was so funny I forgot to laugh," I said with an eye roll.

"Whatever," Oli said closing his window and his shades.

Pft, whatever.

I have a secret admirer and no one can change that.

But now I'm left to wonder...

Who the hell is it?

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