Chapter 4.

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I sighed deeply wanting to die.

"Okay, just to let you know, math isn't my favorite subject. And you're not my favorite person. So if you just leave me alone, I'm sure this class will be a walk in the park. Kapeesh?" I said a bit harshly to Oli.

Oli gasped and put his hand on his chest. "That hurt, you know," he said sarcastically.

"Sorry,"  I said plainly, dropping my bag and notebook on a desk.

I plopped down in the seat, and put my head down to rest.

 "Good morning everyone, I'm going to be your calculus teacher for this year. My name is Mrs. Ortiz."

After taking roll, the Mrs. Ortiz said "Alright students, I know you'll probably hate me for this, but I have a seating chart for you."

The whole class let out a slight groan, as they all wanted to sit with their friends. I didn't have any friends in this class, so it really didn't matter to me. All I knew was that I did NOT under ANY circumstances want to sit with - - -

"Oli, you'll be sitting in that seat right there, next to Autumn."

Oh. . . great. This is FAN fucking TASTIC.

Oli plopped his things down on the table, and sat in the seat right next to me.

"Sup cutie," he said with a smirk.

I stabbed him in the thigh with my pen.

"Ow! What the hell!" Oli yelled, with a slight laugh.

"Just leave me alone so I can get through this hour in peace." I said.

"Whatever you say, sweetcheeks," Oli said, pushing my things off the table.

I gave him the dirtiest look ever and picked up my things.

The rest of the period seemed to drag on because well.. hello it's math. And of course I was being harassed by Oli all period.

Eventually the bell finally rang and I felt like the lights from the heavens were shining upon the door. I grabbed my things and darted for the door. I my schedule out of my pocket to check which class I had to go to next. Biology. I saw Kat waiting outside the classroom for me, which made me smile slightly.

"Hi!" She sang.

"Hey," I said.

"You don't seem very happy," she said with a frown.

"Eh, I'm fine. I just had Oli in my last class though," I groaned.

"Oh," she said knowingly.

"Yeah.. but it's okay, this class will be better," I said smiling, walking in the class with her.

My next two classes, English and Health  just seemed to whiz by.

After health I walked out of the class with Kat so we could go get lunch.

"I'm just saying, maybe if he was like 7 years younger.." Kat was saying.

"KAT! Shush, you can't date our health teacher!" I said.


"Oh gosh," I said quietly, rolling my eyes.

Kat and I both grabbed salads for lunch and sat down at a table in the cafeteria. Upon eating and having a conversation with Kat, I felt something hit me on the back of the head. I looked down to see the mustard packat that had just attacked me. I turned around to see Oli sitting with his stupid friends, laughing. I turned back around to face Kat.

"Ugh, why the hell can't he be sweet like his brother?  I really don't understand why he picks on me all the time, it's so annoying." I said.

"He likes you," Kat said with a mouthful of salad.

"What? No." I said dismissively.

"Kay, whatever you say," she said right before swallowing.

Lunch ended soon after so Kat and I began to walk to our next class which was Gym.

We quickly made our way to the locker room to change into our gym clothes. Winchester High School shirts, short shorts, long socks, and converse. We were feeling pretty cute.

As we made our way out of the locker room and into the gym, we went to go sit in the bleachers and wait for our teacher to come in.

"Oh look, your boyfriend," Kat said.

"What? I don't have a boyfriend," I said.

"I know but look," She said pointing to the door.

I looked over to the door and saw Oli coming into the gym.

Dear God,

What did I do to deserve this?

Love, Autumn.

I sighed deeply and looked at Kat.

"Well this should be fun."

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